
Episode 2

(The opening shows Carl by the stairs)

A man: It's a rare condition

(Harriet is in the kitchen)

A man: This day and age

(Mother Winslow is reading a newspaper and sitting on the porch)

A man: To read any good news on the newspaper page.

(Laura is in her room putting money in a line)

Love and tradition of the grand design,

(Eddie is playing basketball with Carl)

Some people say it's even harder to find.

(Steve is shown holding a bunch of papers, then fell)

(Kanisha catches the paper and looks at Steve)

Well then there must be some magic clue inside these gentle walls

(Rachel is shown talking with a bunch of kids)

Cause all I see is a tower of dreams

(Joyan: a woman who has short black hair, brown skin, wearing square glasses, a pink shirt, black skirt, leggings, and white heels is in the library)

real love burstin' out of every seam.

(Maxine is reading a magazine)

As days go by

(Steve and Joyan are reading)

we're gonna fill our house with happiness.

(Laura is talking with Harriet)

The moon may cry,

(The Winslow is shown riding bikes)

we're gonna smother the blues with tenderness.

When days go by

(Rachel is rocking her baby)

there's room for you

(Maxine and Laura are jumping in the bedroom)

room for me,

(Harriet and Carl are at a restaurant)

for gentle hearts an opportunity.

(Mother Winslow comes through the door, while holding a tennis racket)

As days go by

(Joyan is holding a balloon)

it's the bigger love of the family

(The opening ends with Winslow family with Steve, Joyan, and Kanisha in the living room, while Rachel is playing a piano)

(The episode opens with Steve running to Kanisha)

Kanisha: Hello, Steve, how was your day?

Steve: It was excellent, the education system here is amazing, but unfortunately I think the students are intimidated by my smarts

Kanisha: What makes you think that?

Steve: Well, the other kids were groaning whenever I raised my hand and I got the answers right on a surprise quiz

Kanisha (nodding her): That would intimidate some kids

Maxine: you're going to pay

A boy/Jayn: Yeah, you made our teacher double his assignments because of your mouth'(smiles) hi, Kanisha

(Jayn has short curly brown hair, wearing a red shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes)

Kanisha: Sup

Another boy/Tom: Now, please move, so I can kill that (points to Steve) nerd.

(Tom has short red hair, wearing a yellow shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes)

Steve: Now, now, I am purely against violence, can't we talk

Kanisha: We most certainly can

Jayn: We can't, let us punch him.

Kanisha: About no, and if you touch him, everybody will be sleeping with the fishes.

(Everybody backed up)

(Kanisha runs away)

(Steve is in a library hiding under the table)

Steve: I guess I escaped

Laura (looking under the table): Steve, is that you?

Steve: Yeah

Laura: You were being chased by the class, weren't you?

Steve: Yeah, I escaped while Kanisha distracting'

Kanisha: Distracting them, eh

(Steve jumped, then hit his head)

Steve: you're not mad?

Kanisha: Why would I mad at you? After all you aren't the first guy using me as a distraction, so they don't bet up.

Steve: So, you sure you don't think I was selfish?

Kanisha: A little, but you're my friend

Steve (looked shocked): I'm your friend?

Kanisha: I thought we were (looking sad) Unless, you don't want to be my friend

Steve: It's not that, I'm just surprised, you are an immortal being and I'm just a super intelligent normal guy

Kanisha: True. but I never went for magical people

Steve: You're just being kind

Kanisha: Nah, I stopped doing that because of complaints from teachers.

Steve: So, you really want to be a friend? (gets from under the table)

Kanisha: Absolutely, besides I sense in your brain, you're confident, intelligent, kind, and that's what I look for in my friends.

Steve: Then, would you like to see my cheese collection along with my lab?

Kanisha (putting her arm around Steve's arm): Oh, A lab and a cheese collection, you get more interesting by the minute

Steve (while walking): I also play polka

Kanisha (while walking): I don't meet that many polka lovers

Laura: I don't believe what I just saw

Maxine: I know, I think Kanisha, has finally lost her mind

Laura: I agree, but what were you doing here?

Maxine: I was going to ask if you want to study together

Laura: Okay, but you have to do work too, no copying off me.

Maxine: (sighs) Fine, oh, I have an idea to get Kanisha to act like her truthful self

A voice: I wouldn't do that

(The voice is revealed to be a girl who has curly blonde hair, wearing a red shirt, pink skirt, and white shoes named Penelope)

(Penelope comes from behind a bookshelf)

Penelope: Last time, somebody did that, they ended on Kanisha's list

Maxine: That's a good point, no sneaking, just talking

(The screen switches to Kanisha and Steve in the bathroom)

Kanisha (looking at the cheese collection): You know how to take care of your cheese. (pointing to the cheese) can I?

Steve: Of course

(Kanisha uses her laser eyes to cut a piece of gorgonzola)

Steve: Amazing, can give a demonstration of your other powers?

Kanisha: I thought you would ask that, let me show you something special (taps air)

(A snake tail with a hook end reveals to be on behind Kanisha)

Steve (while touching Kanisha's tail): Amazing, a python tail, the rumors are true (looks at Kanisha) Can I test something?

Kanisha: Sure, I just warn

Steve (Puts a hand on Kanisha's mouth): Sssh! I want to discover it on my own

Kanisha: Okay, my lips are zipped.

(Steve turns on a machine that looks a needle, which releases electricity on Kanisha's tail)

Steve: Sorry, that was supposed to give you a little boast.

Kanisha (smiles): Trust me, it gave me a big boast (hiccups) Great (hiccup) I got (hiccup)

Steve: I have just the cure

Kanisha: Fan (hiccup) tastic

(Steve gives Kanisha a shot)

Steve: So how do you feel?

Kanisha (smiles): I feel great (hiccups, then bubbles come out of her mouth)

Steve: Yeesh. I am not lucky today'

Kanisha: That's not your fault, I always have strange things happen to me after I get a shot. Now, where's that Accordion of yours, I want to hear how you play.

Steve: Oh! Well, let me fullfill your wish.

(Kanisha smiles)

(Steve grabs an accordion)

Steve: This is a little a number I like to call 'Remember the moment'

Kanisha: What kind of moment?

Steve: You becoming my friend, of course

(Steve starts playing the accordion, while Kanisha is floating and smiling)

(The screen switches to Steve and Kanisha by the door)

Kanisha: I had a wonderful time, Steve'

(Rachel appears holding two little boy's hands)

(Ms. Renna appears by Rachel)

Steve: I had a good time too

Kanisha: Great, can't wait for tomorrow, when we can do this again

Steve (surprised): Again?

Kanisha: Why of course, we are friends, better idea, we can meet at my house

Steve: Your house, are you sure I'm clumsy I could break something valuable

Kanisha: I have powers, I can just fix it

Steve: Oh, then while we're at your house, I can check out your other powers that you can use outside.

Kanisha: If you don't mind a friendly picnic

Steve: As long as you don't mind I bring some dessert

Kanisha: Of course not, bye (walks out the door)

Steve (waves): Bye!

(Kanisha flies off)

(Steve turns to Rachel and Ms. Renna smiling)

Rachel: Was that Kanisha?

Steve: Yeah

Ms. Renna: Be careful, she is sneaky and besides she is immortal.

Rachel: So, try not to fall in love with her.

Steve: I'll try, but I think she is falling for me

Rachel and Ms. Renna (shocked): Seriously!

Steve: Yeah, she was fascinated by everything I liked to do

Rachel: Uh, Steve, you sure she wasn't just being friendly?

Steve: I thought so, at first, but she didn't mind that I hit her body with pounds of electricity and she didn't even bat an eye.

Ms. Renna: Weird, she doesn't have tolerance like that, she normally would give even the closest friend a threat for their own safety.

(The screen switches to Kanisha flying)

Kanisha: That Steve Urkel is a very unique case, I think I want to stay a 13-year-old girl for at least two years.

(Phone rings)

Kanisha (puts the phone to her ear): Hello, Laura and Maxine

Maxine: You always got to show off your powers

Laura: Nevermind that, where are you?

Kanisha (looking down): Flying by your house, why?

Laura: I want to have a chat with you along with Maxine.

Kanisha: Fine, but if I hear something absolutely rude, then it's the doghouse.

Laura: Yeah, the doghouse, don't worry we will be on our best behavior

Kanisha: Okay, bye

Laura: Bye, and sorry in advance for my family.

Kanisha: Are you kidding, I love your family

(Phone hangs up)

Kanisha (smiles): Seems its time to chat with my friends

(Episode ends)