
Cheap Glasses, SIX!

Parker sat back, staring at the glowing prompt in front of him.

[7 Random Spins!]

This was his shot. Seven chances at whatever random crap the system decided to toss his way. And random was exactly the word for it. One second you're winning big, the next you're stuck with a prize that's so useless it feels like the system's actively trolling you.

Still, Parker wasn't about to dive in headfirst. Call it paranoia, but there was no way he was spinning without making sure he hadn't missed anything.

"No need to overthink, right?" he muttered, rolling his shoulders. "Okay, system. How exactly does this spinning thing work?"

The system responded instantly, its usual robotic tone cutting through his thoughts.

[Host! The Random Spin works like roulette in this world. Each spin costs one Spin Point, which is your stake to earn a reward. But...]

There it was. Parker had been waiting for that ominous 'BUT'.