
Chapter 8 The Decision is Made

Translator: 549690339

Ye Tian's scalp tingled.

His heartbeat kept accelerating.

He looked down at his aunt who had closed her eyes again.

Ye Tian could only persevere and continue to massage his aunt's head.

"Xiao Tian, you're really your aunt's savior!"

"I didn't expect that you could actually treat my headache with massage."

"Even the chief doctors at the big hospitals couldn't cure it!"

Sun Qing praised Ye Tian.

She instinctively leaned back, wanting to be closer to that searing warmth.

Ever since the divorce, every night when she returned home was cold and silent.

Her heart yearned for a warm embrace.

Ye Tian's appearance was exactly to Sun Qing's taste.

Especially Ye Tian's simplicity and awkwardness when facing her, which made her itch with curiosity and desperately want to protect this pure man.

"Aunt, I can cure your headache for good."

"Just let me massage you consecutively for a month, and I guarantee your headache will never recur."

Ye Tian fought to keep himself calm.

Sun Qing pursed her red lips, Ye Tian's significant assets left her often distracted; her back pressed even harder.

"Xiao Tian, can you come over and massage your aunt every day from today on?"

Sun Qing opened her eyes again, her face full of anticipation as she looked at Ye Tian.

She also quickened the grinding of her back.

Ye Tian was on the verge of losing control; his face flushed, and he was at a loss for words.

Right now, this feeling was so comfortable, so thrilling!

Yet deep inside, he felt vaguely guilty towards Sister Shen.

Ye Tian breathed rapidly through his nose, then took two steps back, "Aunt, I will definitely cure your headache."

This time Sun Qing did not try to hold onto Ye Tian.

She knew that haste makes waste and that relationships needed to advance gradually.

Seeing his aunt not holding onto him made Ye Tian feel a somewhat inexplicable sense of loss.

Suddenly, Sun Qing stood up from the chair; she faced Ye Tian and her steps moved towards him.

Sun Qing took a step closer.

Ye Tian took a step back.

Soon, Ye Tian's back was against the wall; he had no place to retreat to.

Sun Qing moved closer to Ye Tian, her red lips slowly approaching his lips.

Ye Tian clearly smelled the faint scent of perfume on his aunt.

He held his breath, his body stiff, not daring to move an inch.

Sun Qing's red lips stopped two centimeters from Ye Tian's lips.

"Xiao Tian, are you very afraid of me?"

"Am I a ferocious beast?"

Sun Qing's breath was fragrant.

Ye Tian felt the warm breath from his aunt as she spoke.

Two centimeters is indeed very short.

"Aunt, I..."

Ye Tian stumbled over his words.

Sun Qing interrupted him, "Xiao Tian, you're treating my headache, how do you want your aunt to thank you?"

"As long as you ask, I will agree to any request."

As she spoke,

her body moved, her ample figure lightly brushing against Ye Tian's arm.

This touch!

Indescribably wonderful!

Ye Tian looked at his stunningly beautiful aunt who was close at hand, and he was about to suffocate!

"Zhao Jianfeng, you're just a bastard!"

"I don't want to see you ever again, get out right now, leave this instant!"

Right at that moment, Shen Yiqiu's furious voice came from outside.

As Sun Qing stepped back, her delicate fingers gently caressed Ye Tian's cheek.

Ye Tian's body stiffened.

"Xiao Tian, I'm waiting for your response!"

Sun Qing, with flushed cheeks, walked out of the room.

Ye Tian, leaning against the wall, took a long time to regain his composure, his powerful heartbeat echoing through the room.

After composing himself, he walked out of the room.

In the hallway,

Shen Yiqiu wasn't showing Zhao Jianfeng any kindness.

Zhao Jianfeng kept his head down, silently enduring Shen Yiqiu's scolding.

When Sun Qing faced Zhao Jianfeng, she was devoid of the warm, sisterly affection: "Zhao Jianfeng, it's been ten years, and you are the one who wronged Yiqiu."

"If I were you, I wouldn't come back to bother Yiqiu's life any more."

Zhao Jianfeng insisted, "Aunt, I want to make it up to Yiqiu."

Sun Qing mocked, "With what are you going to make it up?"

Having said that,

she took Shen Yiqiu by the hand and walked upstairs.

Zhao Jianfeng didn't follow them; he patted Ye Tian on the shoulder and sighed, "Xiao Tian, keep me company for a few drinks!"

Ye Tian felt that he owed it to Brother Zhao, and nodded in agreement.

Sun Qing, who had just entered Shen Yiqiu's bedroom upstairs, coquettishly said, "Yiqiu, I've set my heart on this young man!"

"He's my destiny!"

Shen Yiqiu's beautiful eyes narrowed; what on earth had happened between her dear little brother and her aunt in the brief time she was away?


"Aunt, stop talking nonsense!"

Shen Yiqiu declared adamantly.