
Chapter 6 It must have been an accident

Translator: 549690339

A moist embrace made Ye Tian clutch tightly onto the edge of the bed.

Blue veins bulged on his arms, and his breathing through his nose became increasingly erratic.

What was Sister Shen up to!

He was really struggling to keep up the act.

At the same time, an unusual stimulation surged within both Ye Tian and Shen Yiqiu's hearts.

In the darkness, Zhao Jianfeng hung his head in dejection, noticing something was off with Ye Tian, "Xiao Tian, are you feeling unwell somewhere?"

Ye Tian quickly said, "Brother Zhao, I've got a cold, my breathing isn't smooth, I need to breathe in forcefully to not feel so chesty."

While speaking, he unconsciously sucked in air strongly.

Fearing that Zhao Jianfeng would see through his lie.

"Xiao Tian, take a good rest,"

"When you see Sister Shen, you must speak well on my behalf."

Zhao Jianfeng requested.

Just as Ye Tian was about to speak, there was a slight disturbance outside.

Zhao Jianfeng thought it was Shen Yiqiu, and he hurriedly trotted out, also taking care to close Ye Tian's room door behind him.

After confirming that Zhao Jianfeng had left, Ye Tian turned on the bedside lamp.

In the light, Shen Yiqiu looked up, and perhaps because of the vigorous effort just now, a fair amount of saliva stained her lips.

The dim light cast upon Shen Yiqiu's beautiful features.

Ye Tian pulled Shen Yiqiu into his arms, swallowing hard, "Sister Shen..."

Shen Yiqiu placed her hand over Ye Tian's mouth, "My good little brother, don't talk, love me!"

She was certain that Zhao Jianfeng would not enter Ye Tian's room again.

At that very moment, Ye Tian's rationality nearly vanished, yearning to meld into one with Sister Shen after just enjoying her tenderness, he couldn't wait.

Just as Ye Tian leaned in to kiss Shen Yiqiu, the room door was pushed open without any warning.

A woman appeared in the line of sight of Ye Tian and Shen Yiqiu, wearing a white chiffon short sleeve top and a high-waisted slit long skirt.

She was even more mature than Shen Yiqiu, the waves of her shoulder-length hair adding a touch of allure.

Her features were soft.

The kind that would make a man gulp.

The woman's eyes widened, clearly unable to believe what she was seeing.

After Shen Yiqiu collected herself, she quickly dressed in a one-piece dress, her cheeks slightly flushed, "Auntie, why are you here?"

The woman before her was her mother's youngest sister, Sun Qing.

This aunt was only four years her senior.

She had just divorced two years ago and opened a high-end spa and beauty salon in Wu Zhou.

Shen Yiqiu and Sun Qing had a good relationship.

Sun Qing had the keys to Shen Yiqiu's home and would often come over to keep her company.

She happened to be nearby for a dinner party that evening and decided to spend the night at Shen Yiqiu's afterwards.

She had always slept in the room that Ye Tian was using now.

When she saw Zhao Jianfeng outside just now, Sun Qing fiercely berated him, cursing this scoundrel of a man.

Zhao Jianfeng was outside, disconsolately smoking.

Sun Qing's eyes swept over Shen Yiqiu before coming to a rest on Ye Tian.

Ye Tian could be considered handsome.

Plus, he had a rustic charm of a mountain dweller, which could trigger a protective instinct in many women.

Especially when Sun Qing caught a glance of Ye Tian's assets in a hurried look, she exclaimed inwardly, "So big!"

"Little brother, get dressed quickly," Shen Yiqiu reminded.

Ye Tian had been stunned!

He really hadn't experienced enough.

After putting on a t-shirt and boxer shorts, Ye Tian approached Shen Yiqiu, not daring to raise his head and meet Sun Qing's eyes.

Sun Qing glanced at Ye Tian's boxer shorts, a hint of longing flashing in her eyes.

"Little brother, this is my aunt,"

"You can call her 'auntie' just like I do," Shen Yiqiu said to Ye Tian.

Afterward, she explained Ye Tian's background to Sun Qing.

She didn't bring up the matter about Zhao Jianfeng becoming a eunuch to Sun Qing yet.

Ye Tian finally looked up at Sun Qing and called out, "Auntie!"

Sun Qing looked at Ye Tian with a smile, "Yiqiu treats you like her own brother, so we're family from now on."

"Just for calling me 'auntie,' you can come to me for anything in the future,"

"And I'll do my very best to help you,"

After finishing, she leaned into Shen Yiqiu's ear and whispered, "Did Zhao Jianfeng return today?"

"Meeting your lover right under Zhao Jianfeng's nose, it must feel exhilarating, doesn't it?"

Just as Shen Yiqiu was about to explain, Sun Qing continued, "It's fine, I understand you. That scumbag Zhao Jianfeng, he's been gone for ten years, men like him deserve to be cuckolded!"

Fearing that Zhao Jianfeng would return to the room, Shen Yiqiu said, "Auntie, I'll go out the back door and pretend to come back in through the front."

"Though it's Zhao Jianfeng who did wrong by me, he and I are still technically married!"

Sun Qing nodded, "Go ahead!"

As soon as Shen Yiqiu set foot out of the room, Sun Qing sat down on the chair.

Ye Tian felt somewhat uneasy.

Beneath Sun Qing's slit long skirt were two long legs clad in white stockings.

"Xiao Tian, come here,"

Sun Qing's voice was soft and gentle.

Ye Tian approached Sun Qing.

"Xiao Tian, you're quite robust,"

Sun Qing stretched out her hand to pat Ye Tian's arm. As her hand landed, whether intentional or not, her palm brushed against Ye Tian's massive endowment.

Ye Tian shuddered.

It must have been accidental.

How could his aunt harbor any ill intent towards him!

His aunt was so beautiful! She looked totally like Shen Yiqiu's sister!
