
Chapter 175: Check Homework in Advance

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Fuyuan Teahouse.

Inside the private room where Ye Tian and his companions were seated.

Cao Yong didn't mention any progress about the car explosion case.

The matter involved Wu Zhou's top figure, Yang Chuan.

He was afraid that Yan Sheng and Wu Hao might accidentally leak the information.

Ye Tian didn't ask further; he guessed Cao Yong's concerns.

After accompanying Su Ruoxue to handle some matters tonight, he still needed to perform acupuncture on Yang Chuan's wife, Song Ya, once more.

Last night, while treating Song Ya, an accident nearly led him to take things too far with her.

Recalling the incident.

Ye Tian felt his blood flow quicken throughout his body.

For some reason, he began to look forward to seeing Song Ya.

He knew it was wrong, yet he couldn't stop himself from fantasizing about certain things.

Taking a deep breath and slowly exhaling, Ye Tian tried hard to normalize his emotions.

"Mr. Yan, this bottle of medicine is for internal use."