
Urban Divine Doctor Saint Hand

The protagonist possesses mysterious medical skills and becomes a famous doctor, able to cure various diseases and even fight against death.

Forest Ocean Metal · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
224 Chs

Chapter 94 The Dry Appearance

Translator: 549690339

Zhang Hao had no idea that there were so many women like Mrs. Qian in the world.

So, watching her greedily staring at his junior, licking, sucking, and kissing, he was truly taken aback.

If the hospital's leadership knew that this was how he was treating Mrs. Qian, would they also be shocked?

After Mrs. Qian had thoroughly licked Zhang Hao's junior without missing an inch, she seemed like a starving ghost that had been hungry for days and nights.

"Is your tool hard enough now, can it be inserted?"

Zhang Hao looked down at his junior and ordered Mrs. Qian to turn around.

With her back turned, Mrs. Qian raised her buttocks high, pressed her shoulders down, forming an almost perfect right-angled triangle with the bed.

Her slightly parted legs caused the closely sealed crevice to open up a bit.

Zhang Hao could see glistening juices flowing out, and he used his fingertips to wander up and down in that crevice.

Mrs. Qian kept moaning lewdly on the bed.