
Urban Divine Doctor Saint Hand

The protagonist possesses mysterious medical skills and becomes a famous doctor, able to cure various diseases and even fight against death.

Forest Ocean Metal · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
224 Chs

Chapter 5 Has Tools

Translator: 549690339

"Come, cover yourself with the blanket." He Qianhui gently laid the blanket over his body, and her hand unintentionally touched that burning hot thing as she moved it down.

"Mmm…" Zhang Hao moaned softly, "Sister-in-law, don't…"

He Qianhui's face also flushed with heat, and the warm flow just trickled out from beneath her.

She leaned closer to Zhang Hao's side, "Hao, how about you help your sister-in-law just this once?"

Zhang Hao's mouth opened, but he really didn't know what kind of refusal he could articulate.

Not hearing any response from Zhang Hao, He Qianhui reached out to touch, and she was somewhat surprised. His firm muscles were even stronger than Liu Gang's.

Over all these years, who understood her difficulties?

Her own husband looked strong and healthy, but he was fundamentally impotent; once in bed, he'd just wilt, leaving her as nothing but a living widow.

But she was also a woman who needed a man to quench her thirst.

Touched by her small hand, Zhang Hao's body trembled slightly, his heart and mind rippling.

Immediately, his breathing grew heavier, and the little brother below became even hotter and more swollen, standing erect there.

"Sister-in-law…" Zhang Hao whispered, wanting her to stop touching him, but she suddenly flipped over and straddled him at the waist.

He groaned, the weight of He Qianhui pressing down on him made it feel as though he was about to explode.

Zhang Hao took a deep breath, "Sister-in-law, what, what are you doing?"

"Hao, your sister-in-law has a tool here, you can use it to scratch my itch for me," He Qianhui's voice was alluring as she grabbed Zhang Hao's hand and placed it on her thigh.

The smooth sensation of her thigh felt like it burned his hand, making him want to let go immediately, but He Qianhui's grasp was firm.

"Would you be a dear?" she asked coquettishly, placing his other hand on her chest.

Soft little bunnies just like that were grasped in his hand, too large for him to hold with just one hand.

"Mm," He Qianhui whimpered softly.

Liu Gang, who had been eavesdropping pressed against the wall in the next room all along, heard the familiar moans, nodded in satisfaction, and suddenly felt a sour swelling sensation below.

He looked down in shock; there hadn't been any reaction there for a long time. All these years, no amount of stimulation from Qianhui had worked, but now, hearing the commotion between the two, he responded.

Although it was just a feeling of soreness and swelling, it filled him with immense delight. Excited, he rubbed his hands together: Could it be that he could only react to the stimulation of his wife being with another man?

If he had known this, he would have let his wife sleep with Zhang Hao long ago; he wouldn't have waited all these years.

Thinking about how he would soon have a child and wouldn't have to endure disdain at work anymore, he grew more and more excited inside.

He pressed his ear tightly against the wall, eager to hear more about what was happening between the two.

Zhang Hao's mind was in a daze, and his hands began to move instinctively.

"Ah!" He Qianhui, straddling him, reacted as well, her entire body going limp, followed by a deluge of fluids that even wet Zhang Hao's legs.

"Sister-in-law, did you, did you pee on me…" he stammered, asking in a low voice.

"Get lost." He Qianhui thought he was mocking her for how wet she was, and shyly punched him in the chest, reaching for the toy next to the pillow and handing it to him.

"Use this to poke me."

With an item as thick as a baseball bat in his hands, Zhang Hao looked at He Qianhui, who was sitting on top of him, in shock, "Sister-in-law, this, can you take this?"

It was thicker than a corncob; could she really accommodate it?

"What's wrong with it? Your sister-in-law has her tool, is it wrong to ask you for a little help?"

Scolded by his sister-in-law, Zhang Hao promptly shut his mouth.

"Stop talking! Just do it…"

He Qianhui couldn't stand the unbearable sensation below anymore, and she desperately needed Zhang Hao's help. If it wasn't for feeling embarrassed about doing it herself, she'd have taken action already.

Zhang Hao took a deep breath and with a strong effort, turned over and pressed He Qianhui down beneath him.