
Urban Divine Doctor Saint Hand

The protagonist possesses mysterious medical skills and becomes a famous doctor, able to cure various diseases and even fight against death.

Forest Ocean Metal · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
224 Chs

Chapter 188 The Indomitable Golden Spear Prescription

Translator: 549690339

Once she figured things out, Lin Wan went to work.

Unexpectedly, the first patient she attended to this morning was Mrs. Wang.

She had not interacted with her much, but having worked at the hospital for so long, she had heard of her.

"If there's nothing else, we won't disturb you any longer, we'll be on our way now."

Accompanied by her husband, Mrs. Wang went to the pharmacy to get medicine.

Once they left, the consultation room became eerily quiet.

"Xu Mi and Ling Tong, why aren't they here yet? Do they not want their internship credits anymore?"

Lin Wan was preparing medical equipment to the side, not intending to bother with Zhang Hao, but if she didn't respond at that moment, the atmosphere would become even more awkward.

"I don't know. Did they send you a message?"

Zhang Hao picked up his phone and immediately checked; indeed, he had received messages from Xu Mi and Ling Tong.