
Urban Divine Doctor Saint Hand

The protagonist possesses mysterious medical skills and becomes a famous doctor, able to cure various diseases and even fight against death.

Forest Ocean Metal · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
224 Chs

Chapter 164 Help Me Fetch Something

Translator: 549690339

"Doctor Zhang is very responsible. His future girlfriend will definitely be very happy."

Upon arriving at the hospital, Zhang Hao quickly got out of the car, "Thanks, I have to head to work now."

The girl also hopped out of the car quickly, "Doctor Zhang, since you work at this hospital, could you do me a favor?"

Zhang Hao stopped in his tracks, "What is it? As long as I can manage it, I'll agree to it."

"It's nothing difficult, just take care of my aunt while I'm not around these few days."

Expecting a difficult favor, he was surprised it was so simple, and Zhang Hao readily agreed.

"Then when I return, I'll treat you to a meal, and I have many single female friends, I can set you up with them."

Watching the girl leave with a smile, Zhang Hao touched his forehead, feeling the dense beads of sweat.

Ding Dong!

Zhang Hao received a message on his phone, took a glance at it, and while his brows furrowed slightly, he noticed the name of the girl.

Yu Wei!