
Urban Divine Doctor Saint Hand

The protagonist possesses mysterious medical skills and becomes a famous doctor, able to cure various diseases and even fight against death.

Forest Ocean Metal · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
224 Chs

Chapter 135 Continue to Satisfy Me

Translator: 549690339

Upon hearing this, He Qianhui couldn't help but let out a silvery laugh and then entwined with Zhang Hao, pressing her lips against his, beginning a reckless invasion.

Her tender little tongue desperately explored Zhang Hao's mouth as if she wanted to swallow him whole.

Zhang Hao's response was equally intense, with a male's assertive strength.

Gradually, that peach-colored nightgown was lifted to her waist.

He Qianhui didn't have the habit of shaving, so the hair there was very lush, and the internet often says a woman's strong sexual desire is connected with the abundance of hair down there.

He Qianhui proved it.

Within the dark forest lay a secluded valley, and within that valley, there flowed a stream, inexhaustible, needing something to plug it.

He Qianhui spread her legs, exposing her most private area.

She desperately hoped Zhang Hao could satisfy her.