
Urban Divine Doctor Saint Hand

The protagonist possesses mysterious medical skills and becomes a famous doctor, able to cure various diseases and even fight against death.

Forest Ocean Metal · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
224 Chs

Chapter 11 Align with the Hole

Translator: 549690339

The bedroom door was half-open, and He Qianhui lay naked on the bed, one hand resting on her soft spot.

The other hand was roaming back and forth between her legs.

Next to the pillow, her phone was on a stand, playing an adult movie on the screen.

The woman in the movie moaned lasciviously, and He Qianhui mimicked her cries.

If all of this wasn't stimulating enough, what He Qianhui said next was enough to make Zhang Hao's blood surge with excitement.

"Hao, your sister-in-law is so itchy, she wants your big thing, to shove it all in at once."

At first, Zhang Hao always thought that his sister-in-law's flirtatious behavior was because of his cousin.

His cousin was a male chauvinist who believed that men were superior and women should listen to men.

Because of the stereotype, Zhang Hao thought that all of Qianhui's previous out-of-line actions were forced upon her.

But now, he heard He Qianhui, driven by desire, really wanting to have a fierce session with him.

It seemed she wasn't resisting either.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Hao pushed the bedroom door wide open.

Hearing the noise, He Qianhui looked up and saw Zhang Hao had arrived, her heart shocked but also secretly thrilled.

"Hao, you... you're here!"

He Qianhui panted nonstop, her hand continuously in motion, and from her lower body came the glugging sound of wetness, the sheets already soaked in a large patch.

Zhang Hao, as if haunted, approached the bedside and stared fixedly at He Qianhui's body, as if trying to see right through her.

Under such intense gaze, He Qianhui felt shy for the first time and actually wanted to find some clothes to cover herself.

But before she could grab any clothes, she heard Zhang Hao ask, "Sister-in-law, did you really mean what you just said?"

He Qianhui's movements halted suddenly as she looked at Zhang Hao with a slightly anxious gaze.

She feigned ignorance, "What did I just say?"

Zhang Hao sat unmovably, his expression extraordinarily serious, "The words you said just five minutes ago, have you already forgotten?"

He Qianhui turned her head away; she knew exactly what Zhang Hao was referring to.

But she wouldn't have said it had she known Zhang Hao was there; it would have been too embarrassing to say out loud.

To repeat it now was even more difficult to utter.

"Hao, don't make it hard for me, how can I say such things in front of you again?"

While He Qianhui verbally expressed her embarrassment, inwardly she felt differently.

She actually hoped Zhang Hao would press her further, so after a few more questions, she would speak out.

"Sister-in-law, if you're not going to say it, then I might just leave," Zhang Hao played hard to get.

He Qianhui hesitated only for two or three seconds before she felt the mattress lighten suddenly beneath her.

She looked up sharply to find Zhang Hao standing up.

"Don't... don't leave!"

From a vantage point, Zhang Hao looked down at He Qianhui, his gaze traversing from the strands of her hair to her toes, each part sending signals of her desperate need.

He Qianhui propped up her upper body slightly, as if to see more clearly.

But when her gaze swept over the area between Zhang Hao's legs,

she noticed the little tent was already pitched high.

Having been with Liu Gang for so long, his crotch would never look like that unless stuffed with a wad of paper.

He Qianhui's eyes almost ignited with fire; she wanted it, she urgently needed that thing inside her body.

Just like Mrs. Li next door had said, neither able to live nor to die.

He Qianhui herself didn't notice that she had subconsciously begun to swallow her saliva.

As long as she repeated that phrase, she would feel greatly soothed.

He Qianhui took a deep breath and finally made up her mind, her man didn't mind anyway.

Why should she adhere to the outdated virtues of a woman? Her body had already been seen by Zhang Hao, and continuing to feign modesty would only make her suffer.

With Zhang Hao's looks, he would surely have no shortage of girls liking him in the future.

But as a married woman, she was supposed to remain faithful to her husband.

Now that Liu Gang had agreed to let her have a relationship with Zhang Hao, she knew if they had a child, she would have to resolve her needs by herself for the decades to come.

To live like this as a woman was a failure indeed.

As He Qianhui thought about this, she steeled her heart and shifted into an even more seductive pose.

Any man who saw it would lose control.

He Qianhui slightly parted her legs, her left and right hands gently pried apart her closely-pressed crimson lips.

With her eyes closed, she squeezed out a sentence, "Hao, your sister-in-law wants you to play."

Before her words were finished, a strong external force suddenly spread her legs to the maximum extent.

"Without my sister-in-law's permission, I wouldn't dare to make a move," said Zhang Hao.

He Qianhui knew well that Zhang Hao was deliberately mocking her.

But she couldn't care less about that now, she wanted to experience the joy of being a woman.

Zhang Hao's index and middle fingers were together, stroking back and forth over He Qianhui's crimson lips.

The slick secretion from her body enveloped his fingertips.

This place was mysterious yet not.

Zhang Hao alternated between applying force and being gentle.

Especially when he touched a certain protruding spot, Zhang Hao would press down more firmly with his fingertips.

Every time he applied more pressure, He Qianhui would frown and bite her lower lip tightly.

It wasn't until Zhang Hao released his hand that her expression relaxed, but within less than two seconds, the sensation hit her again.

As He Qianhui's breathing became more rapid, Zhang Hao's movements abruptly stopped.

Stopping all of a sudden, emptiness invaded.

He Qianhui opened her eyes, puzzled, and looked at Zhang Hao, "Why did you stop, sister-in-law... sister-in-law was feeling good."

With a slight smile, Zhang Hao said, "Sister-in-law, do you have nail clippers at home? I'm afraid I might hurt you later on."

Upon hearing this, He Qianhui felt her heart lift, but she still opened the bedside drawer, took out the nail clippers, and handed them to Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao carefully trimmed and filed his nails, making sure not to scratch He Qianhui's delicate area.

"Sister-in-law, did you manage to get all the corn kernels out that fell in the other day, or did you miss any? Let me have a look," he said.

The mere mention of the incident made He Qianhui's cheeks flush with red.

"You little rascal, always bringing up the embarrassing things about your sister-in-law, the corn kernels from that day were taken out long ago," she said.

As soon as she uttered the words 'taken out', He Qianhui felt something entering her lower body.

A soft moan slipped out, uncontrolled.

"Is that so? Then I should check thoroughly, in case the corn has taken root inside you, which would be bad," he said.

While Zhang Hao spoke teasingly, He Qianhui kept moving her hips to match the movements of his hand, hoping his fingers would probe deeper.

Once Zhang Hao's fingers were inside, it was like treasure hunting, nearly every part stimulated.

He Qianhui's body writhed ceaselessly before him.

And his fingers changed from digging to a rhythmic in and out motion, which might have been too intense, as He Qianhui seemed to struggle to endure it.

"My little ancestor, stop tormenting me, put your big thing inside me quickly," she pleaded.