
Urban Divine Doctor Saint Hand

The protagonist possesses mysterious medical skills and becomes a famous doctor, able to cure various diseases and even fight against death.

Forest Ocean Metal · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
224 Chs

Chapter 1 Washing Corn

Translator: 549690339

He Qianhui was in her 30s, a primary school English teacher, with a figure that was voluptuous and alluring.

On ordinary days, she was virtuous and dignified, but recently, Zhang Hao couldn't help feeling that she was acting a bit strange.

One day, urgent to use the restroom, he found the bathroom door had been shut for over half an hour. Holding his stomach, he said, "Sister-in-law, I really can't hold it anymore, please hurry up."

"Ah, alright." After responding twice, the sound of running water inside abruptly ceased, and then a woman emerged, her face flushed and her body exuding a fragrant scent.

Her hair was wrapped up high with a white towel, and she wore a bath towel around her body. The pale skin still emitted clouds of steam; droplets of water remained un-wiped, glistening as they slid down her smooth skin, meandering into the deep cleavage of her chest.

Zhang Hao, looking at the sister-in-law before him who was fragrant all over, was instantly stunned.

The sister-in-law had fair skin; her bosom, partially enveloped by the bath towel, seemed ready to burst forth at any moment.

So large!

Zhang Hao sighed internally. Having lived with his brother and sister-in-law for so many years, this was the first time he had seen her clad only in a bath towel.

His cousin was named Liu Gang, a boxing coach, and their parents were close friends.

To be completely honest, although there were no blood ties, his cousin was more like a father to him than his actual father, not only paying for his school fees but also supporting his daily expenses.

He even often took him out to buy some good-quality clothes and shoes, ensuring he wouldn't look shabby at school and be looked down upon.

So, Zhang Hao had a great deal of respect for his sister-in-law.

Looking at Zhang Hao's pained expression at the door, He Qianhui asked with concern, "Hao, did you eat something bad? Shall I go downstairs and buy you some medicine?"

She was a lot shorter than Zhang Hao, and as she stood in front of him, all it took was a glance down from him to see the deep valley.

Zhang Hao's discomfort was originally just a stomachache, but now a heat surged through his body, and his mouth was dry with thirst.

However, He Qianhui seemed utterly oblivious to how seductive her current posture was, getting even closer to him, reaching out to rub his stomach.

Zhang Hao hastily dodged, "I, I need to use the bathroom."

After speaking, he quickly dashed into the bathroom, and once seated on the toilet, his bowels let loose.

Outside the bathroom, He Qianhui suddenly thought of something, her expression turning to panic as she called out, "Hao, could you, could you hurry up? I need to use the bathroom too."

"Coming!" Zhang Hao called out, opening the door to the restroom.

Before he could speak, He Qianhui rushed in impatiently. Seeing that something beside the bathtub had vanished, she scurried back out, only to see Zhang Hao holding a shiny golden corn cob.

"Sister-in-law, why did you have corn in the bathroom?"

"I, I, of course, I was washing the corn!" He Qianhui stammered, her face crimson, as she reached out trying to snatch the corn, only to be evaded.

Zhang Hao frowned; the corn still had a sticky substance on it, and it certainly didn't look like it had just been washed.

He Qianhui's face was so red it was nearly bleeding. She snatched the corn cob back with one hand and, with a long stride, was about to head back to her room when several kernels fell from between her legs.

Zhang Hao squatted down and picked up a kernel in confusion, "Sister-in-law, how come there are corn kernels falling from you?"

Her face blazing hot, He Qianhui glared at him irritably and snapped, "Don't ask what you shouldn't."

After speaking, she went back into her room and slammed the door shut.

Shortly after, He Qianhui's voice could be heard from inside the room.

She called out, "Hao! Come here quickly!"

Zhang Hao put down the game in his hand and rushed over, only to find He Qianhui dressed in a sexy lace lingerie set. The two large 'bunnies' on top were barely concealed, teasingly visible; while below she was completely bare, revealing her fair, smooth thighs.

"Hao, could you help me get something? You study medicine, so your fingers must be nimble."

He Qianhui's face was flushed, her gaze uncertain, and she spoke hesitantly, "I, can't get the corn kernels out..."

"What?" Zhang Hao didn't understand at first, but after seeing what was on the bed, he got it.

It seemed that He Qianhui had been comforting herself with the corn cob during her bath, and because she inserted it too far, some kernels had slipped inside.

It looks like the kernels he had just picked up off the floor had fallen out from there!

Zhang Hao nodded understandingly, feeling rather emotional.

His cousin was such a robust man; why couldn't he satisfy his sister-in-law? Did she really need to resort to a corn cob? And the size of that corn cob on the bed was not small at all, almost as thick as an arm; he couldn't imagine how He Qianhui could fit it inside.