
Upgrading Money, Mines, and Woods

These people have already forsaken their hope. They don't believe that anyone have good morals anymore.

This outpost is the dumping place of trashes. Those who can't contribute to the prosperity of the Golden Wall City. They are the useless ones who have no power to survive in a world teeming with danger.

So even if the leader of the outpost is a tyrant, they can only lower their heads and swallow their pride. Survival is more important than pride, after all.

But this day, a miracle has happened.

A generous person decided to help them. The beautiful ladies in maid uniforms have informed them that he won't lead them, and they must take care of themselves. The only thing he will do is to aid them.

As to what kind of aid?

He will supply them with food and materials. Other than that, they are left to do their own thing.

The person behind these beautiful maids and robotic infantries seems to be unaware how much help he is giving just by supplying them with these.

The food that they give are all high quality. There are burgers, chicken wings, and a lot more within it. They can't ask for more.

For the first time since they woke up in this post apocalyptic world, they have met someone who is truly generous. Someone who will help others just because he thinks it is right.

They don't even have to worry about monsters anymore. This area seems to be constantly monitored by the black mechs. They have also got a glimpse of a large tank with a dark aura in it.

The maids told them that hostile lifeforms were exterminated, or kicked out of this forest. So they have nothing to worry about.

They have truly been blessed. Some of them thinks that the heavens might have pitied them and gave them this encounter, just to have something to be happy about.

"We will surely repay this debt a hundredfold! Just wait for that, our benefactor!" One of the oldest person within them mutters under his breathe.

They don't know who is the person behind them, but they still wanted to give their gratitude to him. It would be inhuman if they just accept this without giving something in return.


Two days have passed since the raid, the people he rescued were put on a certain area in this forest unknown to Brigg's men.

He got a feeling of accomplishment just thinking about it. Helping people felt so fulfilling to him.

He didn't want to lead them and shelter them in this place. No, he wanted to give them freedom and let them choose where they wanted to create their new community.

Surprisingly, they wanted to build it on the clearing where they were taken after the rescue. It seems like they love the scenery and security within it.

He lets them be. It's not like he is going to help them from everything. The only help he is going to give are for their materials and their food.

He didn't have to worry about food. Odette's System is there and he can buy everything he wanted.

What he have to think about is the materials. These materials ranges from metals to wood. Those are important for the foundation of a city.

Good thing, it seems like his robots have made an open pit mine. They also created a lumber mill after harvesting the trees from the vicinity.

Now, he wanted to try something with these buildings. Specifically, he wanted to upgrade them.

The exterior of the building can be upgraded fully, he learned. It is only specified when he is upgrading the building within.

So he hopes that the mines and the lumber mill will also be upgraded in full, not just the bite size like when he is upgrading the interior of the building.

As he got to the large pit that his robots have dug up, he started focusing on it.

'Please don't specify it, please don't specify it!' He thought repeatedly.

[Would you like to upgrade (Surface Hole Mine)?]

His eyes lit up at that message.

'Yes! It is not specified!'

He didn't know how the system dictates whether he is upgrading a whole area or just a specific part of it, but he has been very nervous about this. Seeing that his system sees it as a single upgrade, he quickly decided to upgrade it as much as possible.

[(Surface Hole Mind) upgraded to (Open Pit Mine)]

The whole pit shines brightly, before it dims. Then he saw that it changes into a wide open pit. Below, he can see bits and pieces of ores stuck on the walls on it.

"Yes! It is a success!"

He felt so elated being able to do it. Now he just wanted to upgrade it enough until it gets to what he is really hoping for.

[Would you like to upgrade (Open Pit Mine)?]

[(Open Pit Mine) upgraded to (Quarry)]

[Would you like to upgrade (Quarry)?]

[(Quarry) upgraded to (Large Quarry)]

[Would you like to upgrade (Large Quarry)?]

[Choose your preference]

(Magical Mines)

(Spiritual Quarry)

(Recovering Mines)

He stopped for a bit, seeing the choices that suddenly appeared in his face. It only took a moment before he chooses the third option.

[(Large Quarry) upgraded to (Recovering Mines)]

He is surprised when the quarry lits up before turning into a slightly bulky structure. It is a hill with a tunnel entrance on the front. The entrance seems to start with a stairs going below, and there are light sources within.

"Okay. What's this?" He tilted his head.

Then one of his robots gets his permission to check inside, which he accepted. The robot goes inside to check it out.

While waiting for it, he decided to go to the lumber mill first and try to upgrade it.


[Would you like to upgrade (Lumber Mill)?]

[(Lumber Mill) upgraded to (Large Lumber Mill)]

[Would you like to upgrade (Large Lumber Mill)?]

[(Large Lumber Mill) upgraded to (Lumber Factory)]

[Would you like to upgrade (Lumber Factory)?]

[Choose your preference]

(Infinite Lumber Factory)

(Magical Wood Factory)

(Spiritual Lumber Farm)

[(Lumber Factory) upgraded to (Infinite Lumber Factory)]

After he is done taking care of that, the scout that checks it out cones back and tells him about what's inside it.

It seems like the mine grows minerals at an insane rate. They don't know how it became possible even with their arrays of esoteric scanners.

'This ability is too mysterious!'

With that, the two problems he have had been solved. It's not really his problem, but he decided to take care of it anyway.

He can't just leave those people to fend for themselves. At least, he won't be doing anything for them.

He recalls something that slips on his mind and decided to call it a day.


Inside his room, he was looking at one of the coins that Grunt have given to him as payment for the food.

He is currently alone on his room, lying on his bed and staring at the gold coin on his hand. He have told his systems, and also the maids not to disturb him for now.

"Let's see... what will it turn to, I wonder?"

[Would you like to upgrade (Gold Coin)?]

[(Gold Coin) upgraded to (Platinum Coin)]

He frowns, not liking the way it turned out.

"I was hoping for an infinite money or something."

He decided to try again and waste more of his upgrades. He thinks that nothing bad is going to happen for now, and is sure of it because his scouts were constantly looking out for it. They will call him if something bad is going to happen.

[Would you like to upgrade (Platinum Coin)?]

[(Platinum Coin) upgraded to (Diamond Coin)]

[Would you like to upgrade (Diamond Coin)?]

[Choose your preference]

(Mithril Coin)

(Pouch of Infinite Coins)

[(Diamond Coin) upgraded to (Pouch of Infinite Coins)]

The coin in his hand lits up before slowly turning into an outline of a pouch. After it took form, it gently floated on the air for a moment before it almost fall if he didn't catch it quickly.

Looking inside, he can only see darkness. He have faith in his upgrades so he put his hand inside it and felt some coins within. Taking one and putting his hand out, he saw that he is carrying a gold coin.

He tries to pick one again and decided to think about taking a silver coin. After feeling the cold feeling of metal and texture of the coin, he picks it up and takes his hand out of the pouch. In his hand is a silver coin.

He tries this out for a bit more, imagining coins that he wanted and it seems like the pouch will produce it somehow. Their size is almost the same, unless he specifies the size itself. He also specify the shape of the coin, or just the general appearance of it.

The only thing he can't make seems to be things that are larger than a fourth of his clenched fist. He also can't take anything that aren't coins. It is also impossible to take something fictional like a coin made of fire, or a magical coin.

That's what he discovered after testing the pouch for an hour.

'I see... so it really is just for normal coins.' He nodded in satisfaction.

Then he recalls about his phone, and have thought of something.

"If my phone is already this advanced with just a few upgrades, what if I upgrade this so much?"

He looks at his status.


Neil Howard (Human/Male)

Upgrades : 59

He looks at it for a moment before he bumps his fist to his open palm.

"Right! I'll use 19 upgrades and save the 30 others as emergency!"

With that, he started upgrading his phone.

Sorry for the long delay. Here is a new chapter!

Yeye0900creators' thoughts