
1 [Reporter in duty!]

Warning: If you imagine Something scary it's not my fault don't sue me Ikea people!!

Characters: (Male Leading: Rem) (Female: Mell) (Female/Mother: Vii) (Male: Jax) {More added too Story}

Once there was a Little long hill, Leading too death's of Little children. It was Midnight, People have found the kid's have died in Neighborhood Reuland. As they look on the Hill, Bodies were not founded sadly. And these kids in the neighborhood, Never trusted anybody, Even Friends! If three of them trusted anybody they'll go in the hill, Never too be seen again..

{Turning too Map 1: Police station}

At a Cold Winter Evening some people had A ton of Reports too all Police men. Trying too Capture what's In this Hill of darkness is. As they search across they found Rem. That one kid whom Never likes Anything but His mom, Everyday he would always Hug his mom when on sad times, Policeman Told the Little boy too go to the hill. As every single officer will have a reply with The Answer: No.