
Up On Those Heights

"When the ones we love die, we must commit suicide." Many have heard this line written by the famous Japanese poet Nakahara Chūya. However, what many do not know is that there is a continuation to that line; a painful continuation for the living. And if it is that painful to live without you, I would rather die. PS: The image used on the cover doesn't belong to me. If the creator wants it credited or taken down, please say so!

Aescwine · Fantasia
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9 Chs


I am not a creative genius and I can't come up with extraordinary ideas like many other authors. Every one of my stories has been torn from a page of my life: I take inspiration from what happens in my life and around me and write it down. This story is no different.

You may have noticed that I have used the name RXXXX a lot in this work and my other work is titled the same. You guessed it right. Both of those stories have been written inspired by that girl. Even the story 'Love is Complicated' was inspired by her but due to my mental state regarding our relationship, I couldn't bring myself to write about it. I still can't; I hope I will be able to write it in the future.

And you know, if you take the right parts out of these two stories - 'Up On Those Heights' and 'R.X.X.X.X' - you will be able to guess my story of love and folly.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this try of mine at writing tragic romance. I will continue to write these sorts of stories in the future.

So, this is 'Up On Those Heights' - a story inspired by a girl whom I never expected to fall in love with and certainly not this hard.

- January 20, 2023!