
The Way Of Power

I will be happy for support in any form, but I will be most pleased with a review, thank you to everyone who gave reviews, it motivates me a lot :))) I would like to be quite inspired by Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, I like the world but I don't like the characters and the MC at all

Morfus · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


They all saw something they had never seen before, when the teenager saw it her cell phone even fell out of her hand, there was a demon where everyone was looking

But it wasn't a demon like everyone imagines it to be, it had a little pear like body shape and all over its body it had black hairs on it so it looked like some kind of toy, on its head it had 2 long thin black horns, it had a big mouth full of yellow sharp reverses, and the strongest thing it had was where a human would have eyes it had 2 purple crystal balls there, small hairy short arms and legs

When people looked it up so the fear went through a little and some even came up to him and started to provoke him

"Hey stop doing some experiments here, I don't have time for this crap!"

"Do you allowed here to do make a movie?!"

You could hear people shouting in displeasure, even one guy with a bald head who looked like he was in the gym 24/7 came close to the demon and clenched his fist and made it look like he was trying to threaten him but when he looked into the demon's crystal purple eyes he immediately changed his mind

When the demon saw that his words weren't working he got angry, his purple crystal eyes became red crystal eyes, he pointed his little hairy finger at the bald guy and said


A hole appeared in his little hairy finger and out of that hole came a red electric projectile that shot with incredible speed into the bald man's head

The bald man fell to the ground with a big hole in his head

Blood started pouring out of his head, everyone froze in fear.

When the demon saw that such a method worked, he smiled broadly and his pointed yellow teeth could be seen

"I see we understand each other"

Suddenly, a blue system window appeared in front of everyone

[Only the strong survived

Kill at least 1 organisms

Difficulty: F

Time limit: 40 minutes

Reward: System

Penalty for failure: death]

"I wish you all death" said the demon and disappeared

People started to panic, they started banging on the door but Bob was calm he had been through a lot of hard times and this wasn't going to upset one of the things he was stressed about he didn't have a weapon, Danzel taught him to fight with his fists but he still didn't know how to do it well

A lot of people tried to turn on their cell phones but their cell phones didn't work, the teenager looked depressedly at her non-functioning cell phone

Then Bob saw an opportunity to get some weapons. Bob saw an elderly man who looked like a repairman holding a hammer with which he was aimlessly pounding on the big steel door of the train.

Bob stood up and walked close to the repairman, when the repairman saw Bob's look his brow began to sweat

"Y-Young man do you n-need anything?" Stuttered the repairman

Bob smiled eerily and said

"Your hammer and your death."

When the repairman heard this he froze, sa Bob didn't hesitate at all took the repairman's hand in which he had the hammer, the repairman couldn't feel his hand from the pain so Bob took the hammer out of the repairman's hand and hit the repairman's head forcefully with the hammer, the repairman fell to the ground and blood started to flow from his head. A system window appeared in front of God

[You are the first to kill something in the apocalypse]

[You've received the title: First Blood]

[You can apply the title when you get the system]

[+30 XP]

[+100 coin]

[You have successfully completed the quest: Only the strong survived]

Bob looked at the system windows with a smile on his face

'Let's spill some more blood' thought Bob

When people saw Bob had just killed the repairman they started to look at him like he was a psychopath and no one wanted to go near him except for one man in a suit who looked like a bodyguard

"Hey are you okay?! I'm gonna have to put you down so you don't hurt anybody el-"

Bob didn't wait for the man to finish and with a hammer he hit the man hard on the head so that the man fell to the ground and blood started to flow from his head

Bob hasn't received any notification that he's been given XP and coins, and so the man must still be alive.

And so Bob hammered the man's head two more times until finally the notification came.

[+40 XP]

[+120 coin]

'oh this guy has endured a lot'

When people saw how easily Bob killed that guy they stayed away from him.

Suddenly the demon's voice appeared in everyone's head

"It seems like the only one who wants to survive and get stronger is Bob. That's why I'm shortening the time, when the time gets to 0 everyone who hasn't killed 1 or more organisms will be dead."


A system window popped up in front of everyone's eyes.


Everyone started to panic and blood was pouring everywhere, People started killing each other.

Bob was no exception because in this chaos it was easy to kill

[+25 XP]

[+110 coin]

[+35 XP]

[+100 coin]


Bob saw that time was running out, so he sped up his killing to the max

[+30 XP]

[+100 coin]

[+30 XP]

[+100 coin]

[+20 XP]

[+90 coin]



All of a sudden everyone was frozen and couldn't move, the ones that hid somewhere and didn't kill anyone and the ones that didn't kill anyone got their hearts stopped

Suddenly there was a scary black demon

"Now don't kill anyone or you'll be dead" said the demon horribly

Suddenly everyone could move

Bob looked at the whole bloody train full of dead bodies

"Since Bob gave the most kills, he gets a present from me"

All the survivors looked at Bob with awe and envy

[You've obtained an uncommon box with a weapon]

[The box was automatically stored in your inventory]

"Hmm 4 people survived, I was expecting more. Now I'm going to teleport you all off the train" he said

Suddenly a blue circle appeared under the feet of all the survivors teleporting them in front of the subway entrance

Suddenly a system window appeared in front of all 5 survivors

[The system is adapting to the person...]

[System has successfully started]

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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