

Enjoy your day guys!!

Enjoy your day guys!!

Sound of the birds flew up and started flying away as a man opened a well and dropped the fetcher inside it, he draw the fetcher out from the well and poured the water inside an iron bucket that was beside him. He dropped the fetcher inside it again, waited for few seconds and drawn the fetcher out from the well, he poured the water inside the bucket and it full. He closed the well back, released the fetcher to be dragging on top of the well and carried the bucket on it handle and leave the place.

It was in the morning in Khitan Kingdom. The people of Khitan and the armies that were in the Kingdom just awake and just doing some domestic works.

The man entered into the tarpaulin that was created for the armies and him too was among the armies of Khitan, inside the tarpaulin was so big and divided into two segment, a small place as kitchen and second one was where they were sleeping and there were beds inside.