
Untouchable (A Fantasy LitRPG eSports Story)

Debated as one of the best players of all time in the competitive VRMMO 'Champions of Andartha', IGN: Yuusha 'the Untouchable' suddenly disappeared from the pro scene without a trace. Years later at the height of the game's popularity, a chance meeting with an up-and-coming streamer draws her in once more to their world. Will this fateful encounter rekindle her competitive spirit to rise up once again and reclaim her former glory? ____________________________________ If you want more than 50+ Advanced Chapters and 100+ Illustrations for a more immersive reading experience, please visit: https://www.scribblehub.com/series/609870/untouchable-a-vrmmo-litrpg-manhwabook/ This novel is the number 1 ranked eSports themed story there!

Wyn876 · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs

Chapter 6.2

Since I cannot use my sister's account without triggering my past trauma and having a mental breakdown, I decided to create a new character. That is the main reason I like to tell myself but deep down I know there is something else.

I'm scared.

When I played the match with June's team the other day, I realized the gap in skills between the current me from my past prime. I don't know if I could live up to the expectations of being Yuusha's user. I'm scared that I will drag my sister's legacy to the ground with my current lack of skills and knowledge of the current meta.

Looking at the brighter side of the picture though, having a new character and a fresh start would probably help me overcome my mental trauma bit by bit. I have to thank Liz for giving me the push I need to return to the game I love. I'll return the favor by doing my best to win our matches.

Also, it would be a lie if I say that I'm not intrigued by the notion of creating a support-oriented character. I always wanted to try one back then but I never got a chance to do so due to circumstances beyond my control.

That is why I'm currently looking at the text in front of me.

*Account created, do you want to save your username and password for this VR pod? Yes / No*


*User name and password saved preparing to enter the game.*

*Please create your character*

It is my first time creating a character in CoA since I never had one I can call my own so the novelty and excitement I feel multiplied tenfold.

-A long while later-

Ok the hairstyle is good

time to move to the face customization

Do you want to scan your facial features for your character? Yes / No


I don't want my face to be plastered all over the net if we ever did manage to garner attention at the tournament.

Initiating Facial Customization

What appeared in front of me is a screen with hundreds of customization options. There is even an option to put cat ears in my character? Yes, please! W-wait let's not get carried away now, shall we. Think of what would happen if Liz saw my character has cat ears, it would shatter my image. This is gonna take a while though.

-An eternity later-

"F-finally done, whew that was harder than any PVP I've ever fought."

It was worth it though. Wavy black hair, beautifully supple cheeks, a small but cute nose, and round and curious blue eyes in contrast to my piercingly intimidating one. I've created the cutest avatar character I possibly can. Very far off from what my real image is but I'm not complaining.

Face creation complete

Moving on to body type creation. Would you like to do a full-body scan? Yes / No


tut, tut, tut, tut, tut.

The machine resounded as it scanned my body's proportions. No picture though so it doesn't breach any privacy terms and such, just the full measurements of my body from head to toe. It's the same principle as if you're going to get measurements from tailors or designers, or so they say.

Now that I think about it, is actually too much for a reserved person like me.

Full body scan complete

As I was having second thoughts about having my full body measurements shown to the world, there was a ping signaling its completion. It showed me the final results of my avatar.

*Showing results. Is this acceptable? Yes/No

I saw my full body proportions bearing the cute face I had just created. Honestly, this went better than I expected. The cute facial features highlight my thin and lithe body type.


Character creation complete.

Please Enter a Name:

A name huh? After pondering for a while, I suddenly remembered one of our classes on Robotics about innovation. 

"Hmmm, let's go with...Novo."

It means 'new' in Old Portuguese. The name symbolizes my new start in the world of CoA. 

Please Enter a Name: Novo

*Entering game*

A cutscene then entered my vision about the lore.

I immediately skipped it. It's a waste of time since I already know it by heart. It's about Andartha choosing me to be one of her champions to save the world. Something as cliche as that.

*Synergizing character to the nerve gear......



Synergy complete*

*Entering the World of Palios*


The view of the blue sky instantly entered my vision. Wispy layers and smokey formations in feathery strokes that do not look out of place when painted on a canvas. I looked at my eye level and saw a beautiful town bustling with countless new players, the town of Lumiria

There are this many new accounts in the starting town, huh, the player base of CoA just keeps increasing. Obviously, these are not only the newbie players in the starting town in the entirety of CoA even if they number more than a thousand. Due to CoA's rise in player base, cross-server instances have been implemented. This basically meant that in a single server, the player count cannot pass more than a specified number of players. For example, a town already has 2000 players and the cap of the server is 2000 players, if you log in or teleport to that town, you would be transferred to a different town with different players but is the same exact replica of the said town. This was implemented so that grinding spots and many other different quests that require certain items won't become a problem due to overcrowding. Parties are inseparable though so if you want to play with someone you know, party with them so you won't miss each other when trying to play together and explore the world of CoA.

The names of the newbies I saw vary and some even imitate the name of their favorite pro players. Different players can have the same exact name so it's possible but their game id is the one that separates them individually. Pro players also have an indication in their name when you identify them signifying that they are the real deal.

An example of this newbie here that I had just identified.


Hp: 100%

Mp: 100%

Lvl: 12

Guild: none

Duel wr: 25%

Wins: 1

Matches: 4

Team Rank matches wr: N / A

1v1 Rank matches wr: N / A


Introduction: I'm the real Zetta 'the Duelist'. Follow me on twi**** and insta**** and ill give you free skins and stuff.

Hmmm, very convincing, but considering Zetta is max lvl 100, a high-rank guild officer of Razor Guild, and has more than thousands of matches in his ranked match history, it makes me doubt your intro a little Mr. Real Zetta.

I took a look at the settings. Voice changer on, check. Auto translate feature, check. I made sure to enable both specifically since I'm not comfortable with strangers hearing my real voice (which I customized to blend well with my cute avatar) and also the auto-translate feature so I can understand even people who speak different languages. Technology sure has come a long way for us to have these conveniences.

Welp, no time to lose, time to grind and do the main quests for XP. The elimination round will start in a month so I need to power-level. I immediately headed straight to the grinding area to do some leveling.