
I am a bad person

"How did you know about Anderson?"

"Anderson, who is that?" Aera put it on hold for a moment, "Jimin..."

"Aera, I am asking you. How did you know about him? Had he stayed in your place for a while?"

"I won't answer any of your questions. Where have you been over the past two decades? Suddenly you showed up and asked some random question, why would I answer that?"

"Aera, why are you tying things from this to that? Father did everything in order to protect you. What if you meddle in his business? You will get suffered."

Aera sighed, "I've been suffering a lot. That's something even you can't imagine. Then father... Is he actually concerned about my well-being? Stop your hilarious babbling. He didn't even speak to me, not even a single word. That day, all he cared about was you. 'Lucas, Lucas, Lucas,' that was the only word that came out of his mouth."

She continues, "If he truly cares about me, he should have come see me right away. Where is he?"


"Lucas, just leave the place. I need to get some rest." She turned around and moved as she spoke.

"Do you like Anderson?"

Aera came to a halt and lingered for a time. "Aera, you like Anderson?"

She approached him, "Stop it, Lucas. There is a line between us. Don't ever cross that line. That's what's good for both of us."

"Why did you come back? Even if I hadn't seen any of you, I would have kept you all in my heart as good people. Now it hurts, whenever I saw you all, I couldn't even breathe." As she said, she stared at him.

"You messaged me yesterday, saying you were with Aera. How did that happen?" curiously inquired Jenny.

Han-na replied, "She was drinking in my neighborhood. Somehow she caught my eyes."

"Does she still appear to be upset?"


Jenny breathed, "I'm expecting things to return back to normal as soon as possible. It's been a while since I've seen happy Aera." "Then, did she return home safely?"

"No. She stayed at my place."

Jenny and Bo-ra are both taken aback and exclaim, "What?"

Bo-ra asked, "Why did she stay at your place?"

"She stated that she was afraid of her house and that she missed Jimin too."

"Ahh… Jimin. That's why she stayed at your place. Anyway, just look after her for a while." Said Jenny. "Both eat fast, you are getting late."

Han-na took his jacket while Bo-ra asked, "Are you not going to Mr. Lee?"

"No, I'm done with him. I am heading back to our office. You?"

"Mr. Lee's office."

"Then take care of you," as he said, he walked away.

As Aera crossed the Principal's chamber, she heard a voice. She came to a complete stop and walked up to the door. Suddenly, she recalls, when she took a conversion with him. The Principal inquired to her, 'How are your father and mother?'

"How could the principal know about my father and mother?" she spoke to herself. "He had only a fleeting glance at my father. However, why did he inquire about my father?" While Eugene crosses her, she walks with a perplexed expression on her face.

Aera didn't even give her a glance. But Eugene noticed her and asked, "What is this? She had always approached me and irritated me; now she didn't even bother to look at me. What's the matter with her...? Does she not feel well?"

Bo-ra walks into Lee's cabin. "Bo-ra, you came."

"I had a conversation with your Head. His name is Chung, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Lee." Bo-ra says, her face deadpan.

"You should return back to your organization."

"Why, Mr. Lee?"

"No. This isn't right. Working in an environment like this is extremely dangerous. I didn't give a thought to it at first. But now that Han-na has gone, how could you possibly handle this on your own? I already explained it all to Head Kim. So he won't swear at you. Do a good job as a reporter."

She said fearlessly, "I won't leave. I was fully aware of the consequences when I arrived. When you told us to learn about Anderson. Yes, it scared me terribly. And I gave 100 thought to it, when I chose to work with you."

"It wasn't because of Han-na's support that I arrived here. I came here on my own. I've lived my life on my own and will continue to do so. I have nothing to fear because I started with nothing to lose. So please allow me to work here." Lee is staring at her.

Anderson questioned to Rang "Why? Why? Why the hell have all critical financial transactions gone missing? Answer me. How long are you going to keep silent?" Rang is standing alongside him, arms crossed, his head down.

Anderson groaned and continues, "You all believed I was dead. So you didn't maintain anything properly?" Rang said yes with a shake of his head.

"Hey, open your mouth and answer me."

"Yes, sir."

"Sir, my foot. What am I supposed to do? Ahh... My neck hurts." As he said, he looked at Rang, "Hey, have you eaten?"

Anderson is eating, while Rang is standing alongside him. "All of you go out."

"Rang, take a seat and eat."

"Yes, sir."

"Hey, everyone's gone. Don't be stuffy."

"Is it difficult for you to be alone over the previous few years? Expect me, you don't have any pals. Sorry."

"It's okay. Now that you are back, it's a relief."

"Yes. Are you still single?"

"What?" Rang coughed.

"Still haven't had a girl? Do you have any idea how old you are? Find a girl who loved your arrogance."

"Yes, Ander. Then, when you returned, you appeared to be a completely different person. Has something good happened?"

Anderson gave him a gentle smile. "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"You've been smiling a lot. Now too, you're smiling. Do you have a girl hiding behind your smile?" Rang inquired inquisitively.

"Excuse me, is Bo-ra here? I am her friend." Aera inquired of a man working at a National Media Organization.

"No. She went into some outside business."

She walked down as she exited the office. She overheard a conversation, reached near the source of the voice.

"Hey, aren't you aware that we are your seniors. We are three months seniors to you?"

Aera surprisingly looked at them, "Is this Han-na?" There are three enormous overweight males near Han-na.

Han-na continues, "You should respect your seniors; instead, why did you beat him?" inquired a man with glasses who appeared to be innocent.

That innocent man said, "No senior. I didn't beat him."

Han-na was shocked, "What?"

Says the overweight guy next to him, "Han-na, I am the one who hit me."

"Aish… Hey..." He stopped and turned around the glass-wearing man. "Hey, if your senior beats you, you did something wrong. What have you done?"

The specs man said, "I didn't do anything. He was the one who stole my burger."

"Burger…!" exclaimed Han-na.

Aera erupted with laughter.

Han-na turned his gaze over to the overweight man, "Hey, if you're hungry. Go and buy a burger with your money. Why did you steal his burger?"

The fat man said, "I bought as well, but his burger seemed to be so delicious. As a result, I took it."

Han-na got embarrassed, but he smiled funnily, "You, why did you buy that delicious burger. That's was a blunder mistake. Don't buy anything delicious. If you do it again, he will devour you, instead of your burger. Go."

That guy with glasses left. Han-na said, "Hey, you are embarrassing me. What if someone in our office finds out that I'm dealing with a burger problem?" As he said, Aera came behind him.

Aera, who stands behind Han-na, is taken aback by the fat person. Han-na said, "I am talking to you. Where are you looking?"

"There is a girl behind you."

As soon as Han-na spotted Aera, he turned around and became frozen. "Aera..." he says, but no words come out of his mouth.

"Bo-ra told me that you were bunch of terror boys. But when I look at you up close, I'm not so sure; you don't appear like that to me." she whispered as she glanced at Han-na, who was frozen, "Han-na, Han-na..."

She shook him up, then Han-na came to consciousness, "Aera, what are you doing here?"

"I've come to see Bo-ra. However, she isn't here."

The fat guy said, "Excuse me, how did you know about Han-na?"

Aera stated with a smile, "He is my friend." Han-na reddened on his cheek as she spoke.


"Then about you all?"

One of the overweight guy said, "I am Lim. That's Ree, and he is Jin. And we are not terror boys. We are Thunder boys." As the fat guy said, the three of them are doing a Taekwondo pose.

Lim demonstrates a front stance high block. Ree demonstrates a front stance high punch, and Jin demonstrates a turn left front stance high block. They shouted, "Thunder boys."

Aera looked at them and burst out of laugh, "Thunder boys!"

Han-na said, "Hey, stop it. You are embarrassing me."

"Then, I'll be off now."

Han-na stopped her, "Hold on a minute."


"If you have nothing to do," Lim interjects. "Then join us in our enjoyment."

"What? Enjoyment. Where?"

As she gazed about, she asked, "Is this the enjoyment you mentioned before?" She's at a martial arts training facility.

Lim remarked, "This is our enjoyment. We practice here and it will help you relieve your stress."


"Do you have any skills in Martial Arts?"


"Then we will teach you how to do it." Said Lim.

In front of them is a punching bag. "Punch the sack."

Aera hesitantly punched the bag, but it remained stationary. "First, dig into the ground with your big toe on the same side of the body as your punching arm to start your punch." Lim demonstrates her from the opposite side of the punching bag.

"Let the force from your toe rise up through your leg, then turn your hips and shoulders. Instead of extending out with your fist, drive the punch with your torso." As Lim spoke, Han-na gazed at them and was wearing boxing hand wraps.

"After that, strike the bag." Lim explained, he punched the bag, and Aera, who was standing on the opposite side, was taken aback when it came near her.

Suddenly, Han-na appeared between Aera and the punching bag. When the punching bag lands on his back, Aera gives him a startled look.

"Are you all right? Does it hurt? Why did you come here?"

"I am okay. It doesn't seem to bother me." He asked, looking at them, "Why are you teaching her so recklessly? What if anyone gets hurt? Aera, come. We should leave."

"Wait. I'd like to get rid of my stress. So let me punch one time. Just one time."

Han-na took a deep breath and looked around. "Then you should pound his stomach," he said, looking at Ree. "It appears to be a punching bag."

Ree was caught off guard, "No, never. My stomach was already upset because of that burger."

Lee said, "Ree, she is a little girl. It doesn't hurt that much. As you can see, the punching bag didn't even move when she punched it. Then you punch my stomach, Aera."

"No, no…"

Han-na said, "He is so strong. Just punch, relieves all your stress."

Aera takes a punching stance, her fist in the air. He also shifted his left leg back and his right leg forward. She punched with her fist into Lim's stomach. He collapsed to the ground when she punched him.

Everyone is encircling him and staring at him. Aera inquired, "Lim, are you all right?"

Lim murmured, his voice cracking with pain, "I am not okay…"

In a bar, Aera questioned Lim, "Now, you're okay?" They're all drinking.

"Now I am okay. How did you manage to punch me so hard? You have that much stress in your head?" Said Lim.

"Stop it, drink," says Han-na, interrupting him.

Aera pondered, while Han-na said, "Are you okay?"

With a grin on her face, "Yes".

Lee said, "You should hang out with us more. We haven't spent a day with a girl. It was new to us and we had a great time."

"I, too, had a good time."

"Then, Cheers, for our new friend, Aera." Everyone raises their glasses and clinks them together.

Aera is riding in the backseat of a Han-na bike. As he got closer to Aera's residence. "Aera..." Han-na called her name.

He turned around and gazed at her when she didn't react. She's dozing off while holding him. Han-na smiles warmly at her. He lingered for a moment.

Suddenly she wakes up, "Has my home arrived?"


"Are you still feeling uneasy?' she asks as she steps off the bike. "Because of that punching bag."

"No, it doesn't hurt at all. I am okay."

She shifted her weight and took a few steps. Suddenly she approached Han-na, "Do you like Bo-ra?"

Han-na exclaims, "What?"

"No. forget about it."

"I do not love Bo-ra. However, there is a woman I love."

"There is a woman you love."

Han-na asks, "Are you still loving Jimin? Despite the fact that you are aware of him."

Aera entered his house and grabbed a couple Teddy bears and said, "I am looking for a reason to hate you. But you know what? I haven't found a single excuse to despise you."

Anderson sat on his bed and took out the flip phone that Aera had purchased for him.

And he recalls, when Aera was handing him the phone. Aera said, 'I know you're worried about me today. That's why you went to Jenny in the first place, looking for me. Take this phone. Give me a call if you're worried.'

"Can I give you a call? Because I am worried about how you are doing? I'm concerned with how you eat, how well you sleep, and how well you feel. That's what I am constantly thinking. I miss you, Aera."

Aera embraces the Teddy bear and recalls Jimin and her sleeping together. One night, Jimin whispers to Aera while she is sleeping. "Throughout my life, the person who has terrified me the most is my father. Then there's you, who I'm most afraid of." He thought Aera didn't hear anything, so he kept talking.

"I'm scared when I stare into your eyes. Even though I am afraid of my father, I love him. You, too... But the thing that scares me the most is what if I tell you about myself and you became afraid of me. You believe I am a good person, but I am not. I am bad person, really, really bad."

Aera remembers, "Bad person... How bad you are? Even though you are bad, I want to know. I am curious."