
Untold Adventures

Ali_Khan_8990 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 4: "The Path Unfolds: Embracing Magic's Call

Chapter 4: "The Path Unfolds: Embracing Magic's Call"

Ron woke up in his dorm room, excitement bubbling within him for the day ahead. Today marked the first official lecture at the Magic Academy, and Ron was eager to dive into the world of magical learning.

As he dressed and prepared himself, he couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. "First day at the academy," Ron muttered to himself, a mix of nerves and excitement coursing through him.

Entering the bustling lecture hall, Ron's eyes widened at the sight of Professor Swordmanship conducting the class. The professor's mastery of swordplay combined with magical techniques was mesmerizing, and Ron found himself drawn to the art of combat imbued with magic.

After the lecture, Ron lingered in the hall, watching as his classmates eagerly discussed the day's lessons. He approached a group of students and joined their conversation.

"Did you see Professor Swordmanship's demonstration? Incredible, right?" one student exclaimed.

"Yeah, I can't wait to learn how to wield magic alongside a sword," another student chimed in.

Ron nodded in agreement, his mind already racing with ideas. "I've always been fascinated by the concept of magic and swordplay combined. It's like weaving two powerful arts into one."

His classmates exchanged curious glances as Ron's enthusiasm shone through. Ignoring their puzzled looks, Ron made his way to the racks of swords displayed for practice.

Most students gravitated toward the newer, shinier swords, but one caught Ron's eye—an old, neglected sword tucked away in a corner. Despite its worn appearance, there was an undeniable aura of power surrounding it.

"Choosing that old sword?" a classmate asked, eyebrows raised in skepticism.

Ron nodded, a determined gleam in his eyes. "There's something about it. I feel a connection."

The combat class was exhilarating, Professor Swordmanship's teachings igniting Ron's passion for the magic of swordplay. However, during practice, Ron noticed that his chosen sword was in poor shape, its blade dull and its hilt worn.

Determined to restore its former glory, Ron sought out the academy's blacksmith after the lecture. As he handed over the sword, the blacksmith examined it with a trained eye.

"This isn't an ordinary sword," the blacksmith remarked, surprising Ron. "It's a spirit sword imbued with magic power."

Ron's eyes widened in astonishment and joy. "A spirit sword? I had no idea!"

The blacksmith nodded, a knowing smile on his face. "Take care of it, and it will serve you well."

Later that day, Ron met up with Alex and Elara, eager to hear about their experiences in their respective classes. They exchanged stories and shared their enthusiasm for the magical journey they had embarked upon.

"I've decided to focus on becoming a magic swordsman," Ron announced, his eyes shining with determination.

Alex and Elara cheered him on, offering their support and encouragement. With their bond growing stronger each day, they bid farewell, looking forward to the adventures and challenges that awaited them in the days to come.