
Untold Adventures

Ali_Khan_8990 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 10: "Echoes of Unity: Unleashing Potential in Darkness"

Chapter 10: "Echoes of Unity: Unleashing Potential in Darkness"

The following day, Ron approached Thalios with a request to teach Alex. Thalios, aware of Alex's struggles and potential, agreed to impart basic training to him.

"I can't teach him as extensively as I teach you, Ron, but I'll cover the basics," Thalios explained.

Ron nodded eagerly, grateful for Thalios's willingness to help. "Thank you, Professor. I know Alex will appreciate it."

With that, Thalios began instructing both Ron and Alex. While Ron delved deeper into mastering his techniques, Thalios saw a glimmer of untapped potential in Alex's affinity for dark magic. Intrigued, Thalios decided to nurture this aspect of Alex's abilities.

Over the course of a month, Alex diligently absorbed the basics of dark magic under Thalios's guidance. Meanwhile, Ron honed his skills and even learned a new technique that added depth to his combat prowess.

One day, during a routine training session, the academy announced an upcoming class upgrade tournament. The news sent ripples of excitement through the students, including Ron and Alex.

"The tournament will be a great opportunity to test our skills and see how far we've come," Ron exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with determination.

Alex, fueled by his newfound knowledge of dark magic, nodded eagerly. "I'm ready to showcase what I've learned."

As the tournament details were announced, it was revealed that the battle style would be a battle royale—a free-for-all where students would compete against each other until one emerged victorious.

The prospect of the tournament added an extra layer of excitement to their training sessions. Ron continued to refine his techniques, while Alex delved deeper into the intricacies of dark magic, under Thalios's watchful eye.

The tournament drew nearer, and along with Ron and Alex, other characters such as Elara, and Elise also prepared for the competition. Elara, with her agility and strategic mind, aimed to outmaneuver her opponents. Elise, despite her previous encounter with Ron, remained a formidable opponent, honing her skills with determination.

In the days leading up to the tournament, the academy buzzed with anticipation. Students exchanged strategies, trained rigorously, and prepared themselves mentally for the challenges ahead.

But not same in A class,

As the academy buzzed with excitement for the upcoming tournament, a sense of anticipation and competition filled the air. Students from B, C, and D classes eagerly prepared for the battle royale, honing their skills and refining their strategies.

However, amidst the fervor of preparation, there was a notable absence—Class A. The elite members of Class A, known for their exceptional talents and prowess, were not participating in the tournament. This decision left many bewildered and some downright upset.

In the academy courtyard, where students often gathered to discuss matters of importance, a group of Class A students voiced their discontent.

"This is ridiculous! Why are we not allowed to participate?" exclaimed Marcus, a skilled swordsman from Class A.

Mira, known for her mastery of elemental magic, chimed in, "We've trained hard and proven ourselves. We deserve to showcase our abilities in the tournament."

The murmurs of frustration and disappointment spread among the Class A students like wildfire. They felt excluded and undervalued, questioning the decision of the organizers.

In the midst of the growing unrest, the tournament's announcer, a seasoned mage named Professor Alaric, took to the stage. His commanding presence quieted the murmurs, and all eyes turned to him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed students of the academy," Professor Alaric began, his voice carrying authority and wisdom. "I understand the disappointment some of you may feel regarding the tournament."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing, "The decision to limit the participants to B, C, and D classes was not made lightly. It was done to provide an opportunity for students across all levels to showcase their growth and potential."

His words were met with a mix of understanding nods and lingering dissatisfaction from Class A students.

"We acknowledge the exceptional talents and achievements of Class A," Professor Alaric acknowledged, "and rest assured, there will be other opportunities for you to demonstrate your skills."

Despite the reassurance, the Class A students couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. They had trained tirelessly, honing their abilities to perfection, and now, they were relegated to mere spectators in a tournament they had hoped to dominate.

As the tournament day arrived and the battles commenced, Class A watched from the sidelines, their expressions a blend of admiration for their peers' skills and a lingering desire to prove themselve.