
Untill Forever

Just joined the contest, if you love the book please vote for me. Their Love was pure,they got married against all odds. But they were separated.And then, she came back more beautiful, more Fierce,tasty for Revenge.But his Love was.... Her weakness! …. Yolanda, a young doctor who came across love in a really unusual circumstance. She was hurt and left to die but when she came back,she was a different person entirely. Hungry for revenge, she came back into the life of her offenders to take revenge on them but her past love must not over Shadow her. Can she really not fall for him all over again? Find out in this story of Love and betrayal. Note: cover photo isn't mine, all credit to the owner.

MoonlightAmour · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

chapter 6: An Encounter with Mother-in-law.

"Big brother!" A young girl called out from the crowd. She came tearing down towards Desmond, Yolanda, and Mr. Ambrose.

" Oh! My little pony is so grown now, I missed you" Desmond opened his arms wide for her to run into and he pulled her into a long hug.

" I missed you too DA! So much"

"And where's my hug" Mr. Ambrose frown a little.

"Dad! I miss you so much" She hugged him tightly. " Where's mom?"

"Ahmm, she went to the beauty parlor" Mr. Ambrose replied.

" Yes, I should have known…" She hung her head in disappointment.

"Come on Maggie, we're here with you" Desmond held her hand tightly and squeezed it.

Looking besides her brother, she saw a beautiful girl who was quite all along.

" Wait, is this Yolanda?" Margret looked at her brothers face with lots of spaks in her eyes.

"I'm sorry. Honey, this is my little pony Margret, and Margret, this is Yolanda my wife"

" Oh I should have known! You're so beautiful Yolanda. I have heard a lot about you, this guy right here can't stop talking about you" Margret hit Desmond's chest playfully.

"Nice to finally meet you Maggie, I have heard a lot about you as well, so much to make me jealous" Yolanda gave her a hug.

She was so nervous about meeting her earlier, she thought people from Desmond family might not like her but she was wrong his Dad and sister are wonderful people. Although she has not met his mother yet and Yolanda wondered how it's would go with Mrs. Ambrose.

Desmond took his sister's luggage while he followed them from behind. He was happy Margret and his wife were getting along quite well.

Slamming the door to their car, Margret said. " I don't want to go home Dad, I want to stay with Desmond and Yolanda"

"You don't want to see your mother?" Mr. Ambrose squeezed her hand gently.

"I don't think she wants to see me either" Margret looked out through the window as the car began to move.

Yolanda wondered why the Ambroses seems to always avoid their mother, is she that terrible? She wondered what she would do to them if she finally know their secret. Will she kill them? Thinking about it send chills through her whole body.

Desmond saw how nervous she looked and how sweat has begining to form a straight line on her forehead, He touched her face, " Are you alright Yoyo?"

She saw his concern eyes, if his mother refuses their relationship she was sure he would fight for them. She rested her head on his chest and simply replied," Nothing, I'm fine"

" I Love you Dad and I'm sorry I can't come with you" Margret hugged the old man tightly besides the car.

" Love you too honey, I would love for you to come around, everyone at home misses you" Mr. Ambrose ran his fingers through his daughter's hair while he spoke.

" I will, but for now, I want to stay here with my brother"

Mr. Ambrose nodded slightly, he didn't want to push it any further because he knew the kids aren't found of their mother.

He got into the car and gave her a smile behind the locked window before he asked the driver to drive away.


" You mean you left her there! All alone! Why can't you bring my daughter back to me, why leave her with Desmond" Mrs. Ambrose yelled.

"He's her brother, And if she wants to stay with him and not come home then why do you blame me? Why would a child not want to see her own mother and chose to run away instead, why?" Mr. Ambrose was definitely not having it that night. He's getting sick of his wife attitude lately

" Are you blaming me that our kids doesn't want to come any where near this house because of me! I'm there mother for heaven sake!"

" Maybe If you have always been considerate about your children's feelings maybe they would have been more closer to you, maybe if you have asked them how they felt before taking decisions for them maybe them, Lucy, we would have been a happy family"

Mr. Ambrose remembered how much of a tyrant his wife was over their children's life affairs.

He moved closer to her, looked her in the eyes and continued.

" Maybe if you have been more of a good mother to your children then they wouldn't want you out of their lives so badly! Maybe if you haven't sent the poor girl away to the school of your choice and chosen a career for her then you would have earned her love and respect, all she wanted was to stay home with her family and be with her mother but you pushed her away from you, and Desmond, don't even get me started…" He picked up his car keys and headed upstairs to their room angrily.

Mrs. Ambrose stood still in the middle of the room with her tears wetting her dress.

Has she really been nothing else but a bad mother to her kids? As she? She thought they were happy with her decisions since they never question her.

"You all get the heck out!" She yelled at the servants and they all immediately dispatched.

The deed has already been done and all she cared about now is Desmond's marriage, "The marriage must happen, no matter what!" She wiped the tears from her face with determination.


Agatha was so excited about the forthcoming ceremony, they would have their engagement party first after which they would get married.

Her mother and Desmond's mother took her shopping on this day and along with her, she took Yolanda with.

"Who's this girl?" Mrs. Ambrose asked staring at Yolanda with disgust.

"She's my maid" Agatha replied with a smile on her lips.

Yolanda looked sharply at Agatha, she couldn't believe her friend would introduce her as a maid to anyone! Something she couldn't do even to her enemy.

" Oh! I see" Mrs. Ambrose replied with a sneer.

Agatha's mother was surprised as well but she managed to hide it well, she doesn't know why her daughter would introduce her best friend to her mother-in-law to be as a maid but whatever the reason was, she's loving the whole scene.

"Nice to meet you ma'am, I'm Yolanda" She forced back the tears and mange to reply polity. She never thought she would be meeting her mother-in-law on such a circumstances.

" I can't say the same for you, I hate pure looking and naive girls. Anyways have my bag, and do handle it with care, it's worth much more than you can ever imagined"

Mrs. Ambrose hit her italian bag roughly on her chest.

Yolanda did as she was told and carefully and silently followed them from behind throughout their tour.

They kept giving her their shopping bags until it's was over her face and she could hardly see.

Yes, she's her mother-in-law, even if she doesn't know it yet, she would one day and she might then be sorry about the way she treated her today.


When Yolanda got home, she suddenly felt sick and ran to the bathroom and began to throw up non-stop.

She held unto the water closest tightly, as she buried her head into it and emptied everything in her chest.

"Yolanda! Are you okay?" Margret hit the door continuously.

Yolanda stood in front of the wash basin panting and washed her face with some water and put some in her mouth as well.

Se took a napkin and wiped her mouth with it slowly before opening the door to meet Margret worried face.

"Are you okay?" She led her to sit on the bed as she examined her face.

"Yes, I'm just tired, I will be fine with just few days of rest" She gave margret a weak smile.

"Your mom"

"What about her?" Margret became curious.

Yolanda doesn't want to sound as if she was condemning her mother-in-law but she was really bothered about her attitude towards her earlier.

She told Margret about how they met and how she had treated her.

"I'm not surprised, my mom can do much worse" Margret chuckled.

Feeling a little bit anxious, Yolanda asked. "Do you think she would accept my relationship with Desmond?"

"Yolanda, to be honest, she won't because I heard she's getting Desmond married to some rich kid. She's some one who would give anything to have her way. But I know Desmond loves you and you should trust him" She pat her hand gently.

Margret stood up besides her and yawned tiredly, " I will he going to bed, are you sure you don't need me to stay with you?"

"No, I'm fine thank you"

" Alright then, sleep tight! And you don't have to worry I won't tell my brother a thing about our discussion" She made a zip sign to her lips before heading for the door.

Yolanda watched the door silently, what would really become of this relationship? She wondered.