
Until the last petal drops

What happens when Petals bumps into Torns? "What is wrong with you?!" he said in a voice that was loud enough to make everyone nearby, turn to look. "You've completely ruined my suit!" Kalina looked Dominique straight in the eye and said, "You know, you're not exactly winning any point in the manners department, Mr." Would the torn compliment the petal by completing its form as a beautiful rose, or would it rip the petal apart completely. Two souls from different worlds, faced with the same pain. They seek a comfort that seems like a foreign concept to them. When both worlds collide in a fury of harsh words rude remarks and arranged marriage, would they be the peace and happiness to the other like they both crave? WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? Don't look at me, even I don't know... but you can read to find out.

Mabel_Jay · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
165 Chs


A voice spoke behind her, startling her. "So, you are the wife."

Kalina spun around, her eyes wide with shock and fear, as she faced the person who had spoken.

Kalina was surprised to come face-to-face with a woman, and not just any woman, but one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen. The woman's striking features and confident demeanor made Kalina momentarily lower her guard, relieved that it wasn't a masked killer.

"Uhm, hi, can I help you?" Kalina asked the lady, her voice tinged with uncertainty. She glanced back at where the hooded figure had been standing, only to find him gone.

"You can't help me," the woman scoffed, drawing Kalina's attention back to her. The woman's expression was haughty, her nose in the air, exuding an air of superiority. "Instead, it is I who would help you."