
Unseen Echoes: A New Order

***Note: There will be no romance or harem in this novel*** In a world of darkness and despair, Caelia emerges as a beacon of hope for the oppressed. Born into poverty and abuse in the grim port city of Ashenport, Caelia discovers she has the rare and powerful ability to phase through solid objects. With this power, she rises through the ranks of the criminal underworld. But She seeks more, she starts searching for powerful likeminded individuals in order to create a powerful organisation to help those who need help. This novel will drop you right in on the action without a lot of explanation. My goal is to give you a sense of exploration along with Caelia, and to find out more about her as the story progresses. Please give it a try and thank you!!!

Rakke · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

An old friend

Caelia retraced her steps, her feet confidently carrying her back towards the heart of Ashenport. She couldn't help but feel a sense of optimism as she walked, convinced that Ronan would at least be open to hearing her proposal. There were still many unspoken words between them, but she believed in his willingness to take a risk, to embrace something greater.

But for now, there were other matters to attend to.

Navigating the twisting and turning paths of Ashenport, Caelia passed through dimly lit alleyways, their shadows seeming to observe her every move. She remained fearless moving, her determined gaze fixed on her destination. She was heading towards the southern part of town, where memories of her childhood lingered. It was a place that held a few rare instances of happiness.

Maintaining a steady stride, Caelia encountered familiar faces along her path. Their expressions seemed to hint at unspoken words, a desire to communicate, but they remained silent. Perhaps they recognized her, or perhaps they sensed the air of purpose that surrounded her every step.

She thought back to her encounter with the Squeak, the words of caution still echoing in her mind. "Things have changed," he had warned, leaving a seed of worry in her thoughts.

Her eyes shifted towards the closely huddled towers that stood tall in the distance. They hinted at the expansion of the local lord's influence, a visible manifestation of power and control. The sight unsettled her, as she realized that the town she once knew had changed in her absence.

She had reached her destination, a small house. Built, like its neighbours, out of stone.

The worn-out door and tightly shut windows gave it an air of seclusion, as if it were guarding its secrets from prying eyes. The weathered stones that formed its facade exuded a dull, unwelcoming presence. Yet, undeterred, Caelia approached and rapped her knuckles against the door, the sound echoing in the stillness of the surroundings.

Approaching footsteps sounded from within the house, growing louder with each passing moment. Caelia's heart quickened with anticipation as the handle rattled, and the door cracked open, revealing a sliver of the space beyond.

"Who's there?" a wary voice echoed from inside.

The timbre of the voice tugged at Caelia's memories, stirring a sense of familiarity within her.

"An old friend," Caelia whispered back.

The door creaked open further, revealing the person standing behind it. Their eyes squinted as they scanned Caelia from head to toe, as if trying to discern the truth of her words. The lines etched on their face told stories of hardships endured, and the weariness in their gaze betrayed the weight of their experiences. Caelia met their gaze, a flicker of recognition passing between them.

"Caelia?" The wariness in their eyes dissipated, replaced by a glimmer of recognition and a flicker of relief.

Caelia's smile widened, and her eyes sparkled with a mix of fondness and joy. "Hey, Finn," she greeted, her voice filled with genuine warmth.

Finn's features softened, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "It's been a long time," he said, his voice laced with a tinge of sorrow. "How... How are you?"

Caelia chuckled lightly, her amusement dancing in her eyes, but she chose to deflect his question for the moment. "May I come in first?" she asked, her voice carrying a hint of playfulness.

Finn's surprise was evident, his eyes widening as if caught off guard by his own initial hesitation. He quickly composed himself and nodded, a sheepish smile gracing his lips. "Of course! Sorry, where are my manners?" he replied, stepping back to allow Caelia to enter.

The interior of the building greeted Caelia with a sense of emptiness. The space was sparsely furnished, bearing the marks of a life lived with simplicity. A sturdy table stood at the center, flanked by a few worn chairs that showed signs of age. In one corner, a modest bed with a simple quilt offered a place of rest. The flickering light of an open fire cast dancing shadows across the room, providing warmth and a glimmer of comfort in the otherwise desolate surroundings.

Caelia took in the scene, her eyes scanning the room with a mix of nostalgia and concern. It was a stark reminder of the hardships endured by those who called Ashenport home, including Finn. The absence of luxury and extravagance resonated with the resilience of its inhabitants, who had learned to find solace and contentment in the simplest of things.

She turned her gaze back to Finn, a mixture of appreciation and understanding in her eyes. Despite the modest surroundings, the insides of his home still held a sense of welcoming warmth.

Finn's warm and kind-hearted nature was evident in every line of his face. His smooth, brown skin radiated a sense of gentleness and compassion, carrying the stories of the struggles he had endured. His eyes, large and expressive, shimmered with a deep brown hue, reflecting a depth of empathy and understanding.

A short afro decorated his head, its tightly coiled curls framing his face with effortless style. The dark strands seemed to have a life of their own, exuding a sense of vibrancy and resilience.

Finn's slender frame spoke of a life marked by hardship and trials, bearing the weight of experiences that had aged him beyond his years. Kindness radiated from his every gesture, his eyes harboring a comforting warmth that made others feel at ease in his presence. It was a reflection of the compassion he carried within.

A reminder of the goodness that still existed amidst the darkness of the world.

In his appearance, Finn was proof of the strength of the human spirit. Despite the battles he had fought and the scars he carried, there was a sense of unwavering optimism and unwritten stories of triumph yet to be unveiled.

He closed the door behind them and gestured towards one of the chairs. "Please, have a seat," he offered, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and concern.

The table was empty.

Finn's shoulders relaxed, a weight lifted off his weary frame. His eyes met Caelia's with a mix of resignation and genuine pleasure. "It's been too long," he admitted, a touch of nostalgia tugging at his voice.

Caelia's smile grew wider, a hint of wistfulness in her eyes. "Yes, it has. But I'm here now."

Finn's eyes were filled with curiosity and concern as he bombarded Caelia with a series of questions. His genuine interest in her well-being and the events that had transpired during her absence were evident.

Caelia's laughter filled the small space, a melodic sound that eased the tension in the room. She leaned back in the worn chair, its roughness adding a familiar comfort to her posture. Finn's eager questions hung in the air, and she took a moment to gather her thoughts before answering.

"Well, Finn," Caelia began, her voice soft as silk, "I've been on quite the journey. I've learned a lot. Grown stronger."

Her gaze traveled to the crackling fire, its warmth casting a soft glow on the worn furniture. "Im home now because I've realized something. I feel like I finally can make a change. This worlds needs it, and especially this place. People here deserve better... Some of them at least. Some deserve a chance to rise above the hardships that surround them."

Finn nodded in silence. He agreed, he believed in it too. He had actually tried once.

Caelia leaned in, her eyes fixed on Finn's concerned gaze. A small smile tugged at the corner of Caelia's lips as she asked, "Are you still as good at acting, Finn?"

The question caught Finn off guard, and he blinked in surprise. His slightly darker skin folded over his forehead. He absentmindedly reached up and scratched his short afro, his mind retracing the steps of their shared history.

A nostalgic chuckle escaped Finn's lips as he leaned back in his chair. "Well, it has been a while, hasn't it? But I like to think that I still am."

Caelia smile grew wider. "How would you like to play a Lord?"


The heavy door creaked shut as the tall man and his smaller companion entered the room. The tall man took long strides, confidently leading the way, while the smaller one kept pace, a wicked grin etched on his face. The contrast between their appearances was stark.

The tall man's attire exuded authority and power. The fine fabrics of his deep dark blue uniform showcased intricate embroideries and golden trimmings. With each step, his demeanor radiated confidence and self-assurance.

On the other hand, the smaller man was dressed in tattered and ragged clothing, a stark contrast to the regal splendor of his companion. His posture was hunched, as if ready to pounce at any moment. The twisted grin on his face revealed a sense of mischief and cunning, hinting at a more dubious nature lurking beneath the surface.

As they approached the large desk at the center of the room, their presence caught the attention of the man seated behind it. He looked up from his papers, his expression was filled with expectation. His gaze shifted from the tall man to the smaller one, assessing them both with a discerning eye.

Setting his pencil aside, the Lord pushed aside a stack of papers and focused his attention on the soldier before him. A subtle air of authority emanated from his presence, his demeanor poised and composed.

He poised his question, "Is this the one?"

The soldier, recognizing the importance of the moment, nodded in affirmation, offering a respectful bow. "Yes, my Lord. He claims to possess valuable information."

The Lord's gaze shifted towards the shorter individual, his piercing eyes bearing down upon him. The intensity of the scrutiny made the shorter man feel a bead of sweat trickling down his forehead. He shifted uneasily under the weight of the Lord's gaze, his confidence wavering momentarily as he prepared to present his findings.

"Well then... Tell me what you got, Squeak."