
At What Cost?

"Haha... You must be confused, let me explain..." Sir Hamel came rubbing his hands with an unusual smile on his face.

'Hurry up, be done with it,' Ozul wanted to say but he held it in.

Fortunately for him, Sir Hamel also didn't want to dally there any longer as he kept his explanation short and precise.

"So you see, this was merely a test to gauge your abilities..."

Just as he said this, the carriage door opened, confessing that it housed no one. 

'Gauging abilities, my ass. That was clearly a test of loyalty!' Even Kumaou had a frown on his face for being deceived like this.

However, no one voiced their complaint. It was royalty they were dealing with; it couldn't be helped. It also made sense that the king would go the extra mile to ensure the safety of his beloved daughter. 

The man that Ozul had been fighting removed his mask, revealing a middle-aged face with a seemingly 'relieved' expression.