

After barking at the man, the young apprentice turns to Jason before asking. 

"Do you mind if I take a look at her wound".

"As long as you can heal her, I don't mind letting you see the wound" replied Jason with a nod before letting the apprentice take a look at the wound.

After examining the wound for some time, the apprentice withdrew her gaze before turning to Jason. 

"If I am not mistaken, this wound was caused by a sword" said the young apprentice.

"Everyone here can tell that it was caused by a sword so does that make us a physician also" chuckle the young man who was barked at.

"It would have been easy for them to heal the wound without coming here to get her treated if it were to be an ordinary stab but the problem here is that there seem to be some poison lingering in the wound which could be caused by the sword" replied the young apprentice with a frown as he turned to the man.