
Unrequited Looks

"He'd never look at her the way she looked at him. No, those types of looks seemed to already be reserved for the boy with unkempt shaggy hair and perfectly round glasses. Oh what she wouldn't give to be Harry Potter." Oneshot, Drarry one-sided, OC x Draco one-sided, 1st year at Hogwarts. (Disclaimer! I do not own The Harry Potter: Books, Movies, Play, Or Characters!)

Shipperandfanficer · Livros e literatura
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1 Chs

Unrequited Looks

She still remembers when she first saw him. She was eleven, a Muggleborn experiencing the wizarding world as only a bright-eyed young child could. She'd just stepped off the train, directly behind two boys that were quite a bit taller than her. Only when they shifted to climb into a boat did she catch a flash of slicked back platinum blonde hair. It was quite startling in comparison to the dull heads that surrounded her. She'd certainly never seen anyone with hair that light back at her old Muggle school. Perhaps it was a genetic trait found in wizards. She was intrigued and felt compelled to follow him, but his boat quickly found it's fourth member before she could even take a step in that direction. Shuffling to one of the other boats, she'd hoped she would see more of this strange boy later on. She tried to focus on her surroundings for the rest of the boat ride, but her eyes strayed to those platinum locks every few moments. She felt drawn to him, almost against her will, as if she was a fish hooked on a lure. Helplessly being reeled in by an exuberant fisherman. They were lead off the boats and into the castle. As everyone let out various expressions of awe and shock at their surroundings, all she could see was the back of a boy with light hair strutting along with all the confidence in the world. Flocked by the two other boys that gave her the impression of bodyguards protecting a client, rather than a group of friends walking together.

With a great bit of effort she was able to pry her eyes away from him when the ghosts appeared. That was until his buddies and him were no longer in front of her, but to her far left. That's when she really saw him. The gelled back platinum blonde hair she was already so fond of was accompanied by striking silver eyes. Not the muddy cloudy grey some people were considered lucky to have, but a clear, pure, light grey that looked like it was made by the Gods out of the most precious of metals. His skin was smooth and flawless. It practically glowed, even under the torch and candlelight. His features were pointy in a way that was delicate and regal, reminiscent of royalty. He was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen, and that thought alone left her breathless. His face was lit up with excitement and joy, it made her smile. She desperately in that moment wanted to be his friend, wanted to be the person who made him smile. Wanted nothing more than an excuse to approach this angel that was surrounded by unworthy mortals. After a moment of intense staring, she noticed something interesting. His gaze wasn't directed at any part of the castle, but at another boy. He had dark shaggy hair and perfectly circular glasses. She couldn't for the life of her concretely make out his eye color, though it certainly wasn't brown, but nowhere near the perfection of the platinum boy's eyes. Said boy decided to speak, drawing everyone's attention to him.

She was surprised he wasn't a main focal point already. Seeing as he had this aura, this air about him, that just made you notice him. His presence was electrifying, didn't anyone else feel it? His voice was just as beautiful and posh as the rest of him, it made her face flush and knees go weak. Apparently the boy he had set his sights on was Harry Potter. She didn't know who that was, but it seemed like he was a big deal in the wizarding world. At the very least he was a big deal to Draco Malfoy. Gosh, even his name was beautiful! At that point in time she would've sold her very soul to be Harry Potter, if it meant Draco would look at her the way he was looking at him. The whole exchange was adorable really, the way he puffed up his chest and proudly introduced himself. At least it was until the ginger haired freckly boy next to Harry decided to ruin things for Draco. Resulting in his attempt at friendship with the shaggy haired boy to go up in flames. The blonde looked so hurt and disappointed at the rejection as he returned to his other friends. Casting forlorn glances at Harry when he didn't think anyone was looking. She decided then that she didn't like this Weasley kid very much. Draco was so happy, but now he's not, and it was all that dumb ginger's fault. As they moved into The Great Hall and the Sorting Ceremony commenced, the glances never stopped. Though they morphed into ones of longing instead of rejection.

She had this sad sick gut feeling that he would never look at her, or anyone else, the way he looked at Harry. That train of thought tasted like poison in her mouth. She was very much aware of her pounding heart as she saw the beautiful boy give one last look of yearning, and something else she couldn't quite place, before walking to the front of the hall after his name was called. The talking hat barely even grazed his head before shouting out the house name of Slytherin. Cheers erupted from the table on the uttermost right side of the room. The students at that table had green ties that were striped with silver. Draco looked relieved and happy with the hat's decision. She figured Slytherin must be a wonderful house if he thinks that highly of it. When her named was called she was struck with nerves, her entire body stiffened as she made her way forward. She felt everyone's eyes on her, it was very uncomfortable. She wondered if even the angelic boy was looking at her. She chanced a quick peak over at him, he didn't look impressed. She'd even go as far as to say he looked bored. That stung, it caused her chest ache in a way that made her want to drop to the floor and curl up in a ball. She willed her eyes not to water and become glassy as she reached the stool. Maybe this was how Draco felt when Harry refused to shake his hand. The hat was placed over her head and her view of all the other students was obstructed. She heard the hat speak.

Though oddly enough the voice felt like it was coming from the inside of her mind, instead of out loud for the entire room to hear. She supposes she should be thankful for that bit of privacy as the hat pondered where to put her. It thought she had the potential to do well in a couple of the houses, especially Hufflepuff. She felt a surge of panic. Did Draco like that house, what would he think of her if she was in Hufflepuff? Would she even see him anymore, did different houses share classes? It'd be so much safer if she was put in Slytherin with him. He likes his house, so he'd have a better chance of liking her right? Plus they'd sit at the same table, live in the same area. The odds would definitely be in her favor if that were the case. She'd have reasons to approach and be near him then. In fact, she knew the perfect way to ensure him warming up to her. She'd help him befriend Harry Potter. He'd have to be friends with her as well if she could pull that off! The hat found her thought process amusing. It indulged her desires by pointing out her beginnings of a plan and goal to befriend Draco Malfoy, of all people, was in itself a show of ambition and cunning. It wished her luck before proclaiming her house to be Slytherin, for all her peers and teachers to hear. She was beyond elated, a face splitting grin appeared on her as Professor McGonagall removed the hat and ushered her along. Her table made room for her directly across from Draco.

How considerate of them, even if it wasn't intentional. The pats on the back she received almost negated the bored and borderline disgusted look the platinum haired boy gave her when she smiled at him as she sat down. She looked at the table so he wouldn't notice how hurt his distaste and dismissal left her. Ashamedly she started reconsidering her plan to help him and Harry get along. Would he even notice she existed if the shaggy haired boy was in his orbit, if the object of his attention looked at him with anything akin to warmth? She felt unwanted and wanted to be extremely selfish, to keep Draco all to herself. The important boy's name was called, the crowd was silent as he padded over to the Professor. He looked nervous, almost as nervous as the boy across from her seemed. He looked like a kicked puppy after Harry was sorted into Gryffindor. She held back a sigh. She'd still go through with it, getting those two together. At least then Draco would be happy again. She doesn't like how gut-wrenching the sight of him in distress leaves her. Besides, she could be the very best friend he's ever had, but if she wasn't Harry Potter, he'd never look at her like that. Like she was someone important, like she was the only person that mattered. He'd never look at her the way she looked at him. No, those types of looks seemed to already be reserved for the boy with unkempt shaggy hair and perfectly round glasses. Oh what she wouldn't give to be Harry Potter.