
Unreal Journey: Book 1

Cover made with canvas A long time ago, a princess of Zion and a prince of Purgatory liked each other a little, but after a one-night stand, their lives changed for the worse. No one truly accepted the fact that someone from Zion could ever be with someone from Purgatory, but after there was news about the princess being pregnant with the prince's child, all hell broke loose. A war was going to take place if that baby was born, and after careful consideration, when the children were born, she separated them and made them live somewhere else, far away from Zion and Purgatory, waiting till the right time to find out the truth. But the princess was also told something else: that these children are something so powerful that they can destroy the entire universe. Want to know how? Then read Unreal Journey, Book 1. Warning this book mentions rape and mental abuse.

FoxLover0615 · Fantasia
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Chapter 3: Children of Gods

"Okay just to be clear I'm heaven," says Heaven

"Well "Heaven" I'm Heather do you understand what's going on?," Heather ask

Suddenly a Griffin comes down from the sky and lands on the metro bus Heather was riding in. The griffin then turns into a human with golden wings and feet like a lion. The griffin then spots twin girls and smiles wickedly

"Well twin darlings my names is Griffin just in case you couldn't tell," Griffin says

"Oh my god this isn't real," Heather says holding her head

"Oh trust me it's real and I'm taking you two," Griffin says

"Have you never heard of the saying "Don't take candy from strangers" yeah so no," Heaven says

"Fine then I'll force you to come along" Griffin says and suddenly black mist comes out of the ground and into the people

The people comes out of their vehicles with red eyes and shadow body

"What the hell is going on?" Heather says terrified

"Why you will be coming with me in hell," Griffin says

The people then lifts up the twins towards Griffin as wickedly smirks

"Perfect," Griffin says with a smirk

Griffin says about to put his hands on Heaven chin.A owl pops from the sky and slices Griffin hands leaving a cut on it.Griffin looks up at the sky

"Hey Time goddess I heard you came to join the party," Griffin says

"No I came to defeat you," The lady says revealing her identity

The lady had white wings with blue streaks, a warrior outfit, brown hair blue streaks, and a staff with a owl on top

"Oh come on babe you wouldn't do that to your boyfriend?" Griffin says

"You mean ex boyfriend and for the last damn time my name is Rebecca," Rebecca says And summon more owl's to attack Griffin

The owl's push Griffin on the ground so hard that he blacked out.The bridge started cracking after he fell on the ground. Griffin turns into his normal Griffin form.Then the people that once had shadow skin and red eyes turned normal. The people were once again frozen in place.The kids was falling down after being in the air. Rebecca flies towards The twins catching them and landing them on the bridge

"Who are you?"Heather asked

"I'm Rebecca A.K.A your trainer," Rebecca said

"Trainer? For what?" Heather asked

"Well to take your rightful spot on your thrones in hell and Heaven," Rebecca explains

"Wait, what are you trying to say?" Heaven ask

"Are you dumb? I'm saying that you two are gods" Rebecca says

"What the? ho-,"Heather was about to say

"No time to explain I need you to jump on and ride away," Rebecca says

Rebecca sees somebody's fingers twitching. Rebecca then throws a ball and a Pegasus flies out

"how do we know your not as crazy as the other guy?" Heather ask

"If I was like him I would've killed you or even take your power," Rebecca says

The twins hopped onto the Pegasus

"This is incredible," Heaven says

"No this literally the most impossible thing in the world," Heather says shocked

"Okay Unity, ride them to Alva and make sure to explain everything?" Rebecca says to the pegasus and rubs its side

Unity then flies catching Heather off guard


"MORE LIKE AWESOME," Heaven yelled

Griffin got up and saw Rebecca he then attacked her. Griffin missed and instead spilt the bridge in half causing part of it to fall into the ocean below.Rebecca takes Griffin in the sky

"I knew you loved me so much you wouldn't kill me," Griffin says

"Shut up idiot," Rebecca says


The twins landed in a cave where they saw.Unity the Pegasus turn in a fox with nine tails

"Ahhh that Flying horse just turned into a fox with nine tails," Heather says terrified

"FYI my name in Unity and I'm a pegafox," Unity says

"Ahhh the pegafox can talk," Heather yells again

"Stop yelling okay right now just expect the unexpected," Unity talks back

"Did some weird-ass animal just talk back to me I knowthey didn't," Heather says out loud

"Hey you better not be thinking of starting a fight with this pegafox thing for all we know it's a god aswell," Heaven whispers to Heather

"That's right...preach," Unity says

"Hey what's up. I see Unity beought you back." Rebecca says walking into the cave

"Hold up Rebecca you got some explaining to do," Heaven says making Rebecca sigh

"Heaven and Heather how do I explain this you are both the daughters of a demon king and a now Goddess deity" Rebbeca states

"Yeah, right I want evidence". Heaven says

Then Rebbeca puts a crown on Heaven's head and an echo roams the cave of

"Hey Alva explain to the noobs what's going on," Rebecca calls out

"Heaven Miller the daughter of the Goddess Deity and the Demon King of purgatory your powers are different and uncommon from others they are ball blast and supernova which are oowers that can be activated once you have your main weapon," Alva says

"Alva has all the information you need to know. "Rebbeca said

"Hey my turn I want to learn more about myself" Heather said

"Okay heather put on the rings," Rebecca orders

"Heather Miller the sister of Heaven Miller your powers are different from other demons you have firepower the knives you have are sharp to the touch and can cut anything with them to activate your fire powers put on the ring yell out pyro then call out"

'Woah um.... that's cool I guess but why are we here? specifically me but still why? maybe I've died or I'm in a coma" Heather says putting her hands on her head in terrified

"You two are the daughters of gods one from Heaven and the other from Hell when you two were born guards came in and tried to take you away from your mother and father because angels and demons were not allowed to be together so in a pit of rage she kind've made an angle bomb one that killed all of the guards your dad try to fight off including him but you two disappeared and somehow in separate families" Rebbeca explained making Heather and heaven shocked to the core

"We are sisters all I wanted was to go to school and now I'm the daughter of freaking gods," Heather says still terrified

"Look at the bright side you now know that your next in line your gonna become goddess," Rebecca says trying to make Heather and Heaven happy


"She's right I don't want this responsibility for what just because "Goddesses" no I like my life the way it is," Heather says then a sudden flash of memories of all the reasons she should leave this life

"You don't want to be a goddess please I can give you up to six reasons why you specifically should want to be a goddess," Rebecca says in denial

"Like what?"Heather asks smirking to herself

'There's no way in hell she's gonna give good enough reasons that can con....' Heather's thoughts were interrupted when she heard Rebecca have a good reason

"Well first because of your abusive parents. Second-..." Rebecca says and immediately convinces Heather

"Okay fine you got me," Heather says

"Well you should be glad you have parents I was being taken cared of by maids and drivers I barely get to see my aunt or should I say adoptive aunt," Heaven says and surprises

"Well look you don't have to live a lie anymore you can learn more about your powers and train them if you want it is your choice," Rebecca says then sighs

"What do you get out of training us because there's no way some twenty-something-year-old would want to train teenagers," Heather says in disbelief

"FYI I'm 123 years old look I'm the daughter of the most famous Valkyrie and a time keeper.Vallyrie who lead her people to victory until she was captured by an evil woman named Lucifer she also took leaders of different tribes including your parents so now everyone's life is in danger," Rebecca says shocking the two girls

"I'll do it...if it means I get to meet my biological parents and save the world then I'm in" Heather says turning to Rebecca in confidence and power

Rebecca and Heather look at Heaven who is unsure about a decision to make

"I don't know this seems like a lot of responsibility and I'm not that responsible" Heaven says and looks at the mountains and hills outside


" God, I wish I my parents weren't dead so at least I would happier" Heaven says in the flashback

Flashback over

"If this is a way to be with my parents," Heaven says " Then hell yeah"

"Nice now that we both have you two why don't we begin this session," Rebecca says