
Unravel The Mystery

A place full of secrets, mysteries will be unravel. Crimes will be committed, justice will be sought. Uncover the pretenders, destroy the destroyer. There is no place for love, be careful you might fall.

mayngan24 · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


The Headmistress and her secretary were disturbed from their own businesses when they saw from the glass window, the students running on the same way.

The Headmistress cannot explain why she suddenly felt uneasy, especially when they heard the anxious and panicked voices of the students.

"Eva, what is happening?"

"I have no idea, Ma'am." Answered by her secretary.

She was about to ignore the students and her feelings, thinking that this is another one of their pranks and that they are only fooling around.

"Someone jump off the tenth floor of Heinary Building!"

She stood up abruptly when she heard that statement. Her eyes widen of shock as she felt her body froze, like a bucket of ice water poured on her body. She ran outside hurriedly.

Her secretary was in agape, but also stood up and ran outside to follow the Headmistress and the students.

They exclaimed when the students saw the school's Headmistress. They gave her way to the scene and also her secretary, Eva.

Their body froze as they felt chills on their back. They both can't help to tremble. When they came back to their senses, she immediately ordered, Eva, to call an emergency.


"What the hell was that?" Selene stood up abruptly from her seat and stopped typing on her phone, when she heard the loud commotion outside.

Her two friends, who are teasing each other also stood up when they also heard the commotion.

"The noises came from the quadrangle!" Cozbi exclaimed, a petite and soft faced girl.

"To the balcony, let's go to the balcony!" She pointed out, the hurriedly went to the balcony and looked down at the quadrangle.

The three of them gasp, they were also shock and frightened when they saw what is the commotion all about.

"What the fuck." Dexler cursed unconsciously.


"What's that?" Wexley confusedly asked Raiden while walking their way to their classroom.

Raiden shrugged his shoulders as he is also confused. They both looked at each other when they saw the students and also faculty perssonel running their way to the quadrangle.

The followed, and the scene welcomed them made them shock and dumbfounded. Seconds past and the Headmistress and her secretary arrived.

Raiden immediately helped the faculty members on driving the students back on their own classrooms. Doing his duty as the President of the council.

"Poor soul, what does it feel falling down from a high building?" Wexley, jumped out of shock as he held his chest, when Damia, is already beside him, like she teleported.

She was emotionless looking at the cold body. The students are already leaving the quadrangle, as they were forced by the faculty. Wexley and Damia, didn't left and just silently stood there.

Until the polices came with a detective. They surrounded a no crossing line sign the place where the body lies on.

Then suddenly a scream of girl was heard by them who were left at the quadrangle.

They all look at that person, she is also wearing their school uniform, she has a shoulder length hair. She is crying while walking towards the scene, but abruptly stopped by the polices.

"Addison! Oh my gosh, no!" She screamed in horror while struggling to free herself from the stopping of the polices.

"Let go of me! She's my friend! Let go of me!" She commanded but they didn't listen to her and firmly stopping her from getting near the body.


The students who were left were in deep shock as their eyes widen, when they heard her mentioning the girls name.

While they were in the process of being shock. The protesting girl's friends came to get her and bring her back to their room. She is still wailing while being drag by her friends away from the quadrangle.

"What a drama."

Wexley and Damia looked at Bela when they heard her mocking voice. She was emotionless watching Caela, being taken away by friends. She rolled her eyes when she suddenly fainted. They immediately send her to the school clinic.

Bela shifted her gaze to the bloody scene.

"Oh, it's Addison, what a pitty I didn't recognize her on time. Look, her face is like a smashed papaya, am I right, Bela?"

Damia said with a sarcastic and provoking tone, while looking at Bela's face. Wexley witnessed this and sighed, he left them and went to Raiden.

Bela looked at her without showing any emotion on her face. They stared at each other's eyes and suddenly Bela smirked.

"Right... Miss psycho."

She laughed mockingly when she saw how Damia's face turned dark. She was about to leave her behind and approach Wexley and Raiden.

"Bitch," Damia harshly called her making her step paused on halt.

She slowly look back at her, and felt joy when she saw how gloomy Damia's face is. Bela smiled like a devil and smirked at her.

"I know, Damia, I know." She provoked and left her.

Damia's gloomy and darken face suddenly blanked and emotionless watching Bela's back.

'Nice playing with you too... bitch.'