
Chapter 22: FAKE RED DEVIL


Unravel Me Playlist on Spotify.

Song; The Seige- Arise & Cianna Blaze- On Fire

“Vanessa? Vanessa honey-”


Staring intently at the clock, I silently count down the minutes.

“Are you going to crawl out of there?”

Turning to my side, Dad's brown eyes are looking at me funnily.

Is it weird to be hiding under the bed?

“Dad, go away!” I said, waving him away frantically. Only 4 minutes left!

He sighed and suddenly, he grabs hold of one of my dangling legs and dragged me upwards and out my hiding spot.

“Dad, stop!” My voice is muffled as he began to tickle me relentlessly.

I can't help but laugh until my stomach hurts.

“Okay, Okay, I surrender!”

He stops immediately, giving me a cheeky grin.

“You know you're suppose to be asleep.” He scolded, setting me down on my navy blue sheets.

Pouting, I crossed my arms over my chest. “I'm waiting for my birthday, I turn six!”

Dad rolls his eyes and nods. I can't help but notice how his eyes are red and his body is slouched.