
UNRAVEL - The First Volume of the "Revelation" Trilogy

Alexander Price, a well-renowned billionaire and business tycoon, may seem to have it all in the eye of the public. With one failed marriage on his belt and another deteriorating one, he has closed himself off from love and happiness and has dedicated his time to his work. Unfortunately, it cannot remain that way when the acceptance of a merger with another prominent company brings about shocking reveals of deceit, theft, betrayal, secrets and death from a past he chose to forget. Will he be able to overcome the challenges ahead of him? Will he be able to forgive himself when he finds out the devastating truth?

Teirruh · Realista
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6 Chs


...Alexander found himself on the steps of his former home. It looked run down to his bewilderment. The lawn uncut with dried up grass and weeds, the fountain broken, its water murky and the walls of his home had graffiti on it.

He went in, wanting to see the damage done to the inside but to his surprise, it was the same as before, immaculate and grand. Alex felt like he just entered a twilight zone but that sounded preposterous to his ears.

He walked further, hoping to see some semblance of life in this bland environment around him but it was deserted.

Then he heard music coming from somewhere. He walked towards the source, taking familiar steps that led his feet to one place that held special memories for him. It was the living room.

What Alex saw was something he hadn't seen in a long time, someone, his Aurora.

She wore a white knee-length, short-sleeved dress swaying and dancing to a song Alex knew so well, a song that they danced to for hours on their wedding day.

Alex was still mesmerized. She danced without acknowledging his presence, but he didn't mind as he watched her light up the room with her smiles and her laughter, reliving their memories together.

Its sudden shadow fell upon the room and his memories turned dark, surrounding him with images of her infidelity, her lies, and his shattered heart.

He was unaware of the pause of the music as he grew angrier by the minute. Alex didn't see her look at him in disappointment before fading away to dust.

He couldn't take it anymore as he screamed out in emotional pain, kneeling on the floor.

It took a while before he stopped, realizing that he was elsewhere.

Kneeling on the green grass at night-time, all around him were rows upon rows of headstones. Alex was in a cemetery.

Confused as he was, Alex got up from the ground and walked the line, passing names of his ancestors until he reached the end, finding four faceless workers digging a new hole, just next to his grandparents.

Alex was scared for what it meant but then he saw the headstone was just next to them, ready to be mounted. He got closer to read it, but it was blurred to his frustration.

'Is this a premonition of some sort?' he thought.

Alex had no idea he said that out loud for one of the workers stopped and turned to him. Still faceless with a neutral tone, it said "It's already happened."

They all stopped and faded away and Alex looked down at the empty grave. In it was her wedding ring, Aurora's.

Alex woke up scared shitless just as he finally saw the words on the headstone, "A loving wife and daughter, Aurora V. Price."...

Wednesday, 21st of September 2016

Alex's eyes went wide open, sitting upright on his bed, gasping in and out for air as his heart beats extremely. He pondered on the dream he just had.

He didn't know why he suddenly had that dream, but he couldn't help but feel dread. Was this a sign that all wasn't well with his first love?

He raked his hair as he tried to dispel the budding anxiety from his person as he took in deep and large gulps of air to calm his mind.

He turned to his phone and the time read five in the morning. He knew he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. He doesn't want to.

"You're awake. Much earlier than usual", said a familiar voice.

Alex almost rolled his eyes at it as he turned to look at his 'loving' wife. He gave a silent prayer for peace before answering back, "Yes. I see you're preparing for work."

She shrugged her shoulders, swiping her brunette to her back and folding her arm underneath her bust. Her face scrunched up and her blue eyes narrowed at him in mock concern, "What happened? Had a nightmare? Was it about my darling sister? You know how pathetic that is." She sneered.

She knew how to piss him off. Lately, she's been quite antagonistic. He didn't know what brought about her change of attitude, but it had to end, or they would have to start staying in separate rooms. The reason they hadn't already was because of his parents' random visit to their home. He had no idea why they were clinging to a façade that that fell apart years ago.

He got up from the bed to confront her. He grabbed her by her arms and harshly drew her closer to his body. His face was so close to her, a kiss away. "Listen to me, Natasha. Do not mock me in any form. I will not tolerate any more of your disrespect."

He let go of her, pushing her away from me just as his anger subsided, "I have apologized for countless times about my lack of affection for you but in all honesty, you really should have expected it. I married you just because you were pregnant. I never felt anything for you no matter how hard I tried. I supported you throughout the pregnancy, but fate had other plans for us and took away our child, our daughter." He regretted reminding her of that painful moment of their lives, but he had to tell the truth, "Without her, nothing is holding us together."

He got closer to her, not caring for the hate that lingered in her eyes, "If you aren't happy anymore in this marriage, I will give you a divorce if you want."

An unknown emotion flashed in her eyes before she smirked at him, "You just want to be free once more, Alex. I will not give you that satisfaction." She eyed him disdainfully, "Happy Anniversary, my darling husband." She spat at him and left for the bathroom.

He realized that his wedding anniversary with Natasha was two days after his former marriage and he forgot. 'What a way to pour salt to an open wound, Alex,' he thought in resignation just as he sat at the foot of the bed and sprawled on it.

It didn't take much time for her to prepare and leave for work. He had tried to apologize to Natasha after she came out of the bathroom but all she gave him was a cold look that filled him with guilt. He decided to laze about for a while before preparing for his work.

Two hours later, he arrived at his workplace dressed in a black suit, white shirt lacking a tie and black shoes. He greeted back at employees that greeted him.

"Good morning, Mr. Price," voiced the two receptionists.

"Good morning, Miss Simpson ....and Miss Harley." he answered back, acknowledging Miss Simpson and the former displayer of unwanted goods. She was now decently dressed in conservative attire and was devoid of the heavy make-up that she wore two days ago. It was the standard uniform scheme of all our receptionists. She had a natural beauty to her that he wondered why she wore excess makeup.

She seemed relieved at his casualness and continued with her work. Alex chuckled inwardly as he entered the elevator.

"Good morning, Jane. Do I have any meeting this morning?"

She seemed to be in a good mood. She wore a purple top and grey pencil pants and flats. Her hair was in its signature bun and her face always devoid of excess makeup as she smiled pleasantly, "No sir. You had a meeting with some clients of Despora Enterprise, but they have rescheduled to Friday due to an emergency. Your next appointment is by 12pm."

"I see. Thanks."

He entered his office and sprawled himself on his work chair, his legs hanging on his desk. He wanted to catch some sleep before he had to head for the next meeting.

Sadly, it was not to be as the bane of Alex's office existence barged in unannounced, "What's up, bitch?"

'What a dick,' he thought. He sighed in surrender, getting his legs of the table. He wasn't getting the sleep that he needed.

"Your ass seems tired. Didn't sleep?" he asked as he sat on the guest seat.

Alex paused before answering, "I had a dream."

James with a devious look in his eyes was just about to say something "lewd" and inappropriate.

"Shut it, James. I had a dream about my ex-wife"

That wiped the look on his face. Alex started telling him about it and all he had to say was.

"You see. Your own subconscious is against you. It's telling your ass to find her. No one has heard from her in five years. Her father, stepmother, your wife and our friends don't know where she is. Even your sister is still looking for her" he pushed on. "You know there was an increase in crime in Atlanta five years ago, most especially kidnapping, robbery, and murder. We have no idea if she's alive or not."

James leaned back in his seat, releasing the button of his dark suit before continuing, "Look for her Alex, at least to see if she's okay and to clear the air between you two."

Alex's mind didn't want to fly towards her being in danger, so he tried to change the subject.

"Anyway, since you didn't come to work yesterday because you wanted to spend some time with your baby brother, I have to fill you in on things about the investigation."

James just gave Alex an unimpressed look before rolling his eyes at him and mumbling loudly about 'stubborn mule'.

"Huh. Well, what's going on then?"

"Chris informed the police and the detectives in charge of the case said that they would keep a low profile. We gave them all the evidence we could gather, and they said that they will be in touch."

Alex leaned forward, his elbows to the desk and his hands wedged under his chin.

"They also informed me to compile a list of those who handle all our paperwork. They say that most embezzlers normally come to work much earlier and close late, never miss a day of work, anything to cover up their tracks. We should observe all the employees."

James nodded, "That's not too bad. I can start that as soon as possible considering I am mostly in charge of handling our employees."

James became excited suddenly, "What if we start our own investigation?"

"Nip it in the bud, Sherlock," replied Alex.

James pouted, "You're such a killjoy."

"You can do whatever you like, James. Just know that if you get caught interfering with police investigations, I will let you fall alone." I smirked at my friend's feigned betrayed expression.

He turned his face away from Alex, his arms folded like in mock offense.

"What a child, James."

They both laughed at their bantering, before James turned serious, "Call the Private Investigator or I will do it for you."

He stood up, ready to hightail out of Alex's office, "Bye, Alex." He left before I could protest.

Alone again, Alex finally decided to listen to his friend. He took out the card from his drawer and called the man.

"Hello, this is Martin Hayes speaking. Who is this?"

"Good morning, Mr. Hayes. My name is Alexander Price. I have a job for you. Can I set up an appointment today?"

There was a moment of silence along with the sound of pages being flipped, "You can. I am currently free until 12pm. Is it convenient for you?"

"Yes. It's acceptable. I'm on my way. Thank you."

Alex cut the call and sat back on his seat. There was no going back now.

He got up, taking his phone and wallet with him, along with a photo of Aurora that he had in his office safe. He couldn't help but admire the photo of the blonde beauty for a while. It was a photo that he cherished no matter how much he felt betrayed by Aurora. It also helped to remind him not to forget their past. He pocketed the picture before he left for his appointment.

As he headed for his meeting with Mr. Hayes, he watched the urban jungle and its' inhabitants as they go about their day. Seeing their heads stuck in a job, their phones, their families or themselves was relaxing. It left him wondering if deep down inside, if they were as happy as they wanted to be or if they were as miserable as he was.

Well, the thought didn't stay too long in his mind when something caught his attention. He leaned forward just as his driver slowed down due to traffic. Alex noticed Natasha coming out of a well-renowned apartment building with a glow to her. She seemed relaxed and happy for a change. She didn't seem to notice his car as she tried to hail a cab.

'What happened to her car?' he pondered in confusion and curiosity.

The traffic ended and his driver was on the move and Alex was left to ponder on what he saw.

It's safe to say Natasha doesn't seem as miserable as he was...

...A woman stepped out from the comforts of a private jet, her black heels clicking as she stepped to the car. The driver eagerly opened the back door for her to enter, blush and self-conscious of the divine specimen of a woman that barely acknowledged his presence by the dismissive glance of her brown eyes and her brunette hair almost slapping his face.

She was finally in New York, ready for the challenges and obstacles ahead. She felt the need to destroy everything that caused pain to the ones that ruined her and the ones closest to her. She wasn't going to stop for an unfathomable reason.

The drive to her temporary place of lodgings was slow and boring. She was stuck in the usual traffic of the city and left trying to relieve her boredom. She wasn't oblivious to the glances of her slight good-looking driver, so she decided he was the perfect target for her entertainment.

Smoothing the fabric of her red, knee length gown that clung to her curves, she readied herself to pull his attention when her phone rang.

"It's been a while since you have called; any updates."

"It's Jon. I don't think he can handle keeping the truth. He is this close to ruining our entire plans." A familiar voice rings out of the cell phone.

"He can and he must. You must find a way to keep him quiet; at least for a week. Then he can vent it all out." She smirked in anticipation, "By then, Alex would have found the breadcrumbs. James will always be the curious cat and Chris, their voice of reason, will still be in a bind of his own making. Trust me; my brother wouldn't know what hit when he finds out the truth."

A chuckle sounded at the other end of the call, "Sometimes, I fear women like you, Katherine. The way you manipulate the situations to your benefit sends thrills down my spine." He said to the now revealed twin sister of Alexander.

Katherine relished in the compliment. They made small talk before ending their discussion. She was satiated enough that she didn't need to look for entertainment anymore, but she still wanted to troll the driver.

Just as she reached the hotel, she said to driver with a hint of seduction, "When you are through parking the car, come over to my room. I need your ...help." She intentionally paused to give him a hint of untold promises. Judging from the visible gulp he did, he fell for it.

'Men are all the same. They are always thinking with their second head and lacking common sense', she thought cynically. 'Well, he'll definitely learn not to make assumptions. I do hope he tries something funny. It has been too long since I've beaten the shit out of a person.'

She got out of the car without the driver's help and headed into the hotel. She needed to a nice long nap to get rid of her stress.

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