Everyone in the store looked at her as she succeeded in drawing attention to herself.
Zie Yu herself didn't find the situation funny because her face was so well twisted in anger.
Then Zu Mei's shout caused a nerve to snap in her head, and so she started at her friend and gritted her teeth 😬 that were about to shatter and said, "Shut up!"
As the teary-eyed Zu Mei looked at Zie Yu, tears rolled down her face 😭.
"I can't believe you are crying. Are you trying to embarrass me? You had better keep your emotions in check, after all, you asked for it". Zie Yu said and walked out of the store in anger 😡.
A few seconds later, Zu Mei followed after her while wiping her tears away.
If only Chen Lihua knew that her little words made one of the lady's cry, she would have been smiling now. But unfortunately, Chen Lihua has already activated her anger mode.
As she was on her period, her emotions will keep fluctuating.