
Unparalleled Medieval Ascension

Leo is a cold-blooded killer, wasting his life away, working as a farmer. That is until the threat of a war looms closer and closer, gifting him the one-in-a-lifetime chance to become a noble and live a comfortable life.

DaZhuang · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 5

The duel is scheduled for tomorrow, so I might as well train a bit too.

{Adelinde}: „What did Leopold ask you about?"

{Leo}: „He wanted to duel tomorrow. I accepted."

{Adelinde}: „Seriously? That guy is something else. Picking a fight on the first day…"

{Leo}: „Do you feel comfortable wielding a sword, Adelinde?"

{Adelinde}: „What kind of stupid question is that? Of course, it's in my blood to use a sword."

{Leo): „That's what your brother said as well. But if you ever feel, that you're no good with a sword, come to me."

It's honestly kind of annoying having to hint at every occasion i get, that Adelinde obviously isn't a swordsman prodigy. She should change to a lighter style weapon like a rapier.

I'll talk with the king in the future about it I guess, for now I just have to pretend I'm still unsure.

Okay. For today, training is over and im quite happy with my work, let's get a good rest in for tomorrow.

{Adelinde}: „Hey Leo, can you escort me outside the palace?"

{Leo}: „What is it you want to do?"

{Adelinde}: „I barely ever get to leave the palace and it's been a lifelong dream to visit the sunup to sundown festival-like city outside the palace. Im kinda getting fomo."

{Leo}: „So you need me to secretly take you there? I don't mind but give me some time to think about it."

{Adelinde}: „Okay, but make your decision by tomorrow evening. I'll patiently await your answer."

This doesn't seem like some intimate date scenario, it must be an actual request. It could really improve our relationship so it's imperative I do this.

Like that, another day passes.

*At the duel spot*

{Leo}: „Quite the crowd…"

{Leopold}: „Are you scared, dear instructor?"

{Leo}: „Stay humble, you are but a mere fly in the giant herd of fighters. I hope you will learn well from todays lesson, Leopold, the first-born of the royal family. Today you face me as a fighter, not a mere underling."

{Leopold}: „Get to fighting, and make sure you don't disappoint me."

Somehow, right now I feel an intense feeling I have never felt before. Is it…anger?

I don't think I can hold back, I am forced to submit to this feeling. May god himself have mercy on Leopold von Eisenhart.

The screaming from the crowd infuriates me, time stops as the referee counts down from 5.

At this point, I'm not swinging my sword anymore, I am swinging my emotions. This immense frustration. And I count down in my head…



Everything moves slowly. It's peaceful, almost. I calmly step forward, curiously following every movement of my opponents sword. I prepare every fiber of my muscles and hit.

It's like a smooth wave crashing against Leopolds sword like a cascade.

My mind goes clear and nothing matters anymore. His sword gets knocked back in a desperate motion, his whole body unguarded.

I redirect the force of my first swing, flip my sword to the blunt side and finally, my whole rage clears up and gathers in this one swing. I savor the moment, the fear in his eyes. Fearful? Is he…scared? Of me? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA hahaa~ his expression brings a sadistic smile to my face. The mighty swing barrels towards his smooth, royal skin and hits his jaw.

My lips spread and transform into a gaping, horrid smile as I feel satisfaction, I had never felt before. If only I could know, what the audience members are thinking right in this moment, as I follow through with the swing into a beautifully brutal eclipse…

Leopold trips on his feet and falls. He slowly looks up, like a broken record. Blood slowly drips from his nose as he coughs up blood.

He doesn't dare mutter up a word. It feels like the entire world went silent as a large pour started dripping down from the heavens, muddying the ground beneath our feet.

My raging feelings had subsided at this point, as I feel immense disgust. I feel disgusted at myself. In a form of retaliation to my own feelings, I offer my hand to Leopold.

He silently takes it with a shivering hand.

Then, I catch a glimpse at the crowd. What I see sends shivers down my spine: Adelinde.

She leaves the stands and rushes toward Leopold and me.

{Adelinde}: „Let's go, unless you want to get wet."

{Leo}: „Ah… it wasn't my intention t-"

{Leopold}: „It's my loss. Don't hurt my pride by apoligising for a fair fight."

{Adelinde}: „Leo, we'll meet later, so tell me then what is on your mind. For now, I will take my brother to the infirmary."

{Adelinde}: „What made you so happy about beating up Leopold, that you creepily smiled like that?"

{Leo}: „I don't know."

{Adelinde}: „How about a spar?"

{Leo}: „Adelinde…"

{Adelinde}: „Come on. Ready your wooden sword."

People say, crossing swords with someone is equivalent to having a conversation. I got the feeling as if she could understand me, even though there wasn't ever someone that could.

I understood her as well; she was annoyed and also concerned. It's an uncomfortable situation for me. But this spar made me feel refreshed and made me forget my troubles. Everytime she fell to the ground and every time I had to help her up, it felt like just a little weight fell off my shoulder.

{Adelinde}: „So, will you take me outside the palace?"

{Leo}: „Yes. We will depart tomorrow."

{Adelinde}: „Cool."

*A swarm of buttlers scurry around hastily all of the sudden*

„Young lady, it's wet so take care not to slip."

„But I heard brother got hurt in a duel. I have to question the person he fought."

{Adelinde}: „Elara! What are you doing here so late at night? Be careful."

{Elara}: „Where is Leo? I have to talk with him."

{Leo}: „I'm here, young lady."

{Adelinde}: „Leo, don't-"

{Elara}: „Will you have some tea with me?"

{Leo}: „Of course."

I can almost feel Adelinde pouting behind me as I follow Elara to her quarters.

I guess Elara's got a grudge against me from that duel… unfortunate.

{Elara}: „How did you allow for Leopold to sustain such an injury?"

{Leo}: „It was an honest mistake, nothing more."

{Elara}: „Who initiated the duel?"

{Leo}: „Leopold challenged me, as he doubted my ability to instruct Lady Adelinde."

{Elara}: „Are you sure that is all? Adelinde talked something about escorting her outside the palace, what's that all about?"

{Leo}: „Dear Elara, please believe my reightousness. If you suspect me of anything related to Adelinde, I would prefer you ask her yourself."

{Elara}: „Ugh you're so frustrating. Just stop hurting Leopold and leave."

{Leo}: „As I am your dear sisters instructor, I prefer pursuing a more friendly relationship. If you have a problem with my attitude or the way I treat your siblings, please tell me and I'll get to fixing it."

{Elara}: „A-Alright. You are very direct, little man."

{Leo}: „Though I may still be considered young for a royal instructor, I wish for you to respect, that I, in fact, am older than you."

{Elara}: „Haha, you're one funny person. Alright, tomorrow you may join me for a cup of tea again. Then, we will pick this conversation back up."

{Leo}: „Goodnight, my lady."

Holy this attitude. She is one insufferable little lady.

Today, I requested a meeting with the king, so I won't be able to tutor Adelinde. I will seek the king's approval to train Adelinde in various weapons beyond the sword. I'll also play with his consciense and emphasize how an excursion would benefit her in ways, staying in the palace couldn't.

*knock knock*

{King}: „Head inside."

{Leo}: „I'm terribly sorry to interrupt in your busy schedule in these dire times."

{King}: „I appreciate your self-awareness. Speak."

Well now I know where Elara got her shitty attitude from.

{Leo}: „I have noticed, that Adelinde is not proficient with the sword, so I request to train her in other ways. After asking Leopold about it, he angrily called me unworthy to train her, as the royal family only births master swordsmen. I'm curious about what you think of this."

{King}: „And then he challenged you to a duel, I reckon? Leopold's right. But I don't think it would be smart to force her to wield a weapon she's obviously not proficient with. I will supply you with various short swords and rapiers, so that you can train her properly."

{Leo}: „I'm already very thankful, but there's one request I still have."

{King}: „Excuse me, no more questions or requests. Take him outside, Hartwig."

{Leo}: „I understand."

In the end I couldn't even try to convince him to let Adelinde walk freely in the city. Well, it can be our little secret. that's good, right?

As I walk out, I see Elara.

{Elara}: „What were you doing in the kings room?"

{Leo}: „I requested a change of Adelindes weapon of choice."

{Elara}: „That's ridiculous. He denied it for sure."

{Leo}: „Not very original of you to say that, everyone I've talked to about it in your family said the same thing."

{Elara}: „Well if it turns out to be a problem I could also try convincing him."

{Leo}: „That's kind of you, but the king actually accepted."

{Elara}: „Stop fucking with me."

„ Elara, please mind your tone in the royal palace."

{Elara}: „Ok… But seriously how?"

{Leo}: „There's a lot more at play, than someone at your status can imagine. Desperate times call for desperate measures."

{Elara}: „Are you looking down on me, dirt-grubber?"

{Leo}: „More like keeping certain things to myself. I must go now, princess. Excuse me."

{Elara}: „Look who is all wise now because he travelled the country once. And we still have business. Stay here."

{Leo}: „What kind of business?"

{Elara}: „Someone at your status wouldn't understand, so just stay. You still have to explain the situation with Adelinde to me. Why was she asking you to escort her out of the palace, which, to my knowledge, is restricted."

{Leo}: „It was merely a misunderstanding, we held a light conversation about our dreams and aspirations. When she told me, she wanted to leave the palace, I jokingly offered to take her."

{Elara}: „Oww, isn't that sad though? I didn't know Adelinde felt that way. I have to talk to the king about it."

{Leo}: „Elara, the king is busy. Best not to interfere. Am I free to leave now?"

{Elara}: „Do what you want, farmer boy."

She was shockingly easy to trick. She is, expectantly, immature. Though I like to believe, that our relationship actually improved.

All that's left to do now, is talk Adelinde out of leaving the palace for now.