
Unordinary: the rebirth(dropped)

While the person is in the void for 1 billion years a voice asks him if he wants to be reborn person decided to go to the unordinary world with no power how is he going to survive in this hard world follow adventure this young man ============================= OK, I would like to say that English is not my mother tongue, I use a translator.

Lt_Saito · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


While I was in a very white room I hear a voice

<What are you doing here child of the void> asked the voice

I answer <I don't know I have been here for 1 billion years>

The surprised voice asked the young child <wish of you reincarnated in another world>

Child replied <yes I want to go to the unordinary world I would like a superhuman who can compete with high tier but I don't want power>

The voice reflects on his proposal <it's okay>

The voice disappears into nothingness and the child sent to the next world

As young man sees all black he felt weak unable to move he gazes sees a person with silver hair and purple eyes

??? : Congratulations it's a boy

So hold the baby in the hand gave to a woman with golden hair and blue eyes

??? : What a beautiful baby I will call you Yuu welcome among us my little Yuu

(Timeskip 1 year)

When I had just been born after leaving the hospital with my parents we go to our house I see a large villa apparently but parents rich people, the person with the silver hair is my father a high-tier of rank 10 he is calls Micheal Jackson and my golden haired mother is called Eto bridge rank 8.5, I have a big brother and 3 big sister

Yuu thought One thing "life will be hard being a person without power but I will try to train to become strong"

(AN: thank you for reading the chapter put comments to support me)