

When Shu and I returned It was getting close to night fall. Winston packed some things for us in a deer pelt bag. "Iris are you sure with him. I couldn't imagine looking at that face while mating." Parker was trying to get under Winston's skin.He may not show it now, but he may take his frustration out on my body later. "I want you to put this on." Winston hands me a snow Leppard dress that felt like silk. it was sleeveless and tide around the neck leaving the back open. the dress went to my above my knees. It was not loose it was fitted to me curves and all. "umm Winston did you make this?" I asked standing infront of him and the other males. He nods before taking my hand to leave.

Time skip

Winston takes me to a place on the outskirts of the city. It was beautiful the lake was crystal clear with a few charry blossom petals on the surface of the water. the grass was so tall it came to to my hips. Winston pulled me to a open spot in the grass. The fire flies dances threw the night air as Winston made me his female. the next morning I woke to Winston licking my cheek. He kiss along my shoulder and back to my ear. I roll over to face him to see him blushing. "So your view of me is strength and trust. That's what the right shoulder means." He said showing me the mark. The blue tiger face clear to see. "I cant wait tonmeet our cubs." He sounds so excited even though we don't know if I am. I hope everything turns out well us.

Bai pov

"so you are telling me if we don't get rid of her,the number of Males will increase. Bai look she is family now,and if she has more than one litter a year thats a good thing. The number of females will increase to. So you instead of trying to kill her join her. the both of you go threw cycle every month unless pregnant. Go with your snake and leave my aunt alone. she is backed by three grate clans. You don't stand a chance against her." Rosa said before sending me off. On my way out a see a girl from the wolf clan. "She took him from me you have to kill her. She took my Shu." the girl cried into my arms. "don't worry thats the plan." I said only to be stopped by Curtis. "you need to stop this Bai. You know why Women can cancel a Spouse agreement with a snake. It's because only we can do it. We can go find another afterwards. I think I know the female I'd go after. So either stop this madness or I join her. it's up to you." He said crossing his arms.