

Iris pov

"Iris sister please let me explain."Bai said kneeling infront of me. I was about to say no but something inside me said let her speak. I sigh and nod she gave me a relieved smile. "Iris I was coming from outside with the laundry. I bumped into Parker. Iris Parker loves you and is kicking himself right now. please come back to the house and talk to him. We will wait here for you till you return." She said taking my hands in hers. "He didn't...oh god I need to go find him." I said my voice cracked from crying. Bai helped me to my feet. "Then go to him we will be fine here." she said shoving me to go. I walk cuz pregnant cant run. I get there to see Parker holding the basket I made. "Parker?..." I said and he looked up at me red puffy eyes. I kneel infront of him. I take his face in my hands. He nuzzles my palm. "I love you Iris I would never hurt you. Please believe me when I say I'd die without you." I couldn't stand the fact that I was the one that put him in this state. My body moved on its own accord my lips met his. "I am sorry for doing this to you." I said resting my forehead against his. "I guess we both can be a bit hot headed." Parker said rubbing my belly. "I am sorry for making you feel that way. I mean it makes sense what you thought. I mean after what I said. Iris always remember a beastman is 100% loyal to their female. We will not want another once we have one. " He said holding me tightly to him. We stayed in eachother's embrace for a while. " We should get going the bonfire will be starting soon." Parker said bringing us to our feet. We walk to meet the others, my arms wrapped around one of his. I had a feeling things were going to get better.