
Unlimited Wishes

Bob was a simple man with simple means, one day as he was walking down the street he was hit by a truck. (classic) After that he found himself face to face with a God and was granted Unlimited Wishes. ---------------------------------------------- So side note, this is gonna be a really short fanfic, I just wanted to actually do a story where the Mc actually got all the stupidly op wishes that everyone says they'd wish for, or that'd make the fanfics so "great", tbh this is meant to mostly display how boring or short a fanfic would be with this concept. (me realising that I am calling my own fanfic boring with this statement) Regardless though, I guess enjoy? (then again if this is an enjoyable read it would invalidate my previous points, sh*t)

DrunkenFever · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 2 I Actually Get Wishes?

"Hah!" Bob gasped as he turned his head left to right, he found himself in an expansive white void by himself. He seemed to be alive as far as he could tell, his body seemed fine although it was a bit translucent.

'Wait am I.....'

"Yes, you are dead." An old man with a long white beard said. "I assume you know what's going on right?" The old man asked, his deep blue eyes piercing into Bob's plain brown eyes.

"Am I getting... Isekaid?" Bob asked in fear, if he was getting Isekaid that wouldn't be necessarily good nor bad, but if he wasn't then he was definitely in Hell right now.

"Indeed you are, and not only that, but you have 3 wishes, make them count!" The old man explained as he made an okay sign.

"W-Wait really? Are there any restrictions though?" He asked as typically there was always some sort of a catch. Hearing this, the old man smiled. "Nope, none at all, you can wish for WHATEVER you want." He confirmed emphasising that anything could be wished for.

"Assuming its in my power obviously." He added on as he noticed Bob was about to ask for something unreasonable.

"Okay, but, what is in your power?" Bob asked as he was planning how he'd rig this God.

"...Basically anything, apart from asking to be as strong as me. I can grant you a system, or any anime power you want, so theoretically nigh infinite possibilities, it just can't be to be as strong as me cause its out of my hands." He explained, hearing this Bob began to smile.

"Aight, then I want infinite wishes." Bob immediately said, and hearing this the old man simply smiled a bitter smile and nodded his head. "I can grant that wish."

Hearing this Bob was surprised, normally in every fanfiction the God would just deny that wish and just grant him a system or some shit. "Great then I want a system that can buy anything and everything within your power, with infinite points at my disposal, I also want to be 190 centimeters tall, and be the most handsome man to ever grace the Earth, by my standards obviously." Bob continued.

The old man just continued smiling as he nodded his head. "I also want a Supreme constitution compatible with every element and technique, I want the peerless talent in everything be it cultivation, weapon arts, magic, etc. I also want to be unkillable, as in if I were to die I will just come back to life and this will work as long as you're still around." The 20 year old man continued, making every last wish he could.

"Oh and to top it all off, I want my own private dimension that's as large as Earth, with everything I'd ever need, and a portal to EVERY fictional world in existence, which only I can use unless I give permission to others to use it. Also the dimension can be expandable if it gets full and it has the best environment to train anything, as in there'll be volcanic zones great for training fire based techniques or Glaciers which are great for training ice based techniques, these zone have to be the BEST in your ability though." He said, as the old man once again bitterly smiled before nodding.

"Besides that I want the dimension to be accessible instantly for me, and I want to be God within the dimension, capable of anything and everything." Bob elaborated, before then listing a lot of other wishes.

After a while the old man was getting annoyed, he finally shook his head and shut Bob up. "Listen, I get it, this is a literally ONCE in a lifetime opportunity but you can always buy shit through your System interface, since it will literally have everything within my power, and you have infinite points." The old man explained.

Hearing this Bob nodded, before saying one last thing. "Oh and for my last wish, I want to be able to wish for things any time anywhere, by simply saying "Old man I want" and then the object of my wish."

The old man simply sighed before nodding one final time. "What world?" He asked, hoping to get rid of the man as quickly as possible. "Hmmmmmm, just send me to my dimension, I can just pick from there." Bob answered, and immediately he was transported away.

Now alone in the white void, the old man's face went as red as a tomato, his fists in the air, as thunder rained around him. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK ALL OF YOU, THIS STUPID FUCKIN BET, I HATE THIS YOU DIRTY SHIT BAGS, I HOPE YOU'RE STRUCK BY UNIVERSAL DEMON FIRE YOU SCUM!" The old man raged as his appearance changed to that of a handsome middle aged man.

"Haha, not our fault you lost." A blonde man who appeared within the void, chuckled. "Ya its not our fault you're shit at poker." Another man chimed in.

"Fuck off! You invented the bet in the first place, or else I wouldn't bother with such a shitty mortal, not only that but you forced me to pick the person who'd take most of my shit." The middle aged man complained.

"Well not our fault you accepted, but look on the bright side, at least there'll be something semi-interesting to watch." The blonde man consoled him as Bob arrived in his private dimension.

Well this is going to be a short fanfic as you can see, and a very op one to boot, so if you want op enjoy.

DrunkenFevercreators' thoughts