
Unlimited Rex (Ben 10 x Marvel fanfic)

A young man was chosen to be reincarnate as an alternate Ben Tennyson of Marvel universe by the God and Professor Paradox. He gets with various powers and goes to Marvel. With his knowledge and skills, he uncovers various secrets in the multiverse. Let's see his journey of becoming the most powerful. # I do not own the cover or anything from Ben 10 or Marvel or from anime, movies or TV shows except the MC. They belong to their respective owners. Some additional information from Hymaster986: > No overpowered system for MC. >English is not my main language, so don't expect any perfect grammar with no mistakes. My writing skill is not at the same level to the paid writers. >This story is mine and I will decide what I should do. >Anyone who started to hate/feel bored reading this, you can remove it from your library.

Hymaster986 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter 19

Author's note: Hello readers. I am back. Sorry that I posted late when I informed that 7 days later in the previous chapter. I had some health issues after the exams and I was hospitalized. Also I couldn't upload chapters regularly due to my studies and my health. Don't worry, I am not going to drop this story. Now the question for Ben 10 fans, which version of Ben Tennyson is your favourite?


Rex is currently in the kitchen preparing breakfast for everyone. After waking up early in the morning, he already did his morning routine as usual.

Everything is done. He could sense that everyone would be at the dining table.

Without further ado, He took all the food with him and went to the dining table.

At the dining table, everyone is waiting for their breakfast.

Then Rex came to the table and put all the food.

After that he served them with all the delicious dishes that he cooked for them.

Everyone started to eat their breakfast.

Max: Hmmm, delicious as always.

Verdona and Hope also agreed to Max's words. Everyone in the Tennyson family knows how to cook except Hope who is still learning. Rex is the best when it comes to cooking.

Seeing their happy expression, Rex is satisfied with it. Kinda always reminds him about his family from his previous life. To protect his family, he will always be there for them.

After everyone finishes eating, Verdona asks.

Verdona: What are all of you going to do?

Hearing her question, everyone revealed their plan for today.

Hope: I am going to see my friends in the hospital. Then I want to buy some things for myself.

Rex: I am going to meet an important person today. So I will come home at night.

Max: As for me dear, I need to clean the Rustbucket.

Verdona nods hearing their plans. She always asks this to ensure what they will do for the entire day.

Rex gets up from his chair and goes towards his room. Then he enters his room and locks the door. He snaps his finger and a spatial barrier is created to prevent anyone from entering into his room or going out.

Now to the question, how did Michael get his powers back?

Michael Morningstar is a mutant in Ben 10 and an enemy of Ben Tennyson. But Michael Morningstar of this world is actually a mutant who formerly possessed the X-gene.

That's right. Mutants also exists in this world that includes X-men and Brotherhood.

Another change in this alternate world of MCU. In the prime MCU dimension, there were only Avengers. Other superhero group like Fantastic Four, X-Men, The Defenders,etc doesn't exist in prime MCU dimension.

Now about the Mutants, a mutant is a human being that possesses a genetic trait called the X-gene. It causes the mutant to develop superhuman powers that manifest at puberty. Human mutants are sometimes referred to as a human subspecies Homo sapiens superior, or simply Homo superior. Mutants are the evolutionary progeny of Homo sapiens, and are generally assumed to be the next stage in human evolution.

Unlike Marvel's mutates, which are characters who develop their powers only after exposure to outside stimuli or energies such as the Hulk, Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, Absorbing Man and Captain Marvel, mutants have actual genetic mutations.

When Rex checked himself whether he possess a X-gene or not, the answer is no. Later he found that his genes are vastly superior from X-gene from mutants.

Even Albion and Lykaon also told him that he will be most powerful.

His mother Irina Tennyson was not a normal human. She belongs to a clan of superior humans that lived before the great civilizations. They possess amazing and powerful abilities that were beyond from imagination. But due to a catastrophe, they all died. He and his mother were only survivors but now he is the sole survivor of his clan.

Now let's see how our blonde energy zombie is doing right now.

Last night, Rex told Lykaon to handle Michael to retrieve the information. Now let's check the results of it.

Rex: Hey Lykaon, how is the blonde energy sucking vampire?

Lykaon: {He is okay. I treated him with my best service that he will never forget.}

Lykaon replied in a sadistic tone. Rex usually tortures his enemies both mentally and physically, but Lykaon takes the job most of the time where he tortures his victims to help Rex.

From the shadow, a unconscious figure of Michael comes out. And from looks, he is completely broken. Seeing Michael's condition, Rex is assured that he won't recover from this.

The White dragon emperor puts his hand on Michael's head and starts to see his memories. A few seconds later, he got all the information that he wanted.

Rex: I see. So that's how he got his powers back. Someone helped him. Never thought it would be them.

Someone helped Michael to recover his mutant powers back. Another one gave him knowledge about magic. The one who restored Michael's power is actually a mutant and a powerful one also.

Also Michael didn't come here just to absorb anyone. He was given a mission to kidnap someone. His target is Hope. This mission is given by the one with magic.

Although he could deal with them, but he needs meet an important person today.

Time to meet Charles Xavier or Professor X.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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