
Lord Ryan

 Ryan wanted to rest a little since the fight against Titania had been tiresome, mentally speaking. As of late, Ryan was able to use less and less often Power Shot to finish off the bosses. While that was only natural given the creatures, he was trying to face. It didn't change the fact that it was annoying. However, his break was quickly interrupted when those three were teleported near him again—the soldiers of the man who was guarding Tokyo.

"What now?" Ryan asked without trying to hide his displeasure.

"We have come on behalf of our master to thank you for your actions," The man Ryan spoke earlier said, and despite Ryan's words, he didn't get angry. "Thanks to Lord Ryan, many of our citizens have been saved."

"Who is Lord Ryan?" Ryan frowned. "I didn't think I was teleported to the Middle Ages… while my parents were quite awesome, they weren't nobles."