
Unlikely Strangers

Sasuke's life gets flipped upside-down when a dangerous blonde knocks on his door.

Filthlover26 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Who Are You?

  It started off as a normal Saturday morning. Sasuke was sleeping in after a hard week at work. Although sleeping in was only until 8 am before he was awoken by the sun beaming on his face. He sluggishly got out of his warm cozy bed while stretching, he sighed and went to open his curtain more to feel the warm sun against his now cold body. After standing there a moment enjoying the warmth he slipped on some baggy shorts that were laying on the ground. Walking over to his black standing mirror he slid his fingers through his dark shoulder length hair. Glancing down, he noticed that his shorts hung dangerously low on his slightly toned stomach. 

  'Damn, have I been losing weight.' Pulling himself away from the mirror, he made his way to the kitchen.

  Sasuke lives in a 3 bedroom 2 bath apartment with his roommate, friend of 5 years Suigetsu. He wasn't a bad roommate. He cleaned up after himself and had his share of the bills paid on time. They met on a dating site, but soon realized that neither of them had romantic feelings for the other. They remained good friends, despite these previous feelings.

  Sasuke got the master bedroom with his own bathroom after beating Suigetsu at a game of Shogi. Shogi is like chess in the USA.  Also known as 'The General's Game' it's a common game played in Japan. Itachi, Sasuke's older brother was the one who taught him the game. Itachi was the only one that told him his family is from Japan, their mother moved them to the states soon after Sasuke was born.

  He shook his head, pushing those thoughts out of his head. Sasuke continued toward the coffee machine in the kitchen to make his coffee for the day. As the water started to boil, he leaned against his counters that went up his hips. He smiled a little while looking at his rather homey apartment.  He'd never admit it out loud, but he was the one that insisted on the wisteria hanging from the ceiling.

  Gazing into the beautiful flowers always puts him in his own world. A knock at the door yanks him back to reality. This puzzles him 'who on earth would be knocking at the door this early in the morning?' He groaned as he lazily went to answer the door. He peeked through the peephole seeing a very handsome blue eyed blonde practically bouncing in place. Sasuke's stomach twisted a little, he was not very good with social interactions let alone with someone that attractive.


  Naruto was brimming with excitement when his plane landed in California. He's flying in from Japan, finally to meet his boyfriend of 3 years after all this time. It was early Saturday morning, so he knew Suigetsu was working. Making his way down the street practically skipping, he hoped Suigetsu's roommate Sasuke would let him in. He started to get nervous 'I didn't tell him I was visiting, Suigetsu has been putting it off for so long, I thought I'd surprise him. I hope he won't be too mad.' He beamed, and continued up the stairs humming to himself. As he arrives at the door he reassures himself, "Even if he is a little mad. I'm sure he won't mind!" He knocked on the door bouncing on the balls of his feet unable to calm himself.

  As the door slowly creaked open, his heart started racing at the sight of his lover. He had bed head and baggy shorts that hung so low, it made the back of his neck get hot and sent a surge to go down his spine, almost froze him in place.


  As Sasuke slowly opened the door, peering out into the bright sun he could see how vibrant his ocean eyes were. Along with a gorgeous tan, he couldn't help but wonder if it was a full body tan or not. Before he could say anything the blonde pushed his way in and grabbed him by the waist, pulling him into a heated passionate kiss that sent an electric shock through the tired man's body. A small moan escaped his mouth at the sudden heat and the feel of muscles being pushed against him. His mind was racing 'Who the fuck is this guy?! Why is he here? Why is he-'. His thoughts were cut off when he heard a deep raspy voice next to his ear say "I love the sound of your sweet moans~". 

  Feeling the man's hot breath on his neck made his body shiver. His face flushed a deep red, you could almost see the steam coming off the pale man that's fully awake now. He pushes the blonde away slightly "I-I'm s-sorry but who are you?" he finally stammers out. Not knowing that this question was going to change his life.


  Naruto gazed at the gorgeous being in front of him with a mix of confusion and underlining lust. 

  "What do you mean Suigetsu, it's me Naruto." he said softly.

  Beaming a smile that almost blinded the man in his arms. Sasuke thought for a moment 'Ohhh, Suigetsu did mention he met someone abroad a few years ago'. 

Sasuke finally says coldly "oh you're Suigetsu's boyfriend." 

  The dark haired man steps back, confusing Naruto even more. Before he could say anything, Sasuke asks briefly while on his way back to the kitchen blushing "Come in and close the door, Suigetsu should be home in a few hours." 

  The blonde man, still in shock at what he is hearing, closes the door and follows Sasuke into the kitchen. He stands there a moment before saying boldly "If YOU'RE not Suigetsu then WHO have I been DATING THE LAST 3 YEARS??!"