
Unleashing Chaos: Journey through Overlord

Arielle finds herself trapped in the virtual world of YGGDRASIL as her character, with the consciousness and appearance of her avatar. The game seems to have taken on a life of its own.

syzygyei · Anime e quadrinhos
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1 Chs

End and beginning

Millions of gamers from all around the globe have been engrossed in YGGDRASIL, a famous virtual reality game. Players take control of their customized avatars in a massive, complex world rife with magic, adventure, and peril. The game has several missions, fights, and challenges tht players may take on to hone their abilities, network with other players, and ultimately vie for dominance in the game's intricate virtual world.

YGGDRASIL was discontinued after years of operation owing to dwindling player interest and prohibitive server expenses. As more and other VR games entered the market, users gradually drifted away from YGGDRASIL. The developers had to make a tough choice due to rising financial concers, and they chose to permanently shut down the game, leaving behind a void and a wave of nostalgia among the game's dedicated fanbase.

Despite its closure, YGGDRASIL will always be emembered as a turning point in the annals of virtual reality gaming, one that sparked the imaginations of gamers and developers alike.

To say that Arielle was a successful lawyerwould be anunderstatement. She was well-known for her rigorous work ethic and tenacious advocacy on behalf of her clients. She worke tirelessly, devoting many hours to studying the law. While Arielle's professional life was undoubtedly demanding, she found solace in a passion she had grown to love: the virtual reality game YGGDRASIL. The virtual world of YGGDRASIL had become a refuge for Arielle, a place where she could let go of the weight of her responsibilities and simply enjoy herself.

When it came to YGGDRASIL, Arielle was in a league of her own. She had spent many hours in front of her computer, plowing through dungeons and slaying ferocious creatures to achieve her goal of becoming the game's most powerful player. She had established relationships with other players, created alliances, and earned a reputation as a formidable opponent. Her dedication was second to none, and her character, a beautiful and powerful sorceress, was a testament to her hard work.

Arielle felt a profound feeling of loss now that the game's servers were about to be shut off. She had put a lot of herself—her time, her money, and her emotions—into the game, and now it appeared as though it had all been in vain. All the hours spent grinding for experience and hunting for rare items, all the real money spent on virtual currency, all of it was about to disappear into the void.

Arielle's eyes were heavy with exhaustion as she glanced at the clock on her computer screen. At that moment, though, nothing else mattered except seeing Yggdrasil. She wanted to soak up every last bit of its beauty and wonder, to experience the magic of the game one final time before it was gone forever.

And so, even though she had an early start for a critical case the next day, she made the decision to stay up for the last moments of the game. Knowing it was a gamble and that lack of sleep may damage her performance in court, she went forward with it nevertheless.

Great Tomb Of Nazarick – 9th Floor – Round Table

The Round Table, located on the 9th floor of Nazarick, is an impressive and grandiose room that exudes power and luxury. White marble covers the flooring, walls, and round table, all of which have been polished to a gleaming brightness that reflects the soft light of the chandeliers above. Surrounding the table are 41 high-backed chairs, each crafted with intricate detail and adorned with velvet cushions.

A sensation of loneliness permeates the area despite its grandiose decor.

Crizantema, Arielle's avatar, was a labor of love, and it showed in every detail. Her long, straight hair cascaded down her back like a torrent of pure white, glistening in the candlelight. Her beautiful blue eyes were cold and calculating but nevertheless possessed an appeal that pulled others to her. Her full, cherry-colored lips were flawlessly shaped. Crizantema's voluptuous figure and shapely limbs perfectly complement her red gown, creating a striking contrast against her pale and almost white complexion.

A purple slime, its smooth, shining surface reflecting the room's light, sat across from Crizantema.

"It's good to see you again, Hero-hero-san," Arielle said with a small smile. "I didn't think you'd make it for the final hours."

Wearily, Herohero-san laughed. "I couldn't miss this for the world, even if my body is completely worn out from all the overtime I've been doing lately. It's hard to believe it's been two years since we last met. Time really does fly by."

Arielle nodded in accord, feeling a twinge of melancholy as she reflected on all the memories she had made in YGGDRASIL, now just hours away from being gone forever. She redirected her focus to the sludge.

As the conversation drew to a close, Herohero expressed regret for having to end things abruptly and bade goodbye to Arielle. She smiled and sent her well wishes, while Herohero expressed his gratitude for her hard work and hoped for a chance to meet again in the future. Having said that, the slime logged out, leaving Arielle once again to her own devices.

Despite her disappointment, Yggdrasil was merely a game, and as much as it had consumed her existence, she understood that her fellow participants had other responsibilities and priorities. She could not fault Hero-hero for having to log off and tend to himself. She merely wished they would all reunite, wherever that may be.

The throne room of Nazarick is a grand and imposing chamber befitting the ruler who sits upon its throne. The walls are lined with ornate carvings and intricate tapestries, depicting scenes from battles and conquests long past with a ceiling that seems to stretch up into infinity.

In the center of the room stands a raised dais, upon which sits an imposing throne made of black stone, carved with intricate runes and symbols. It is clearly the throne of the ruler of Nazarick and is situated at the back of the room, facing out towards the entrance.

A gigantic pair of double doors fashioned of solid iron and strengthened with strong enchantments sits at the far end of the chamber, facing the thrones. Only via these doors can one enter the throne chamber, thus why they are always patrolled by a strong force of soldiers.

Crizantema sat regally on the throne, her eyes wandering over her loyal followers. To her right sat Albedo, Sebas, and the combat maids of Pleiades. Her gaze fell upon the succubus Albedo, and a thought crossed her mind.

With a few keystrokes, Arielle navigated through her character's settings. Tabula-san, her creator, was notorious for his love of settings, and it showed in the complexity of his characters. "So long!" she thought as she scrolled through page after page of settings.

But as she read through the settings, a look of surprise crossed her face. "Huh? What's this? A bitch?" Contradictions in appearance and personality have always appealed to Tabula-san. Arielle smiled devilishly and decided to alter it.

She paused, taking a deep breath before typing in the new setting.

"She is deeply in love with Crizantema."

Arielle squealed to herself, feeling a little sheepish at her own daring. She couldn't wait to see how Tabula-san would react when he found out. But for now, she would revel in her little secret.

At the sight of the flags that adorned the royal chamber, Arielle heaved a tiny sigh. She closed her eyes, thinking back on all the times they had spent together: the adventures, the fights, and the bonds they formed.

"It was truly an unforgettable experience."




She sat there, her eyes straining to read the screen and make sense of what was going on. The game continued to run well beyond its scheduled end time, much to her astonishment. The thought, "Did they delay the server shutdown?" started to occupy her thoughts.

Arielle's heart raced as she realized something was wrong. She attempted to navigate through the game's system, but all attempts were met with failure. "What's happening?" she murmured in confusion and worry.

She sprang to her feet. She took a long breath and consciously sought to regain her composure. Her mind was racing with possibilities. Is there some kind of misunderstanding at play here? Is this some kind of practical joke? The crushing pressure of the unknown was unbearable. She felt even more uneasy as she glanced about at the NPCs, who were all gazing at her with worry written all over their features.

"Crizantema-sama? What's wrong?" Albedo's tone was fraught with concern, but Arielle was at a loss for words. As she tried to grasp the gravity of the situation, her heart raced in her chest. Albedo is now face-to-face with her, bombarding her with questions, their breasts almost touching.

Arielle's mind was going a million miles an hour; she struggled to process the situation. The fact that an NPC was talking left her bewildered and confused, and she felt like she was on the brink of a panic attack. However, she knew she had to remain calm and think rationally. It must be some sort of error, she reasoned.

She said in a voice that astonished even her: "Albedo, please, calm down." It was gentle, sweet, and subtly seductive. Despite her dismay, she kept her composure and gave no indication that her stomach was in knots. As she struggled to make sense of what was occurring, she felt a profound feeling of dread. An NPC talking was something that shouldn't be possible, and yet here it was.

With her composure regained, Arielle barks orders to Sebas and the Pleiades maids. She knew she had to contact the administrators somehow. The more she relaxed, the more in tune with the senses she got, something that shouldn't be possible in the game. "I smell good," she thought to herself, perplexed.

Her own gaze now wonders to her own breasts as she starts caressing them, mesmerized by how soft and smooth it feels under her touch. Her fingers glide gently over the surface, tracing every curve and dip.

As Arielle's mind raced with thoughts, she was suddenly jolted back to reality by the whimpers coming from Albedo. She had been so lost in her own thoughts and sensations that she had completely forgotten about the NPC standing right beside her. The whimpers were almost desperate, and Arielle realized with a start that Albedo was becoming increasingly aroused by the situation.

A sudden flush of shame spreads over Arielle's cheeks, and she removes her hands away from her breast and straightens up. "Albedo! Get it together!

Albedo backs away, looking chagrined. "I'm sorry, Crizantema-sama," she says, bowing deeply. "I got carried away. But please, you must let me help you. I am your loyal servant, and I will do anything to assist you."

Every minute adds a new layer of insanity to this scenario. If only she could get in touch with the higher-ups, but how? And what about the other players? Are they trapped in this world too? So many questions swirl around her head, and she feels a headache starting to form.

With a dry swallow, Arielle's voice grew firmer as she barked out orders to Albedo. "Gather everyone in the fighting arena on the sixth floor, except for the guardians of the fourth and eighth floor," she commanded. With a bow, Albedo obediently left the room to carry out her orders.

"This is bad!" she thought, realizing how she had tampered with Tabula-san's settings. A rush of anxiety and remorse swept over her. How could she have been so thoughtless?

But there were more immediate concerns that she couldn't afford to ignore. This is not a game anymore, and she needs to treat it as such.