

MusicalKitsune · História
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 - Makeover

It was a cold spring night and as always, I was spending the night at the barn taking care of animals. The pigs were sleeping, the horses were eating their hay and the chickens were getting ready to sleep while I was still cleaning up everything. It was nothing special I was already used to it as this was a normal night for me where I go to sleep at 3 A.M. while I wake up at 7 A.M. It was getting late and it was already 2:55 A.M. and I was getting ready to sleep, but then out of nowhere, Lucas showed up my one and only friend.

- Sylvie, can you believe it, the great Prince Lucifer is holding a dance to find his Queen? – Lucas said with excitement.

- Lucas do you know what time is it? – I said annoyed and sleepy. – And why should I care about the stupid dance or whatever?

- Sylvie are you serious? You really don't care about the dance? – He said confused.

- Yea why should I care about it? What would I get from being a Queen, I'm just a slave of the king and plus I think the prince is like the king a total snob and a prideful idiot. – I said with a rude attitude.

- But you are so pretty and also the prince isn't that bad, I have met him a few times and he is really nice to people doesn't act like other royalty. – He said with joy. – So please can you take the chance and try going to the dance? – He said with his puppy eyes.

- Oh, fine you old dog, I will go, but there is a problem I don't have a dress. – I said a bit annoyed, but excited at the same time.

- Don't worry about the dress I have one. – He said with a big smile.

- Why do you Lucas have a dress? – I got really confused about it.

- Oh, don't worry about it and get ready for tomorrow's dance miss. – After saying that he left and I went to sleep

The next morning, I still couldn't believe what I have agreed to. Me a slave going to a royal dance to be the next candidate for the Queen's position. The world is truly a weird place. I was still nervous, but then I yelled.

- Screw it! – I finished eating and stood up. – I'm still going to go there. Maybe some other noble will look up to me and will take me in as his miss or I could at least go and live my life freely after they see that I am not just a simple slave girl.

I went out of the barn and started to look for the groundskeeper. While running around, I saw a tall, blond, pale woman "I have seen her here before," I thought in my mind, but couldn't remember who she was.

She glanced at me and looked with disgust and mouthed something. Then she ran away in another direction.

- Hmm, I wonder who she was? – I thought out loud.

- Oh, that is young Lizabeth Lunarier. She is from a noble family and will be attending today's dance also. – Lucas came up from behind and said it out of nowhere.

- Ahh! – I yelled and jumped back from Lucas scaring me. – What are you doing here? – I was in shock.

- Miss I finally found your dress. – He couldn't contain his excitement while holding a bag in his hands.

- SO… is the dress in that bag Lucas? – I said with a curious look looking at the bag.

- Yes miss, - He said with a big smile. – Now let's go try it on.

After that, we went to the barn and I went upstairs to change into it. When I changed into it, it was a bright long blue dress that went well with half of my light blue hair. It was long and it was made from top-quality silk.

- Lucas where did you get this dress from?! – I said amazed and surprised that he found something like this.

- Oh, miss don't worry. This dress was my wife's dress. – He said sadly. – But I'm glad it fits you.

- Lucas, no I can't take this dress. This is a precious thing to you and it belongs to your wife. – I said looking at the dress.

- No, you can take it. She would have liked for such a beautiful lady to be wearing it. – He said happily wiping his tears.

I then looked at him and hugged him. After that, we then snuck out of the barn and the royal palace after I got changed. We were wandering around town and I had zero idea where Lucas was taking me. He then took my hand and dragged me into the barber's place.

- Why hello there pretty lady, how would you like your hair done – A cute barber said with a smile.

- Oh please give this lady an amazing haircut so she would stun everyone at the royal dance. – Lucas answered for me as he saw I couldn't say anything.

- Why of course anything for this pretty flower.

After he finished asking me questions, the barber cut my hair and I couldn't believe that I could look this stunning.

After that, we went out to look for some nice high heels for the dance. While I and Lucas were walking around, a lot of people were looking at me and it felt really weird. I looked up at Lucas, but he just smiled at me and we walked to the shoe store.

At the store, a woman came up to us out of nowhere and started looking at us intensely and wouldn't say anything for a few minutes.

- Umm… Excuse me? – I said a bit scared, wondering why was she like this. – Umm… I would like to get some high heels… - I said quietly.

- Oh, that's why such a pretty girl came to my shop. – She said delighted and happily. She then took my hand and started to drag me. – So, what kind of shoes are you looking for?

- Well I want something to fit with a blue silky dress.

- Hmm. I think I have a few pairs that could fit your dress. – She said as she went to the back to take out the shoes. After a while, she came back with two pairs. One pair of shoes where dark black and with flowers, while the other pair was light blue with butterflies and the heel wasn't that big.

- Umm... I would like to try out the butterfly ones please… - I said quietly and under my breath.

She then gave me the shoes and I tried them on they were a perfect fit. I was so happy and they looked so pretty on me I couldn't hide the excitement.

- So how much for the shoes? – Lucas said while taking out his wallet.

- Oh, don't be silly, they are yours for free if the young lady agrees to go to today's dance. – She said smiling and looking straight at me.

- Wait really, they can be mine for free? – I said amazed.

- Why yes, but you have to promise to go to the dance.

- Yes, yes!!! I will go to the dance I promise auntie – I said with a big smile and happily looked at her.

She then packed the heels and gave me them. While we were walking back home, I couldn't hide my smile. The whole way back I was smiling so much, that I couldn't contain my happiness. The day was long, but the main part was still waiting. When I got back to the barn it was already 6 P.M. and the party will start at 7 P.M.

I quickly changed into the dress and got my shoes out.

- Lucas thank you so much for this day. – I said happily looking at him and hugging him afterwards.

- Oh, it's not a big deal I just want to see you, happy young lady. – He said while hugging me back. – Well then go to the party and have a great time.

After that, I walked to the royal palace for the first time and I couldn't wait for the dance and to see the Crown Prince for the first time. When I got to the door the guards opened them and I couldn't believe what I saw…