
The trip

The tour bus was tearing down the road so fast that the wind blasting against my face sounded like that roar of the ride. There were 24 people on the bus, but I guess I was the only one so eager. My name is Rhysen, and most people call me Rhys. I think people love four-letter names more than six-letter ones.

Today might be one of the days that I have been looking forward to since last month. Visiting the Remora Jungle is a lifetime opportunity, and obviously, I will not miss it. The Remora Jungle is known for its beauty, colourfulness, and cleanness. Who wants to go to the polluted jungle?

The exciting trip took me about 2 hours from my school. Twenty-one students joined the trip, and two teachers were added to monitor us. There were more than 23 seats on the bus, but I'm not sure why only 21 students were approved. Most of my classmates were rejected, but I managed to join this trip. And know what? There were only two people from my class out of 34 students who entered this trip. That's a significant amount.

"Wake up! We are already here."

"So fast? I just barely sleep."

"What did you dream?"

"I already forgot, but it must be a boring one", said Cassian, my only friend and classmate on the bus.

"How do you know?" I asked him back.

"I didn't get to enjoy the thrill of my dream so for me it's boring."

I looked at him weirdly, and before asking him again, a teacher(I guess her name is Emily as her name tag stated Emily)asked everyone to go down the bus and line up quickly.

When the line was neat and straight, the teacher asked all of us to sit down on the thin, neat grass. Then both of the teachers started to call out names from the forms they were holding. My name was in the 11th line, while Cassian was in the 5th line. After both teachers had done their work, they broke us into groups for the work task.

Cassian and I were joined together in the same group with my new friends Orion, Christine and Nesta. Our task is to find firewoods in the jungle. Teacher Emily told us that we must be careful in the wilderness like this and shouldn't take any items that are not ours. We headed the beautiful teacher's guidance and started looking. After two hours, we managed to find two dozen firewoods which I think would be enough for this day trip.

When we arrived back, only a few students were still doing their task; cleaning the campsite. For me, it's an easy task as the site is already evident, and it just needed a few touch-ups.

When everyone returned to the campsite, the teacher checked back the counts of the students to make sure there were enough students there. The teachers were busy counting when a group of students started shouting while pointing to the ground. Everyone hurried there and was shocked by the discovery. They discovered ..............