
The donor

Rushing into the doctors office she takes a deep breath to stabilize her erratic heartbeat she wipes the sweat that is forming on her forehead

"phew!that was close she exclaims

"what was close?"

She almost jumps from her sit.

"Brown! You moron,you almost gave me  a heart attack"

Dr.Brown"why are you acting as though you are escaping from somebody?".

she laughs dryly,'that is because I am".

"what! "Though she sounds humorous brown can tell she is not joking.

opening the door he looks at the corridors that are already deserted.

Dr.Brown"mmh I don't  see anyone?"

chuckling nervously "it must be in my imagination then"

For the four years they have been friends Dr.Brown knows that she won't make such casual remarks anyhow.

Seeing the seriousness of her friend's face she knows he has reservations on what just happened.

"Dear don't you think its high time you reconsidered my offer?"

"ooh not now Brown. I thought we already agreed on this.

it will never happen, personally I don't like being watched or followed around

I am a  big girl and I will take care of myself trust me".

Dr.Brown"the last time I trusted you, you ended up with a stab wound. It took a miracle to bring you back to life

my dear I don't want to loose you again,you mean more to mean than you can imagine.What will it cost you to accept my proposition?"

she rolls her eye. For all she cares he will continue nagging her  till he gets what he wants.

"you are such an a*** do you know that?"

Dr.Brown"and I will take that as a yes.Right?

"whatever, think whatever you feel is right but I don't want to see them swarming around me like flies do you get it?"

He gives a wide grin as he kisses her cheeks.

Dr.Brown"I knew my baby will never say no to me".

"eeww brown can you stop that and wipe that stupid grin off your face, its annoying". She tries to rub her cheeks 

he kisses her on her forehead," the more you rub away my kisses the more I will kiss you."

Doctor stone walks in on them.

"ewww you two should get a room her".

they both laugh seeing her flushed face.

"doctor stone why is your face all flushed when its my cheeks that are being assaulted by his kisses?"

doctor stone blushes some more.

"see you are even blushing, "she continues teasing her knowing very well she held a torch for her friend.

Dr.Stone"stop speaking nonsense".

Heading to the sink she splashes cold water on her face.

"its the temperature,i think the air conditioner in this room is out of service".

Dr.Brown doesn't give her face at all.

"actually the air conditioner is perfectly working but i read somewhere when women are in their periods they have this hot flushes."

Hear him talk in such a manner his friend jabs him on his chest.

Dr.Brown"aww must you be so hard,you want to kill me before I enjoy the soft things of life?".

Dr.Stone's cheeks feel hot, a bright red blush is already visible on her face. She grabs a glass of water and drains it all.

They both laugh at her actions.

Dr.Brown"are you sure you are okay?'grabbing the thermometer

"here lemme check, your ears are red are you sure you don't have fever?'.

both ladies roll their eyes doctor stone feels like her heart will stop beating if he moves any closer.

"no..no,am fine. I came to drop this".

Seeing the contents of the file,

Dr.Brown"Thanks but you shouldn't have troubled your beautiful legs coming this far".

His compliments makes the blush on her face to deepen.Unconciously she looks down at her legs that doctor brown found beautiful.

She licks her bottom lip all this actions do not go unnoticed by the third person in the room.

"Alternatively you should have sent them via mail or have your assistant deliver them,nevertherless thanks for gracing us with your presence.

Her heart beats erratically, his voice is so deep.

Looking up their eyes lock.

"Dr.Stone is anything the matter?"

she continues to stare at him blankly.

"doctor stone, doctor stone"..still no answer

holding her slender shoulders..

"doctor stone.."

jerking back to response

"Dr.brown!"she excalims  as she licks her lips . Its becoming more of a habit more so when close to the god like doctor brown.

"I..I am fine is everything okay?"

Their closeness is making her all nervous

he smells of cedar wood and his scent is making her go cuckoo.

with her gaze lingering on his thick,succulent and curvy lips. she looks completely smitten by his appearance that she forgets who she is and where they are.

Fluttering her eyelashes she gently touches his arm, she had always wanted to do this.

they feel smooth to touch but strong at the same time.

They seem to be lost in their own world.

Seeing a fringe that is blocking her left eye he helps tuck it behind her ear, his touch send butterflies in her stomach.

"should we cut this stubborn fringe "he asks in a low yet deep voice that she finds appealing and attractive to listen to.

She giggles at his words. Her current state is that of  a school girl who is in love.

"Ahem!"They turn to look at their intruder

She can feel them shooting daggers at her.

"ouch! My skin is pricked from the daggers shot by your eyes.

man if looks would kill I would be six feet under".

They both laugh at her casual remarks  detangling themselves he pulls out a chair for her.

"Dr.stone we would like you to join us".

With a nod from his friend she takes a seat.

This are the donors whose information you requested for."

Brown,"sweetheart before you review their profiles I want to ask if you are sure about this?

'I have never been this sure. Brown I know are worried for me but I want to assure you I am up for the task.

you know me, I wouldn't do something without due consideration."

Brown"but swiry,if only you can open your heart to love again".

she cuts him halfway

"no brown,we are done talking about this.Right now that is the least of my worries.

I just want to concentrate all my energy on what am about to do.

no negative energy for the new mother to be right".

They all chuckle at her statement.

Brown"ofcouse no negative energy else our baby will be born all grumpy".

The tension that once threatened the peace in the room is lifted

one by one she goes through the profiles of the five suitable donors.

from one file to the next her frown deepens .

"is this all you have?'she asks 

"Based on your expectations that is the best we would find "doctor stone informs.

Its not her place to do so but given that she is brown's friend she can make some adjustments.

"no this cannot do.

I wouldn't want a sperm from any of them".

"for a sperm donor my dear you sure have huge expectations.

honey are you sure you can get the whole package from an anonymous donor?

you want a donor with a particular eye colour,an athletic body,a fair skin tone,brilliant,good looking and all

that.are you sure we are not talking about your ex-boyfriend? "Brown teases her.

"honey your expectations are way too much."

hearing his remarks very muscle in her body tenses.

"wow!did I mention all that?"

Doctor stone laughs at her comment. Indeed you mentioned all that and much more.

This past few weeks we have been trying searching for the one that meets your expectations and this is the best we could come up with.

I can tell you that your requirements did place us in a very tight spot.

Brown "For once I thought you were describing Mr.Cleve Khumbata'.

Realizing what he has just said, he gives a sly smile.

"Having Mr.cleve as your donor won't be a bad idea at all.

that man is a total package.

he is what we call tall rich and handsome".

Aren't you professing your love for him?Dr.stone asks him in a playful manner.

"Dr.Stone if you cannot find the donor that meets my expectations then I guess I will make do with the ones we have here".

Going through their profiles once again, she makes her pick.

Brown raises his eye quizzically. "what made her change her mind that fast? "he wonders.

A well built athletic body,198.4 lbs,5ft3,black American, brown eyes.

"what does he do for a leaving apart from occasionally playing basketball".Dr.Brown asks

Dr.stone"he is a gym instructor"

Looking at her she nods in confirmation.

"Okay then its settled. I hope you have been sticking to the IVF plan you were given."Dr.Stone asks

"she has", Brown answers for her.

"Then that settles it.

Ma'am I am happy you made a decision and I am sure your baby will be really beautiful"

she nods in agreement as Dr.Stone exits the room