
Chapter 9

Turning to Vienna "my in-law you are a mother too if word gets out about the surrogacy before they officiate their relationship I am afraid tongues will start wagging.

please ma'am "she kneels. For a person who suffers from bursitis it takes her a lot of effort. Aina feels bad seeing her mother's pained expression she can tell her discomfort is acting up.

"save her face from embarrassment "she pleads with Cleve's family.The unbearable pain on her knee makes her words sound more of a plea.

"This past few weeks she had cried herself to sleep and as her mother I cannot bear to see her in such a state again. Cleve my son,old madam I beg of you officiate this relationship and save her family some face.

Tongues are already wagging about her miscarriages yet she is unmarried. If this has to happen then let it happen when they are already official.

To us we already consider Cleve our son in law".

Cleve can't sit  and watch his mother in-law beg.

Holding her arm he begs her to rise up.

Maria scoffs,

"I am a good actress but Aina's mum surpasses me

she should have been an actress.Her act deserves to win the Oscars

She sure is really shameless.'

Cleve's mother being the innocent woman with a pure heart feels embarrassed by her in-law kneeling and begging.

"My in-law, please rise up. We

apologize for making you feel that way.

First of all Aina is a member of this family

Holding a wedding that befits your daughter is our responsibility 

Its my duty as her mother to ensure that they get married and her life is as comfortable as it should be.

on the contrary we should be apologizing for dragging their marriage for this long.

Turning to her husband

"honey if you agree how about they get married before they start looking for a surrogate?"

Aina's heart sings Hallelujah 

she pulls her mothers hand and clasps it tightly

If this happens then her position won't be at stake.

Cleve has no objection with the arrangement. If its up to him he would have married her as earlier a yesterday.

Aina's mother feels like her pain did not go in vain.It took a lot of effort to pull through her act.

However this doesn't sit well with Maria.

If this happens then her plans will go down the drain. She had come too far and invested a lot to let this happen.

"hell no!this cannot happen".

her outburst attracts unwarranted attention. She can feel Aina and her mother  shooting daggers at her.

She cannot allow the woman and her daughter is a stumbling block to their well rehearsed plan.

Her husband steps on her big toe.

Realizing her plunder she tries to save herself.

"Mother,you know that can't happen. We should not allow our emotions to cloud our judgement.

Not that I am against it but remember how this has always been done.

For a marriage to take place, the fiancé should have given birth. That has been our family's tradition.

Brother Rich do you remember how you got married?

Vienna had to give birth to Cleve before your wedding was held even though her family was reluctant about

her giving birth out of wedlock you still stood your ground.

How is your case different from my nephews'?

"But Maria times have changed."..Vienna interjects.

"Yes sister in-law" she tries as much as possible to remain calm and composed

"I agree with you that times have changed but that doesn't mean we disregard what our forefathers held dearly

they were not wrong to put such kind of arrangement in place.

I believe such an arrangement was made after due consideration so why should we just brush it off because of

a small mishap.

Vienna you come from a family of priests, even though they had every reason to stop you from adhering to our

tradition you still stood your ground.

mother if father was alive I am sure he would have said the same thing.

sister in-law if there is one person who always wants the best for this family and my nephew that is me else I

wouldn't' have left my in-laws place to come help you manage our businesses.

Richmond "Maria I share your sentiments but as my wife said times have changed and we have to change how we do things around here.First of all we are talking about my son, as his father my voice should be the only one apart from his grandmother's that he should listen to."

his words are so blunt and rude.

Maria feels like cold water has been poured on her.

Maria is a fighter, she knows if she keeps silent nobody will take her seriously henceforth.She hasn't come this far to be trampled on.

"My son, she turns to Cleve, I am proud of the man you have become. I am proud for being supportive of your

beautiful fiancée but please do not disregard the traditions of this family in the process."

Right now she looks like the great and wise aunt Maria.

sitting down her husband give her a thumbs up secretly.

Old madam Hitler who had been silent all along leaning on her walking cane finally speaks.

"Maria you have spoken like my true daughter.

Cleve I expect no less from you.

I am giving you two weeks to identify your surrogate, do everything necessary by the end of this year we shall hold your wedding.''

Maria heaves a sigh or relief its like a lump that was stuck on her throat had been removed.

If she is not wrong eleven months are enough for a ship to change its course.

Aian's mother looks dissatisfied.Eleven months is a long time for things to go south.

Su's gaze contorts with rage,and the way she had tried hard to convince them.

She won't allow her hard work to go down the drain

Aina feels exasperated. For all she knows she has never crossed paths with Aunt Maria. She had always tried to stay on her own lane.

But ever since Cleve announced to the family that she was his girlfriend Aunt Maria had been hell bent on sabotaging their relationship.

At the beginning she passed across as a loving and concerned aunt but as the days went by her vicious nature and ambition could no longer remain hidden.

One afternoon they were hosting a family dinner for all the Cleve household. Being a big family whose branches were all over the country Cleve was already tied up with work and ensuring that everything was in order for the success of the event.

That morning he had promised Aina to take her for shopping but with all the work he directed his assistant to help her choose a gown.

That is when aunt Maria jumped on the offer.

"Ooh my son you cannot do that. You not fulfilling the promise you made her is one thing but sending your assistant to help her out that is unacceptable.

How about this, I will help her out after all you are my son so let me handle it."

Cleve felt like the weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

Aunt Maria thanks a lot.Here have this today's bill is on me.

She wanted it but she tries to act as though she doesn't care but Cleve shoves the black limitless credit card to her hand.

"Aunt thanks for the trouble. I will leave her in your care".

Maria sneers as he walks out

"Anything for my sweet son."

Leaning back to the black leather chair he heaves a sigh of relief

Today is the day he has been waiting  for.

To introduce Aina to his entire family and announce their status.

Its two in the afternoon Aina reaches out to Cleve as he was supposed to be home by now.

"Hunie am sorry I won't make it as agreed but Aunt Maria has offered to help you out.

Just choose whatever you want and doll yourself up your man will Carter for everything"

Its supposed to sound sweet and lovely but it doesn't.

Aina feels a evil foreboding 

Though Aunt Maria has always come by as a sweet and concerned woman Aina feels there is more than meets the eye to her.

Beneath her sweet and gentle appearance is a vicious and poisonous snake.

Shrugging her shoulders she feels like complaining but the line is dead

She tries to reach him once again but his secretary picks "am sorry ma'am Aina, Mr. Cleve is in a meeting"

Dejectedly she slumps into the bed.

"Aunt Maria I hope its not what I am thinking. If its games you want to play, I am all in". She remarks with an evil grin.

Even though Cleve's parents aren't  satisfied with the arrangement they are supportive of their son as long as it makes him happy.

Mr.Richmond"Son I hope you won't regret today's decision, I am happy for the man you have become and as usual your mother and I will always support you".