
Chapter 8

"I did not even lift a finger but it  seemed  like the heavens are on my  side. The heavens are definitely paying her for my patience.

So she cannot bear a child..mmh that is a good thing. At least there is still hope for my Justin.

she  wanted Justin to have it all

"Who does my useless brother think he is ?"  she thought as she laughed evilly  .She moved up and down as her brain comes up with numberless schemes.

"My dear don't stress yourself, calm down and think clearly. Remember how far we have come. Do not let  anger cloud your reasoning" her husband calmly comforted her as he handed her a glass of water.

"If she cannot carry the baby full term then it means they will be needing a surrogate. And if they need a surrogate we will provide them with one " her husband said .

Her eyes widened  with the sudden realization. She turned to her husband and gave him a wet kiss on his lips. He tried to deepen it but she pushed him away.

My dear you are one brilliant man and I love you for that.

Her husband grins like a lovestruck school boy.

"Now the ball is in my court. From tomorrow ,we will start scouting for a surrogate for my brother's son." her face grimaces evilly. .

"But dear wife, earlier on you went out of line with your words. I am sure Cleve and his little fiancée hate you now for scolding them that much "

"Don't underestimate me. I was doing it for my brother. I  had to make him see that I have his back. If I had sneered or laughed ,they would have thought I don't wish them well. Don't worry, even though I scolded them ,I know how to win back their trust. "she sounds sure of herself.

"I trust my tigress" he said in a soft voice ,trying to get into  her good books 

Maria walks to the bed and sat on it massaging her temples. Dion slowly approached and helped remove her sandals. Her feet looked swollen from all the stress of standing up.

"you shouldn't wear your heels for that long "his voice is filled with concern. Slowly he starts by massaging them starting from her toenails to  her knees.

Maria lets out a groan of satisfaction and leans back against the bed.

Seeing this ,her husband smiled and started kissing her ankle while murmuring sweet words to her.

He slowly moves to the bed and helps Maria sit up laying her head on his lap. In soft motions, he massages her hair while giving her soft moist pecks on her neck and ear lobe.

He sure knows her weak areas. Maria is so aroused and her erect  nipples are noticeable against the silk night ware she has on.

Looking at her he could feel blood rushing through his veins .Peeling off her clothing he leads  her to the bathtub  filled with flowers and essential oils.

Maria smiles and relaxes letting the hot steamy bath soothe her.

Her perfect body glowed under the candle lights making Dion want her even more.

With her wet blonde hair clinging to her skin and resting just below her nipples.

Dion's cock grows hard in his boxers and he could no longer hold it it.

 Quickly he stripped down and  got into the water sitting behind Maria

With his hard  cock pressing against her back Maria's stomach tightens to a know.

they have been married for over a decade but they have never grown tired of each other.

Maria lay her head on his chest  enjoying the warmth of his touch and caresses.

Lathering the sponge with soap he helped clean her back beautiful soft back while his other hand travelled to her breasts kneading and fondling them .

she gasps with excitement arching back to give him full access to her private region but seems like Dion is hellbent on making her wait.

Noticing her excitement and invitation his hand travels to her vagina that is dripping wet.He starts teasing her clit making her moan while calling him out.

"ooh yes,yes,right their baby,mmmh diooon'

her desire is building up

Dion rubs his fingers against her clit as he kisses and licks her collarbone

"swiry I want you to cum"his voice has grown deep and hoarse

"no hun I want you in me"she moans louder

he loves to hear her beg,it makes him feel good and in control.

Maria goes to the edge of the tub and slowly bent to allow her husband easier access. He slowly entered her and Maria gasped holding the tub tightly. she slowly began rotating  her hips, grinding herself against him. Dion drove himself harder into her. Maria increased her moans He slowly pumped allowing Maria to adjust her position to accommodate him fully. When she had finally relaxed, he started pumping slowly while increasing his pace. Maria could no longer take it and she moaned in pleasure.

He increases his pace, he fucks her rough and hard

please ,do it hard,faster,faster her voice is getting hoarse and loud.i'm getting close

this boosted her husbands ego and he held her shoulders while pumping her fast from behind 

maria felt surge of pleasure,releasing her body goes limp the bathtub

Dion is not close to be satisfied.He helps clean her tired body.

swiftly he carried her bridal style to their bed he dries her and blow  dries her damp hair.

thereafter he continued pleasuring and fucking her till he was satisfied.

It has been three days since Cleve informed his family of their plans.

they have carrying on with their daily activities as usual but the tension was still evident.

Though the family disagrees they can't help but think about their own well being.

After serious consideration the old madam gathers the family once again.

The room is all quiet,cold and tense. The tension was palpable that you could cut through the air with the knife.

With increased heart rate and feeling chills all of a sudden Aina tightens the grip on her fiancé's hand as his grandmother walks in.

Today of all days ,Cleve sees his grandmother in a different light. She looks rather old and weak.For a moment he feels bitter for burdening her with his problems.

For the time Aina has known cleve,his grandmother was the scariest of all family members. She avoided  her the most and incase they happened to meet along the corridors she might even suffer diarrhoea. 

Not being a prevaricator she goes straight to the point.

"Cleve, three days ago you came here with a proposition of getting the help of a surrogate.

I must say I wasn't and still am not happy about it .

In our a hundred year old history, this has never happened.

You might not know it but you mean much more to this family hence our expectations when it comes to you are much higher.

As your grandma I always want the best for you.

I have been thinking about it and I give you a go ahead but i pray that you won't regret the step you are about to take".

Hearing that Maria's face lits up though she masks it well

Her mind is already at it, putting her wicked plans in place.

His parents though unhappy can't help but be supportive of their son.

overjoyed he hugs his fiancée.

Aina is glad that they had agreed to this rather than him being advised to take another woman.

old Mrs. Cleve being the traditional lady she is, she had invited her grandson's in-laws.

Being  part of the family the issue affected them one way or the other  thus had to be informed on the recent development. 

Aina's mother breaks the silence after the old lady had taken her sit.

"I am happy that we have reached such an understanding as a family and as you know a family that values each other stays together.

As a mother there is nothing I want for my children other than their happiness.

When my daughter called me all teary and heartbroken my heart was shattered into pieces.

It took time and a lot of counselling to bring back the smile on her face. Although I know her heart is bruised and bleeding I am happy that you are taking good care of her.

As her mother I am happy to know that she is in good hands

my son,"she turns to Cleve who looks up attentively.

"for over six years you have been engaged to my lovely daughter.

and now that things have come to this, I want to know your plans for my daughter.

Turning to Cleve's mother

"my in-law you are a mother too and I know if Aina was your daughter you would want the same for her.

I am deeply worried about her. If word about this surrogacy gets out before they officiate their relationship tongues will start wagging and my daughter will  loose face.

please ma'am she goes into a kneeling position, save her face from embarrassment.

This past few weeks she had been crying herself to sleep.

Maria scoffs "crying herself to sleep my foot. She has been spending her time in this household and if that is the case Cleve would have noticed, we would have noticed"

Aina's mother can detect a trace of hatred in her voice, assuming she didn't hear her remarks she continues

"And as her mother I cannot bear to see her in such a state again. Cleve my son,Old Madam I beg of you officiate this relationship and save her some face.

Tongues are already wagging about her miscarriages she has had yet she is unmarried. If this has to happen then let it happen when they are already official".

Indirectly she is suggesting that Cleve's household should take responsibility.