
Chapter 7

Then there is Cleve's sister -Tasha.

She disapproves their relationship but as the good and supportive sister she is she has always stood by Cleve no matter the decision he makes.

Its not that she hates her but she dislikes or rather abhors her character. To her Aina comes across as a pretentious and mean woman who hides her true self behind the weak and gentle exterior.

She finds her an eyesore.

She remembers how she behaved like a shrew with Cleve's ex-girlfriend.She even had the guts to drug the young girl though when confronted she apologized and termed it as a prank gone wrong. Instead of making things right with the young lady she went ahead to taunt.

Her maniacal character further manifested itself when she scarred her arm and blamed it on Sonia, their   childhood friend.

Though vocal Sonia was a sweet girl.A lawyer at a young age and a zealous woman she often came across as intimidating.

Growing up she had always adored Cleve and had stuck to him like glue.

As a young girl he would chase him around whenever they came visiting. Its this bond that made her family try seeking a marriage alliance with Cleve's but Sonia held them back as Cleve seemed to see her as his little sister.

one particular evening Sonia was hanging out with Tasha 

Tasha "You should wear more of this instead of hiding this sexy and beautiful assets behind those baggy dress pants.

how I wish we could be more than sisters." she hugs her 

instead of my brother loving the most beautiful and strong woman I know he has eye on that fake flower vase

Sonia "Tasha shut up. Walls have ears you know, I would want to mean more to him but he doesn't see me in such a way." Tears glitters in her beautiful brown eyes but she fights them back.

It hurts to see him embrace that girl,seeing them kiss and do all that shatters her heart to a thousand pieces. She sighs dejectedly as she slumps her body to the queen bed.

unknown to them Aina who had come to fetch Tasha earlier had overheard their conversation.

She has never been comfortable with the Sonia girl being close to her boyfriend.

It vexed her seeing the way she looked at him longingly. Her desire for him was visible in those deep brown eyes. The way they talked about their childhood days and how she used to follow him around she feared that one day she might wake up to find Cleve in Sonia's arms.

Hearing her confession she came up with a plan to oust Sonia from their lives.

The plan was set in motion one particular night.

Cleve had a late meeting in his office .Having missed the family's dinner time his sister and Sonia had  stayed up late waiting for him as Sonia worked on the case she was to present the following day.

Cleve arrives  drenched in the rain.

As Tasha is setting the table Sonia offers to brew some chicken ginger soup, it is  Cleve's favorite.

Before she can serve it Aina walks in demanding for the soup.

Sonia is not someone that you can bully easily she takes her stance against Aina, hearing the scuffle, Cleve rushes in to find Aina holding her hand which has turned bright red.

Before Sonia can counter her claims, Cleve who has always protected her, who has never raised his hand against her, smacks her across the cheek leaving a huge ugly red print on her small round face.

Tasha and Sonia finds it unbelievable. He shows no sign of remorse.

Aina smiles, 'mission complete".

Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Khumbata are the best parents one could ask for.

To them Aina is a gorgeous girl from a good family,she met their expectations of their ideal daughter in law, calm patient and peaceful. They were always supportive of their children and offered them guidance where necessary.

They believed that they had done their part as parents in bringing up their children in the best way they knew so whatever decision they made they believed that Tasha and Cleve were mature enough to take responsibility.

To Cleve they are the best parents one could ever ask for. Whatever he had done so far ,is to bring honor and glory to them and if getting a child through a surrogate is going to stop the sneaky aunt of his from using his son to gain control of the family then so be it.

"Bam! "Madam Hitler slaps her hands on the table.

"Unbelievable, this is completely unacceptable. "She yells pointing her walking cane to Aina almost hitting her face with it.

"If she cannot hold a pregnancy that is her problem. I am not going to sit here and watch you waste your life away for a mere girl.There are many girls from good families who can sire you children.Are you going to look for a surrogate each time you want  a child?she knows what she did to her body,have you ever heard of a woman born with a weak womb?"

"Huh.she scoffs, you can lie to this brainless she points the cane to cleve,stupid grandson of mine but you can't lie to me.

Aina shrinks in Cleve's arms. Her tears are uncontrollable its like the R.Nile that has broken its banks.

"Cleve I didn't like this girl from the moment she set foot in this house, her eyes give her away. She is a fake and pretentious girl who is full of schemes.

Those are nothing but crocodile tears".Maria chimes in.

If you cannot bear a child make matters simple and walk out. Otherwise the prestigious Cleve Khumbata family cannot tolerate your barrenness.

You think you have Cleve wrapped around your small finger?dream on.

We all know what you did to your womb otherwise how can you explain it going weak all of a sudden?

Cleve you cannot marry this whore that has had countless abortions".

Maria has completely lost it.

Hearing that Aina's body tenses.

Tasha who had been watching the family drama sneers as she refills her glass with wine.

Who doesn't know. In a family like hers each person has his or her own selfish motive. Aunt Maria might be acting all riled up but she sees through her act.Grabbing the wine bottle she heads out.

She is disappointed in her brother. She knew he loved Aina or should she say he just loved her beautiful body.

she cannot deny the fact that Aina was well endowed but her brother to resolve to this she just cannot take it.

The last time she tried to separate them or show Aina's vicious and pretentious side, Cleve threatened to cut her allowance by half unless she apologized to her.

Aina turns to look at her mother in law but she turns away her head clearly avoiding her.

As much as she had been supportive if their relationship who says she will stand up for them in this. As a mother she wants nothing but the best for her son. But this is too much.

Her heart as a mother feels pricked,it is bleeding. 

Cleve's father had been a rock in this family.Very supportive and encouraging but now looking at him its like he has disappointed them. With his head bowed down it is hard to read his face.

His aunt continues ranting and mocking Aina non stop he wonders where she gets the energy from. Her lap dog does nothing but continuously refill her glass of water as though encouraging her to  continue barking.

Madam Hitler stands up with the support of her cane, and looks at her favorite grandson 

"I am deeply disappointed in you. Your grandfather will be turning in his grave.This lady is not suitable to stand as my grand daughter in law but since you consider yourself "the man" have it your way "with that she turns her tired old self and walks out. Justin runs after her, holding her hand as he supports her up the stairs.

Cleve curls his lip.

"my cousin is not that stupid after all.He couldn't wait for the perfect time to curry favor with my grandmother."

Justin turns back.

Their eyes lock and he gives him a contemptuous smile. It's like he is mocking him but Cleve takes it as though he is challenging him.

Justin as always lived under his shadow but of late he has been acting strange.

Seeing old madam leave the other family members follow suite.

The room that once was used for family meetings filled with sweet laughter and jokes now feels desolate, dark and cold.Its warmness and familial feeling has been lost.

Standing at the edge of the table Cleve looks lost, devastated is the right word. He had expected this from his family but seems like he underestimated the effect.

Running his fingers through his black curly hair it feels like the world is on his shoulders.