
Chapter 59

Gian is in his own world he stares at the beauty behind Lisa with his mouth agape, he is clearly drooling over her.

Maria looks at him worried that they have invited a pervet over, turning to look at Tasha she also looks at him stupefied. she stands their all smiles with a deep blush on her cheeks 

"do they know each other? "Maria wonders.

clearing his throat Dion takes the attention of everybody. "guys, he points to Tasha and Gian ,'do you know each other?"

"no ,yes" their answers are ambiguous 

"no yes which is which "Dion asks.

Tasha informs that they are online  partners and had invested in a gaming platform together.

" Is this why you were always lacking money? so your online boyfriend is real?"

"you knew" Tasha asks

Maria "of course, you are my daughter ,I practically raised you so nothing escapes my eye".

Brown who was breathing fire is stunned "and here I was thinking Gian will die a bachelor".

After settling down and everybody has calmed ,Maria tells the reason as to why she kidnapped Lisa.

"if you hadn't noticed ,you she points to brown ,you were being followed.".

"so you are the one who attacked me at my own home ?" the impatient brown asks ready to take Maria down even if she were a woman

"no, I didn't but if not for my interference your sister would have ended up in their arms. Ever since you reported to that hospital you had been under my surveillance .Not that I wanted to harm you but I was after your safety. That afternoon my men informed me of an anonymous person who was always on your back ,at first I thought its nothing so I didn't pay much attention however I got to learn of Aina's plan ,I asked my people to pay more attention to you ,that's the night you were attacked and they somehow found of your sisters' whereabouts .If not for me intercepting Lisa would have been a corpse by now, probably rotting up somewhere."

The temperature in the room drops ,a chill runs down Lisa's spine .

"where is this Aina woman and why is she so vicious to our sister?' Gian speaks after a long time

"Its a long story and we do not have time for that .At the moment we have pressing matters to attend to.one we need to stop Aina from throwing our family out of our ancestral home, second Lisa here should assume her real identity and take what rightfully belongs to her."

After going over the plan they split into two groups .

one consisting of Tasha, Maria and Gian goes to the Khumbatas' while Dion, Lisa, Brown and stone head to the Rou's.

Brown smiles all the way humming while rolling the lollypop in his mouth with his tongue," what a lovely day to mess around".

stone finds his unruly character even more charming

As Aina is busy giving orders the main gate opens and claps are heard.

" My dear Aina you did not invite me to this little show of yours, why ?' its Maria 

"ooh aunt Maria ,forgive my forgetfulness, you see I tend to remember only the relevant people." she smiles evilly

"ouch! ,Maria holds her chest, my feelings are hurt why are you so straightforward with your words?"

Tasha cannot help but laugh ,both Aina and Maria are so good with words that its so difficult to determine the smart one.

sensing more drama the old madam adjusts her sitting position. Its time to turn the tables she calls it the counter attack strategy .she had let Aina move first, placing herself at a disadvantage by exposing her strategy and limiting her options .When Madam Hitler had held back it gave her the  flexibility of launching a counter attack from any angle.

As she sips her herbal tea she lectures Aina. "Child you exposed yourself from the onset, you slapping your father showed your lack of manners and ethics -no parent should have a child like you, it would have been a mistake to let you marry into my family; you never took part in your mother's burial instead you married the day she was supposed to be buried ,this showed how selfish you were ;after marrying my grandson, you drugged him into signing those papers and you not only drugged my grandson once but you have been feeding him different types of ungodly things just to have him under your control ,Aina does that even make you a person?"

knowing that she has been exposed Aina doesn't hold back anymore ".so what old lady ,the end justifies the means ,at the end of the day I emerged the winner .I still get to own all his shares and properties above all I am the legal your madam of the family, here my saying goes".

old madam Hitler laughs while slapping her thigh till her eyes become watery." Aina you are still a child, you have learnt to lie too much that you yourself begun to believe in the lies you formulated. you were never married into my family.".

"yes I am", she pulls out the marriage certificate that she has safely tucked in her breast region .she kept it there just in case things didn't turn out the way she wanted she would still have claim to the Khumbata family.

seeing the document old madam laughs even harder

"Aina you are so stupid ,can't you tell that whatever is in your hand is all fake?"

Aina's smile turns ugly she doesn't want to believe it so she opens the document and reads it word by word letter by letter.

"old hag I think your brain is failing you ,see this she shakes it in front of her eyes its legit ,folding it she tucks it back inside her brazier, don't try to mess with my brains".

Tasha who had been enjoying seeing Aina this way steps forward". Aina your so called marriage certificate is nothing but a normal paper ,if you doubt me check if it has the water mark or better still why don't we call the official who officiated over your fake marriage"

"Tasha I know you hate me and you cannot help seeing me down but swiry things have changed around here ,if you had been nice to me I would have allowed you to stay in the servant quarters"

Hearing that, Tasha almost spats on her face but she controls herself." Aina why don't we verify if that marriage document is real or are you scared of what you may find?"

constantly provoked by Tasha she sends for the official from the registration bureau

as though he had been in line waiting he steps forward ,"there is no need to trouble yourself I am already here.

miss Aina, you have never been married and whatever document there is in your possession is just but fake"

Aina's mouth drops "what nonsense are you spouting? how much did they pay for ,I will double it".

comparing the real marriage certificate to the one in her possession she almost faints "why...why did you do that? I will sue you, i will make sure you pay for your treacherous act" she goes hysterical.

"why would he do that ?'its Maria time to be shocked. "Aina marriage is between two sane people something that isn't between you and Cleve you were the only sane one while Cleve followed you like some lunatic. you thought we couldn't find out that you had been drugging him ever since you realized you wouldn't bear a child? you think we couldn't have known or asked how the outstanding young master suddenly started behaving like a fool? Aina looks like a cat cut her tongue ."Aina if not for lack of evidence I would have you jailed".

"ooh what if there is evidence?" they turn to the source of the voice. Few meters away stands the young lady detective in the company of Taylor and four other officers

"Aina we never knew you were this shameless, you not only used drugs but you also killed your mother".

Aina sways sideways, it looks like she had been struck by lightening .

"you though we wouldn't find out? your mother's lover confessed everything to us ".

"don't trust that man he is a liar . " she screams at them

"ooh so you also know him ?Taylor finally speaks" Did you kill your own mother?"

Aina" Noooo ,I wouldn't dare they are all liars, this is  a conspiracy, that man is trying to pin the crime on me.".

Taylor shakes his head regretfully. "Aina I got suspicious of you the moment I returned .you not wanting to participate in your mothers burial, were you afraid her ghost will haunt you? you slapping me and distorting the facts to make me look like a bad guy. Dear daughter ,you even smeared my name in front of your in-laws. who does that Aina?"

"I never did any of that? you are all lying she tries to justify herself 

"ooh yes you did, its you who made me lose it all. if not for you my family wouldn't have been brought to its knees." Anya walks in with a gun in her hand. "you lied to me and used me, you and your mother, you even lied to my father?" she points the gun in her hand to Aina threatening to shoot.

all the people present take cover, nobody wants to depart from this world earlier than planned.

"Anya what has come over you, I am still your friend Aina, your sister. Put the gun back and lets talk about this. They are trying to turn us against each other .Remember who stood by you when others labelled you a bastard, I did" mentioning the past, Anya starts to lower her guard but sill stands her ground with the gun pointed to Aina

" Did you kill your mother? Aina's eyes twitch

Anya" Aina if you have the guts to kill your mother how sure am I  that you can't fuck me up? Do you know why I came here? As my friend can't you ask why?"

Aina asks the reason for Miss .Rou's visit

"Apparently ,I am not the real Miss .Rou. The real young miss of the Rou's is back" .Anya says as her hands shake with anger.

'Impossible !" Aina blurts it out. "she died a long time ago, did you see her ghost?"

all the people present hold their breaths ,does it mean that she killed the real miss Rou too?'

"do ghosts make things move?' a loud voice is heard from the entrance. She looks tall, radiant and more charming than she can remember ,"how is it possible?" Aina thinks loudly" YOU,WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?"

'ou Aina- the slayer as you called yourself, you thought I was dead?  well well see who has been raised from the dead ,its me Melissa Grace Rou, surprised?".

Aina rubs her eyes ,hoping that its all no true.

Looking at her stomach her heart sinks" It can't be her, no this isn't true" she lunges at Lisa but Gian restrains her.

In the company of Dion ,Brown and Stone ,Lisa looks untouchable. Behind them, the old Rou is wheeled in accompanied by his wife whose appearance looks disheveled ,they are closely guarded by three officers of the law.

Aina looks like a dog that has been rained on, seeing that Anya is distracted she lunges herself to her trying to snatch the gun away.

The more they struggle the more dangerous it gets. in the struggle Aina digs her teeth to Anya's bottom lip tearing part of it.

Distracted she releases the grip on the gun holding onto her lips ,feeling the loosely hanging torn part she screams like some maniac.

Aina takes the opportunity to snatch the gun away from her.

laughing hysterically she points it to Lisa who is hiding behind Gian's back.

"hey baby girl step out, so all this time you were the mysterious woman who stole my man's sperm? you are like a cat with nine lives but today is my luck day if I go down be sure I wouldn't leave you standing." Seeing Gian is holding her back, he shots his calf area.

This makes Lisa to step forward with her hands raised." Aina put the gun down ,lets talk about this" she states calmly but cannot hide the nervousness in her voice.

"talk this calmly ,Aina laughs how do you expect to talk this calmly. You are carrying my man's baby after stealing his sperm do you expect me to shake hands and toast to it? Okay then, if you want to talk about this I want you to sign an agreement stating that you are just a surrogate to that baby and as a surrogate you will hand it over to me once its born. can you do that?" her condition is overbearing and she knows it.

As a lawyer Gian cannot allow it to happen." Aina whatever you are saying doesn't make sense ,she isn't your surrogate and if a mistake was made that blame entirely lies with the Miadele Hospital ,so you have no right to make any demands." 

shaking the gun violently to his face," yes I do, know why? because she is a surrogate" Aina has completely lost it. It was shocking enough to know that the person she distasted the most is still alive but to make it worse she was carrying the highly anticipated baby thus her brain had gone into shock.

Aina is full of calculations. she know if she gets her hand on that baby, she can still have the khumbatas in her palm.

As Lisa steps forward Aina sizes her up, is it a boy or a girl?" she asks

" i haven't found out yet" Lisa answers

she sneers" whatever ,at the moment even a girl can do". she has already decided that she is getting that baby.

when the Khumbatas see the kind of person they had invited into their own home they cannot help but feel like slapping themselves. She is a nut case.  

Tired of watching the drama ,Lola jumps to Aina ,she is ready to tackle her. Feeling the movement Aina's finger is already on the trigger.

Faced with the gun Lola doesn't flinch but rather moves forward not caring of what would happen to her

Aina shoots but misses the second bullet hits Lola's shoulder .Aina thought that this could make her back off but she was wrong. Lola is a woman who had seen it all.

Before Lola can get to her she turns to fire at Lisa but she is surprised to see Cleve in front of her. Her face contorts in anger ,he even took a bullet for her.

Not long Lola subdues her ,she cannot let her go without making her taste her fists after all she had always wanted to do it.

After sufficient evidence to prove how old Rou connived with his driver to drug and later murder his first wife ,Lisa's nanny, and the fact that he forged documents to give him access to Grace's assets ,he was found guilty and convicted to sixteen years in prison. For a man who paid extra attention to his looks he looked as though he had aged overnight.

Mrs. Rou and her daughter being accomplices they weren't left out. though their sentence was lighter ,they had already lost face in society thus even if they managed to come out soon or later they wouldn't have a place to hide .To the society they were labelled the mistress and her dog.

Miss Aina's case was the worst. when Cleve got to know that she was bisexual ,frequently visited strip clubs and had connived with Cleo- heir to their rival company to steal the Skylar project proposal he felt like strangling her with his bare hands .He wondered what sort of person he had gotten himself entangled with, she was not only a drug addict but also the reason for his break up with Lisa.

he felt sorry for himself for being used as her puppet that he almost fell out with his family.

Aina after being sentenced to over thirty years she wouldn't take the fact that she would grown old in prison thus when under escort by the prison guards she snatched one officers' s gun and blew her brains out. she was vicious even to her own self.

Being  her father ,Taylor had already forgotten that he had a daughter but still had to do his duty of burying her body.

At first Lisa wasn't happy that she was carrying her ex's seed. With all that had happened Brown and Gian came to understand the man who Lisa never talks of was the father of her child. To them destiny has a way of bringing two lovers and souls back together.

Having heard of their break up story ,they decided they wouldn't just dash their sister to him like that, they were going to give him double trouble.