
Chapter 53.

Brown doesn't spare him face at all" I would have said nice to see you too but seeing the way you ere wagging your tail at my fiancé made me think otherwise".

Stone cannot help but feel sad for the lab guy. she jabs brown's chest.

her action invites a glare from Brown who asks her if she wants to go with him or continues being with the other guy.

He was hoping that she would have stood up for him but seeing she would rather go with brown than being with him its like the flame in his heart had been extinguished.

he is left standing their like a fool.

"Brown how is your sister? " Stone asks as she hooks her arm around Brown's.

"she is doing great, her baby bump is growing big and big each passing day, for a three month pregnancy it looks like its five months already."He gladly informs her.

seeing the way his eyes twinkle at the mention of his sister's pregnancy she can tell that he love babies. Knowing how precious his sister is to him she offers to be her gynecologist till she delivers safely.

As they head to doctor stone's office stone briefs him of the recent happenings and development.

Palming her forehead", I would have forgotten some guys came here two days ago asking of your whereabouts".

Brown freezes, a cold chill runs down his spine almost numbing him. 

"Did they specifically say they wanted to see me? were they patients?" He asks 

Stone" Noo i doubt they were patients ,they didn't look like it.  However doctor chichi she was the one who handled them so she might have more information regarding them".

being a friend of chichi she opens her office as though its her own house .the intern who is busy keeping records looks up only to be met by the handsome face of the person she has been dreaming of.

with her sweetest smile she walks to him

"welcome sir, she tries to keep her voice calm and gentle as much as possible," how can I help you today?" to her doctor stone doesn't even exist.

not interested in her coquettish act he asks for Chichi's whereabouts 

the sound of his deep and manly voice makes her almost fall down. She blushes as she tugs her hair strands playing with the fringe like some school girl.

stone finds her behavior an eye sore," hey ,she claps her hands to her face ,"is doctor chichi around?"

the intern "no ma'am , I mean yes ". 

stone ',which one is no and yes"

Before the intern can construct a meaningful sentence chichi walks in.

the intern almost cries when she realizes his dream man is in love with stone, even if she were to fight for him she is way below doctor stone's league.

faced with the question of the strange man who was asking for Brown, Chichi's expression changes." Brown are you in some kind of trouble?"

Her question doesn't surprise Brown but he has to act the part, if only they knew how much shit he was in they wouldn't dare ask." why would you say that ,who was it that was asking about me?" He asks

Chichi " it was a man and a woman ,however the woman looked to be the one in charge".

Brown" A woman looking for me? he looks at his girlfriend ,did they tell you what they wanted from me?"

Chichi ",she is not just your typical day to day woman, she is an ex military official, her name is Lola and works for Richmond Khumbata".

" Richmond Khumbata? Is he associated to the Khumbatas?" Brown asks

when chichi confirms it, now Brown has a reason to be worried

Stone ",Brown do you know the Khumbatas ? "

" I don't know them on a personal level however the family is well known everywhere, they are a rich famous and influential family. Their interest in me makes me wonder what they would want from a mere doctor like me?" Brown is getting anxious about this, if they managed to find him how long would it take for them to track the whereabouts of his sister?

chichi continues ",she never disclosed any information to me however she was very discreet ,its like she never wanted people to know that she came around. Her questions made me remember about the client from three months ago by the name Cleve Khumbata ,the one who his sperm was misplaced".

Brown who had been trying acting all calm looses his composure ."Did you tell him anything about me?" .His voice is shaky 

Chichi defends herself ",what should I have told her ? Brown I  don't even know where you stay, I just promised to give her a call once you come around".

seeing brown all flustered chichi cannot help but ask if he knows anything about the lost sperm?

he almost spats the water he was drinking. "why would you think I might know anything about that?

I wasn't even the attending doctor." The stance he takes makes him look doubtful. Chichi can tell that something is off but she cannot place a finger on it. why would the Khumbatas send a highly skilled official to make enquiries about Brown. In a facility of more than one hundred doctors and workers why Brown? Sizing him up ,chichi can smell his fear from a distance.

"Brown if you need my help let me know ,I am always here for you not because you are my colleague but on the account of my best friend stone and what she feels for you." She advices like stone's elder sister.

Not able to stomach it all brown excuses himself ,if he continues to stay here any longer he fears Chichi my unearth his secret. 

outside he calls his sister his constant calls and the questions he is asking are making her feel that all is not well.

she had been observing Gian closely but he didn't seem to be in trouble or worried about the so called baby mama, he was too calm for a wanted man.

him installing surveillance footage, paying a guard to watch her house and not permitting her to step out alone had all began making her feel like a prisoner in her own home.

she would have believed Brown's explanation but she once overheard his conversation with Gian whereby he mentioned a sperm of some rich young scion that got lost in the Miadele laboratory.

not thinking it was anything much or it didn't matter to her she just brushed it off as some gossip.

"sis are you okay ,is everything alright where are you at the moment he fires a string of questions to her" from his words she can tell he is anxious but from what?

from the other end of the line a laughter is heard ".Brown why do you sound so tense did anything happen? "she asks .

Hearing him deny everything her heart sinks, she would have loved it if Brown would stop keeping her in the dark.

"make sure that you stay indoors ,don't go anywhere and if there is anything you need just tell me or Gian and we will have it delivered" .He makes it sound as though something major is about to happen. she wants to ask some more questions but decides against it ,if he isn't willing to share what's bothering him then she would rather behave as though she is unaware till the time Brown dim fit to open up. shrugging her shoulders she returns the phone to the table.

Before she can pour herself a glass ,the kitchen window is hit. startled her heart almost stops beating

the shattering glass window brings her back to her senses .on the floor lies a small stone with a piece of paper tied to it with a string.

with trembling hands she unwraps the piece of paper ." Hello" is what is written ,the handwriting looks badly scribbled like a Childs'.

Shivering, scared and almost out of breath she rings brown but he doesn't pick up.

she tries Gian's number and he picks at the second ring.

scared that the person might still be lurking around she tiptoes to the bedroom and tightly bolts the door behind her before settling herself in the bathroom. she is sure that by the time the intruder thinks of looking in the bathroom Gian would have already arrived.

Gian doesn't take time before arriving at the house. But before he walks in he scouts the place looking for any suspects.

contrary to what he was expecting he encounters young boys who are scribbling some notes and throwing the randomly to see whose throw is the fastest and goes further.

Having met his probable suspects he questions them one after the other and warns them about throwing things to people's windows.

In the bathroom ,she has gone ghastly pale and is breathing irregularly for the fear of making noise.

she does not believe that it was a child's play to resulted to her current state. To reassure her Gian has to confirm whether the person she suspected is still in prison.

Hearing that he is serving a seventy year sentence she heaves a sigh of relief but is no longer comfortable with staying by herself so Gian relocates her to his place.

its a small penthouse in the outskirts of town.

Having left Chichi's office in a hurry ,Stone has to run after him .She finds his behavior weird and inappropriate.

Once she catches up with him she fires him a string of questions." Brown seeing you act this way I am tempted to believe you know something about the missing sperm. Come to think of it is  that why you wanted me to accompany you to the laboratory? is there something that you are not telling me?"

Brown tries to maintain his smile but it feels like his facial muscles are hurting from the fake smiling.

Blocking him off and arms akimbo ' Brown, what's really happening? whatever it is you can count me in, is it something to do with your sister?" she cannot help asking because whenever anything related to her was brought up Brown would either walk off or switch to another topic.

"its just that she was sold off as a slave at a very young age and I am worried that those people might still be after her "Brown answers

hands on he mouth "ooh my God!" never in her wildest dreams could she have imagined that the ever bright looking and jovial sister of her boyfriend had such a gruesome past.

"is that the reason as to why you suddenly moved, are they after her" she asks ,she had clearly bought his explanation.

he nods not wanting to let her in on the truth fully half truths are better than nothing and going by doctor stone's nature she can never stop asking till her curiosity is fed.

Knowing how big his problem is she offers to help him by linking him with one of her friends from the federal government but he cannot allow it to happen lest she stumbles on something more big than the half truth he just told her.

cupping her face he looks at her with a feeling of gratefulness.

" I appreciate your concern for me and my sister but I don't want to involve you in this, this people are well organized, well connected and very dangerous if they get to know  about you I am scared of what they might do".

" but let me help you even a little bit" she is a persistent little woman

he wants to reject her offer but remembers she said she has a government connection.

The worst revenge is the one you have no idea of, for a proud man there is nothing as scarier as not knowing why you are being targeted and who is targeting you.so thinking about it he decides to make papa's life in prison more exciting.