
Chapter 33

unconsciously they both look at their sister.

she glances at her flat tummy.

Her heartbeat almost stops, unconsciously she wipes off the imaginary sweat droplets on her forehead.


Jeez! nothing ,why do you seem all worked up. Ins't it a little bit too earlier for your hormones to start acting up.

Brown steps his foot.

Ouch ! Brown mind your long legs ,why do you wanna spoil my outfit?'

Brown palms his forehead ,he is such a blabber mouth

"Dr.Stone what disorder might he be suffering from ,for a man he sure talks too much". 

"what do you want to confirm gender?" he makes a point of unzipping his trousers.

"Goodness Gian can't you take a simple joke, are you such a nutcase?"

he smiles evilly "don't you dare me when you know how low I can go".

"My love don't be sad,if they don't want to see your cute big and scary monster ,I am interested".

the lady from earlier walks in swaying her hips casually yet provocatively.

sipping Gian's glass of juice "for a man you sure have a weird taste. Raising her eye ,are you even one?

"lady are you doubting me?"

"what if I am are you gonna prove it?' she winks at him

too late he had fallen into her trap

sitting on his lap he trails her fingers to his zip tracing the outline

Gian feels his whole body tense, a thin layer of sweat forms on his back.

"c..a..can you pleease get of me ",he is struggling to breath

"sure" she rises up but not without gliding her bottom on his lap .

almost biting his ear,"I love the size "

a deep blush creeps up his cheek.

as though released from captivity he takes a deep breath while gulping down the glass of juice

His friends stare at him with amusement written all over their faces.

Though the lady is simply outrageous they love her guts.

"aren't we gonna leave or are you planning to sleep in?"

he pushes his chair back

"bro are you sure you want to leave like that ?"he points to his trousers 

looking at them  a huge bulge catches his eyes .Holy moly! he covers it with the table napkin

how dare she!

"are you angry or happy? and here I was thinking you were gay or something

so the little Johnny does function. You and your  mysterious young miss are a perfect match.

her shamelessness matches yours.am sure you are meant for each other. To have the ability to revive the once lying dead soldier ,I salute her".

they burst into laughter

"a dead soldier indeed if aunt gets to hear this she will arrange your marriage to her as early as yesterday"

"you know what will be more funny!"

"what! '

"you being inseminated with the lost sperm".

his remarks make her turn pale all of a sudden

a certain unknown fear tugs at her heartstrings .if it really happens will it mean that she will lose her baby

that her struggle and sacrifice will all be for nothing.

seeing her look like a dead person he bursts into a boisterous laughter .

"but it won't be that bad, at least your future will be made. Imagine being the daughter in- law to such kind of family,

them looking for a surrogate only means one thing, they love their son a lot and the probability of him being the only son is very high ,else why would they create such a ruckus.

maybe he is from those families that require the woman to conceive first before she gets married into their family .If that's the case then you stand a better chance of being the only legimate wife.

Assuming it happens, you shouldn't sell yourself short .make the baby your bargaining chip ,say if they want their heir you have to be legally married and recognized  by the society.

I know how this rich families work, if you don't gain your foothold earlier or state your stand you will be nothing but their puppet.

I hope you won't forget your loyal brothers when fate smiles at you"

looking down he is only greeted by the empty chairs 


Ever since her maniacal outburst she has been grounded 

Mrs. su goes on with her daily activities unconcerned about her emotional and mental well being.As long as her housekeeper has cooked and cleaned before her she assumes that's all she needs.

Su wasn't particularly that kind of woman who would be called a wonderful loving and caring mother.

when other women were busy nursing their little ones, she was busy attending fashion weeks and shopping around town with her unmarried group of rich mistresses

it was the nanny who practically raised her little girl.

"Mother for how long are you gonna keep me locked up?

Don't you think you are overdoing it?

"Am I ? she taps her chin as though in deep thought

with what you did I think I should reconsider my priorities and the options am left with.

you simply placed everything I have worked hard for at stake

how am I gonna face Mr. Richmond ?"

"Aah mama ,stop exaggerating. I was protecting what belongs to me.

how would you feel if the man you love is slipping away?"

"You even have a justification

My dear are you aware that your so called friend tried to have her way with him"

"What!!that sounds preposterous mother."

''What Is impossible, you think you are the only shameless one ?not only is your position at stake but you might be ousted out once Cleve finds the woman whose sperms was inseminated into her

Her whole body goes tense

"This cannot happen I am the true Mrs. Cleve no one should have that place"

"hahaahaaa you even call yourself Mrs. Cleve, pinching her chin sweetheart you are still so naïve" 

in her absence Aina sneaks in to her mother's room

she needs to get out of this place, if what her mother said is true then Miss Rou is in for a big shock.

she throws her things randomly eventually emptying her huge wardrobe

determined she turns the room upside down 

"where could the damn key be?" on her knees she checks under the bed

a brown string is carefully stuffed into the corner of the bed 

she pulls it, her mother is a control freak with detail to everything. her clothes have never been mended so what's with the string. pulling it a small key drops.

she picks it in haste

it looks too old like from the seventies.

she goes through the room determined to find its lock

the door clicks open she freezes 

"Aina what are you doing in my room?"

she tries to hide the paper cuts and an old picture but the eagle eye of her mother never misses a thing

"hand them over Aina"

she looks angry and her hands are already shaking.

she hides the stuff behind her back

"Aina i will only ask you this once, pass that to me"

"no..not unless you tell me what is really going on

what's your end goal?,

all this while have we been living in your lies?"

"its not what you think Aina for your own good you need to pass them to me"

"else what? "she takes the stance of an angry lioness.

laughing dryly "am gonna walk up to Cleve and..."

Aina covers her mouth dropping the items.

in an instant she grabs them while wrestling her daughter for the key

"and next time learn to mind your own affairs " she turns to her wardrobe

" you too ,next time learn to take your advice". she hits the back of her neck making her fall down unconscious.

she tries to open her eyes but they feel heavy

she groans touching the back of her head she feels a cold fluid 

"Aina what have you done?'

"nothing out of the ordinary ,that's just but a superficial wound it will heal in no time".

she pulls her chair closer as she splashes cold water on her face

"there there, now we can talk like two grown women"

"Aina don't you think you are carrying this too far am still your mother remember"

she scoffs "it never occurred to you I was your daughter when you were keeping such stuff from me

tell me how were you planning to use them? to get me out of the way and be with Richmond?"

"Aina! have some manners

"ooh please mother manners is what you never taught me or have you forgotten?"

she tightens the knot on her legs'' I hope your bursitis doesn't kill you before the real fun begins"

tying her hands to the window .taking advantage of her position she bites her ear and spits out the blood

"aaaaggggh you old witch " she slaps her face till it turns beetroot red

"how dare you little bitch" she spats on her face

wiping off the saliva she stomps on her knees making her wail like an animal.

"that's for disrespecting me "

"Aren't you scare of what your father might do if he  learns about this..

"Huh! have you lived a lie all this while that you have started believing it?

What father are you referring to

I don't wanna end up us you

Bitter lonely and vengeful old woman."

"You insolent wh*** how  dare you talk to me like that?

"they say truth is bitter dearest mother.

Do you still count yourself among the married women?

A man that is always out how do you explain? and you here you are busy frolicking and spending money on the little boys old enough to be your sons"

"So what, its my life how dare you judge me do you think you are any good than me? you are nothing but a whore the only difference between us is the level of your shamelessness 

you are still the whore that have worked all my life for ,without me how far do you think you can go?"

"Do you wanna see how far I can go?''

Realizing she is not in her right frame of mind she tries begging

if that is the only way to escape the maniac of a daughter then so be it

"Swiry I know I have let you down countless times but we all make mistakes. Remember how I helped you with cleve.we still have important matters to deal with like your fake friend and lost sperm.To error is human my dear".

she sounds pitiful enough that Aina almost believes but seeing the wicked glint in her eyes she stomps on her knees some more

"aaahhhh" The pain is too excruciating." you slut I should have killed you when I had the chance "

Hahahaaaaaa her laughter is maniacal sending chills down su's spine

"Let me off moron do you realize am your mother?

"Now you call yourself my mother? aren't you happy on the masterpiece you created "she injects her toes with some heroine 

"surprised? horrified ?this is what your numerous boyfriends did to me

You even let them fuck me "

Her face turns ghastly pale

"What you feel like throwing up? do I disgust you?"

She looks at her watch anxiously

"My dear am still your mother whatever it is we can talk about it must you bundle me up"

"Shut up...m trying to think

Have you noticed that Cleve hasn't called me this past few days"

Mrs. Su hangs her head low

"You look guilt pinching her chin did you do something bad, did he call and you never told me?"

"No baby I wouldn't do that " her body is shivering not from coldness but by the fear her daughter has instilled in her.

She looks like a thug

"Aina this is not you this is not my daughter" she gnats her teeth in pain 

the sound of a cocking gun is heard, Mrs. su 's eyes bulge out

"Tadaa !never saw this coming didn't you? She surges  with uncontrollable and absurd laughter.

seeing it she pees in her panties,

Aina you have lost your mind .she looks like a complete deranged  person

"Yes I have her eyes are already bloodshot red, and know what it feels like heaven,

wanna taste how it feels like" she drags her to the bathroom amidst her endless protests that fall on deaf ears.

with no feeling of empathy her screams and resistance make her even more excited.